
1487 lines
58 KiB
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// This file is part of Glest (
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Martiño Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#include "path_finder.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include "config.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "unit.h"
#include "unit_type.h"
#include "platform_common.h"
#include "command.h"
#include "faction.h"
#include "randomgen.h"
#include "leak_dumper.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Shared::Graphics;
using namespace Shared::Util;
using namespace Shared::PlatformCommon;
using Shared::Util::RandomGen;
namespace Glest{ namespace Game{
// =====================================================
// class PathFinder
// =====================================================
// ===================== PUBLIC ========================
const int PathFinder::maxFreeSearchRadius = 10;
//const int PathFinder::pathFindNodesMax= 400;
int PathFinder::pathFindNodesAbsoluteMax = 900;
int PathFinder::pathFindNodesMax = 2000;
const int PathFinder::pathFindRefresh = 10;
const int PathFinder::pathFindBailoutRadius = 20;
const int PathFinder::pathFindExtendRefreshForNodeCount = 25;
const int PathFinder::pathFindExtendRefreshNodeCountMin = 40;
const int PathFinder::pathFindExtendRefreshNodeCountMax = 40;
PathFinder::PathFinder() {
for(int i = 0; i < GameConstants::maxPlayers; ++i) {
2010-09-07 23:01:22 +02:00
int PathFinder::getPathFindExtendRefreshNodeCount(int factionIndex) {
int refreshNodeCount = factions[factionIndex].random.randRange(PathFinder::pathFindExtendRefreshNodeCountMin,PathFinder::pathFindExtendRefreshNodeCountMax);
return refreshNodeCount;
PathFinder::PathFinder(const Map *map) {
for(int i = 0; i < GameConstants::maxPlayers; ++i) {
2010-09-07 23:01:22 +02:00
void PathFinder::init(const Map *map) {
PathFinder::pathFindNodesMax = Config::getInstance().getInt("MaxPathfinderNodeCount",intToStr(PathFinder::pathFindNodesMax).c_str());
for(int i = 0; i < GameConstants::maxPlayers; ++i) {
factions[i].useMaxNodeCount = PathFinder::pathFindNodesMax;
this->map= map;
PathFinder::~PathFinder() {
for(int i = 0; i < GameConstants::maxPlayers; ++i) {
2010-09-07 23:01:22 +02:00
void PathFinder::clearUnitPrecache(Unit *unit) {
factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedTravelState[unit->getId()] = tsImpossible;
void PathFinder::removeUnitPrecache(Unit *unit) {
if(factions.size() > unit->getFactionIndex()) {
if(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedTravelState.find(unit->getId()) != factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedTravelState.end()) {
if(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedPath.find(unit->getId()) != factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedPath.end()) {
TravelState PathFinder::findPath(Unit *unit, const Vec2i &finalPos, bool *wasStuck, int frameIndex) {
2010-09-07 23:01:22 +02:00
if(map == NULL) {
throw runtime_error("map == NULL");
if(frameIndex >= 0) {
2010-11-09 10:06:52 +01:00
// if(frameIndex != factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].lastFromToNodeListFrame) {
// if(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].mapFromToNodeList.size() > 0) {
// printf("clear duplicate list = %lu for faction = %d frameIndex = %d\n",factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].mapFromToNodeList.size(),unit->getFactionIndex(),frameIndex);
// factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].mapFromToNodeList.clear();
// }
// factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].lastFromToNodeListFrame = frameIndex;
// }
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch).enabled == true && frameIndex < 0) {
char szBuf[4096]="";
sprintf(szBuf,"[findPath] unit->getPos() [%s] finalPos [%s]",
2010-11-09 10:06:52 +01:00
//route cache
if(finalPos == unit->getPos()) {
if(frameIndex < 0) {
//if arrived
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPathFinder).enabled == true) {
string commandDesc = "none";
Command *command= unit->getCurrCommand();
if(command != NULL && command->getCommandType() != NULL) {
commandDesc = command->getCommandType()->toString();
char szBuf[1024]="";
sprintf(szBuf,"State: arrived#1 at pos: %s, command [%s]",finalPos.getString().c_str(),commandDesc.c_str());
return tsArrived;
UnitPathInterface *path= unit->getPath();
if(path->isEmpty() == false) {
if(dynamic_cast<UnitPathBasic *>(path) != NULL) {
//route cache
UnitPathBasic *basicPath = dynamic_cast<UnitPathBasic *>(path);
Vec2i pos= basicPath->pop(frameIndex < 0);
if(map->canMove(unit, unit->getPos(), pos)) {
if(frameIndex < 0) {
return tsMoving;
else if(dynamic_cast<UnitPath *>(path) != NULL) {
UnitPath *advPath = dynamic_cast<UnitPath *>(path);
//route cache
Vec2i pos= advPath->peek();
if(map->canMove(unit, unit->getPos(), pos)) {
if(frameIndex < 0) {
return tsMoving;
else {
throw runtime_error("unsupported or missing path finder detected!");
if(path->isStuck() == true && unit->getLastStuckPos() == finalPos &&
unit->isLastStuckFrameWithinCurrentFrameTolerance() == true) {
//printf("$$$$ Unit STILL BLOCKED for [%d - %s]\n",unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str());
return tsBlocked;
TravelState ts = tsImpossible;
//route cache miss
int maxNodeCount=-1;
if(unit->getUsePathfinderExtendedMaxNodes() == true) {
const bool showConsoleDebugInfo = Config::getInstance().getBool("EnablePathfinderDistanceOutput","false");
if(showConsoleDebugInfo || SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) {
printf("\n\n\n\n### Continued call to AStar with LARGE maxnodes for unit [%d - %s]\n\n",unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str());
maxNodeCount= PathFinder::pathFindNodesAbsoluteMax;
ts = aStar(unit, finalPos, false, frameIndex, maxNodeCount);
//post actions
switch(ts) {
case tsBlocked:
case tsArrived:
// The unit is stuck (not only blocked but unable to go anywhere for a while)
// We will try to bail out of the immediate area
if( ts == tsBlocked && unit->getInBailOutAttempt() == false &&
path->isStuck() == true) {
//printf("$$$$ Unit START BAILOUT ATTEMPT for [%d - %s]\n",unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str());
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch).enabled == true && frameIndex < 0) {
char szBuf[4096]="";
sprintf(szBuf,"[attempting to BAIL OUT] finalPos [%s] ts [%d]",
if(wasStuck != NULL) {
*wasStuck = true;
bool useBailoutRadius = Config::getInstance().getBool("EnableBailoutPathfinding","true");
if(useBailoutRadius == true) {
bool unitImmediatelyBlocked = false;
// First check if unit currently blocked all around them, if so don't try to pathfind
const bool showConsoleDebugInfo = Config::getInstance().getBool("EnablePathfinderDistanceOutput","false");
const Vec2i unitPos = unit->getPos();
int failureCount = 0;
int cellCount = 0;
for(int i = -1; i <= 1; ++i) {
for(int j = -1; j <= 1; ++j) {
Vec2i pos = unitPos + Vec2i(i, j);
if(pos != unitPos) {
bool canUnitMoveToCell = map->aproxCanMove(unit, unitPos, pos);
if(canUnitMoveToCell == false) {
unitImmediatelyBlocked = (failureCount == cellCount);
//if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 1) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] **Check if dest blocked, distance for unit [%d - %s] from [%s] to [%s] is %.2f took msecs: %lld unitImmediatelyBlocked = %d, failureCount = %d\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str(), unitPos.getString().c_str(), finalPos.getString().c_str(), dist,(long long int)chrono.getMillis(),unitImmediatelyBlocked,failureCount);
if(showConsoleDebugInfo && unitImmediatelyBlocked) {
printf("**Check if src blocked [%d], unit [%d - %s] from [%s] to [%s] unitImmediatelyBlocked = %d, failureCount = %d [%d]\n",
unitImmediatelyBlocked, unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str(), unitPos.getString().c_str(), finalPos.getString().c_str(), unitImmediatelyBlocked,failureCount,cellCount);
// if(unitImmediatelyBlocked == false) {
// // First check if final destination blocked
// failureCount = 0;
// cellCount = 0;
// for(int i = -1; i <= 1; ++i) {
// for(int j = -1; j <= 1; ++j) {
// Vec2i pos = finalPos + Vec2i(i, j);
// if(pos != finalPos) {
// bool canUnitMoveToCell = map->aproxCanMove(unit, pos, finalPos);
// if(canUnitMoveToCell == false) {
// failureCount++;
// }
// cellCount++;
// }
// }
// }
// unitImmediatelyBlocked = (failureCount == cellCount);
// if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 1) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] **Check if dest blocked, distance for unit [%d - %s] from [%s] to [%s] is %.2f took msecs: %lld unitImmediatelyBlocked = %d, failureCount = %d\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str(), unitPos.getString().c_str(), finalPos.getString().c_str(), dist,(long long int)chrono.getMillis(),unitImmediatelyBlocked,failureCount);
// if(showConsoleDebugInfo && nodeLimitReached) {
// printf("**Check if dest blocked [%d - %d], unit [%d - %s] from [%s] to [%s] distance %.2f took msecs: %lld unitImmediatelyBlocked = %d, failureCount = %d [%d]\n",
// nodeLimitReached, inBailout, unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str(), unitPos.getString().c_str(), finalPos.getString().c_str(), dist,(long long int)chrono.getMillis(),unitImmediatelyBlocked,failureCount,cellCount);
// }
// }
if(unitImmediatelyBlocked == false) {
int tryRadius = factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].random.randRange(0,1);
// Try to bail out up to PathFinder::pathFindBailoutRadius cells away
if(tryRadius > 0) {
for(int bailoutX = -PathFinder::pathFindBailoutRadius; bailoutX <= PathFinder::pathFindBailoutRadius && ts == tsBlocked; ++bailoutX) {
for(int bailoutY = -PathFinder::pathFindBailoutRadius; bailoutY <= PathFinder::pathFindBailoutRadius && ts == tsBlocked; ++bailoutY) {
const Vec2i newFinalPos = finalPos + Vec2i(bailoutX,bailoutY);
bool canUnitMove = map->canMove(unit, unit->getPos(), newFinalPos);
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch).enabled == true && frameIndex < 0) {
char szBuf[4096]="";
sprintf(szBuf,"[attempting to BAIL OUT] finalPos [%s] newFinalPos [%s] ts [%d] canUnitMove [%d]",
if(canUnitMove) {
//printf("$$$$ Unit BAILOUT(1) ASTAR ATTEMPT for [%d - %s] newFinalPos = [%s]\n",unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str(),newFinalPos.getString().c_str());
int maxBailoutNodeCount = (PathFinder::pathFindBailoutRadius * 2);
ts= aStar(unit, newFinalPos, true, frameIndex, maxBailoutNodeCount);
else {
for(int bailoutX = PathFinder::pathFindBailoutRadius; bailoutX >= -PathFinder::pathFindBailoutRadius && ts == tsBlocked; --bailoutX) {
for(int bailoutY = PathFinder::pathFindBailoutRadius; bailoutY >= -PathFinder::pathFindBailoutRadius && ts == tsBlocked; --bailoutY) {
const Vec2i newFinalPos = finalPos + Vec2i(bailoutX,bailoutY);
bool canUnitMove = map->canMove(unit, unit->getPos(), newFinalPos);
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch).enabled == true && frameIndex < 0) {
char szBuf[4096]="";
sprintf(szBuf,"[attempting to BAIL OUT] finalPos [%s] newFinalPos [%s] ts [%d] canUnitMove [%d]",
if(canUnitMove) {
//printf("$$$$ Unit BAILOUT(1) ASTAR ATTEMPT for [%d - %s] newFinalPos = [%s]\n",unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str(),newFinalPos.getString().c_str());
int maxBailoutNodeCount = (PathFinder::pathFindBailoutRadius * 2);
ts= aStar(unit, newFinalPos, true, frameIndex, maxBailoutNodeCount);
//printf("$$$$ Unit END BAILOUT ATTEMPT for [%d - %s] ts = %d\n",unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str(),ts);
if(ts == tsBlocked) {
if(ts == tsArrived || ts == tsBlocked) {
if(frameIndex < 0) {
case tsMoving:
if(dynamic_cast<UnitPathBasic *>(path) != NULL) {
UnitPathBasic *basicPath = dynamic_cast<UnitPathBasic *>(path);
Vec2i pos;
if(frameIndex < 0) {
pos = basicPath->pop(frameIndex < 0);
else {
pos = factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedPath[unit->getId()][0];
if(map->canMove(unit, unit->getPos(), pos)) {
if(frameIndex < 0) {
else {
if(frameIndex < 0) {
return tsBlocked;
else if(dynamic_cast<UnitPath *>(path) != NULL) {
UnitPath *advPath = dynamic_cast<UnitPath *>(path);
Vec2i pos= advPath->peek();
if(map->canMove(unit, unit->getPos(), pos)) {
if(frameIndex < 0) {
else {
if(frameIndex < 0) {
return tsBlocked;
else {
throw runtime_error("unsupported or missing path finder detected!");
return ts;
// ==================== PRIVATE ====================
bool PathFinder::processNode(Unit *unit, Node *node,const Vec2i finalPos, int i, int j, bool &nodeLimitReached,int maxNodeCount) {
bool result = false;
Vec2i sucPos= node->pos + Vec2i(i, j);
// std::map<int, std::map<Vec2i,std::map<Vec2i, bool> > >::iterator iterFind1 = factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].mapFromToNodeList.find(unit->getType()->getId());
// if(iterFind1 != factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].mapFromToNodeList.end()) {
// std::map<Vec2i,std::map<Vec2i, bool> >::iterator iterFind2 = iterFind1->second.find(node->pos);
// if(iterFind2 != iterFind1->second.end()) {
// std::map<Vec2i, bool>::iterator iterFind3 = iterFind2->second.find(sucPos);
// if(iterFind3 != iterFind2->second.end()) {
// //printf("found duplicate check in processNode\n");
// return iterFind3->second;
// }
// }
// }
//bool canUnitMoveToCell = map->aproxCanMove(unit, node->pos, sucPos);
//bool canUnitMoveToCell = map->aproxCanMoveSoon(unit, node->pos, sucPos);
if(openPos(sucPos, factions[unit->getFactionIndex()]) == false &&
map->aproxCanMoveSoon(unit, node->pos, sucPos) == true) {
//if node is not open and canMove then generate another node
Node *sucNode= newNode(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()],maxNodeCount);
if(sucNode != NULL) {
sucNode->pos= sucPos;
sucNode->heuristic= heuristic(sucNode->pos, finalPos);
sucNode->prev= node;
sucNode->next= NULL;
sucNode->exploredCell= map->getSurfaceCell(Map::toSurfCoords(sucPos))->isExplored(unit->getTeam());
if(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].openNodesList.find(sucNode->heuristic) == factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].openNodesList.end()) {
factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].openPosList[sucNode->pos] = true;
result = true;
else {
nodeLimitReached= true;
// factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].mapFromToNodeList[unit->getType()->getId()][node->pos][sucPos] = result;
return result;
bool PathFinder::addToOpenSet(Unit *unit, Node *node,const Vec2i finalPos, Vec2i sucPos, bool &nodeLimitReached,int maxNodeCount,Node **newNodeAdded, bool bypassChecks) {
bool result = false;
//Vec2i sucPos= node->pos + Vec2i(i, j);
if(bypassChecks == true ||
(map->aproxCanMoveSoon(unit, node->pos, sucPos) == true && openPos(sucPos, factions[unit->getFactionIndex()]) == false)) {
//if node is not open and canMove then generate another node
Node *sucNode= newNode(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()],maxNodeCount);
if(sucNode != NULL) {
sucNode->pos= sucPos;
sucNode->heuristic= heuristic(sucNode->pos, finalPos);
sucNode->prev= node;
sucNode->next= NULL;
sucNode->exploredCell= map->getSurfaceCell(Map::toSurfCoords(sucPos))->isExplored(unit->getTeam());
if(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].openNodesList.find(sucNode->heuristic) == factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].openNodesList.end()) {
factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].openPosList[sucNode->pos] = true;
result = true;
else {
nodeLimitReached= true;
return result;
direction PathFinder::directionOfMove(Vec2i to, Vec2i from) const {
if (from.x == to.x) {
if (from.y == to.y)
return -1;
else if (from.y < to.y)
return 4;
else // from.y > to.y
return 0;
else if (from.x < to.x) {
if (from.y == to.y)
return 2;
else if (from.y < to.y)
return 3;
else // from.y > to.y
return 1;
else { // from.x > to.x
if (from.y == to.y)
return 6;
else if (from.y < to.y)
return 5;
else // from.y > to.y
return 7;
direction PathFinder::directionWeCameFrom(Vec2i node, Vec2i nodeFrom) const {
direction result = NO_DIRECTION;
if(nodeFrom.x >= 0 && nodeFrom.y >= 0) {
result = directionOfMove(node, nodeFrom);
//printf("directionWeCameFrom node [%s] nodeFrom [%s] result = %d\n",node.getString().c_str(),nodeFrom.getString().c_str(),result);
return result;
// is this coordinate contained within the map bounds?
bool PathFinder::contained(Vec2i c) {
return (map->isInside(c) == true && map->isInsideSurface(map->toSurfCoords(c)) == true);
// is this coordinate within the map bounds, and also walkable?
bool PathFinder::isEnterable(Vec2i coord) {
//node node = getIndex (astar->bounds, coord);
//return contained(coord) && astar->grid[node];
return contained(coord);
// the coordinate one tile in the given direction
Vec2i PathFinder::adjustInDirection(Vec2i c, int dir) {
// we want to implement "rotation" - that is, for instance, we can
// subtract 2 from the direction "north" and get "east"
// C's modulo operator doesn't quite behave the right way to do this,
// but for our purposes this kluge should be good enough
switch ((dir + 65536) % 8) {
2011-09-27 02:17:15 +02:00
case 0: return Vec2i(c.x, c.y - 1);
case 1: return Vec2i(c.x + 1, c.y - 1);
case 2: return Vec2i(c.x + 1, c.y );
case 3: return Vec2i(c.x + 1, c.y + 1);
case 4: return Vec2i(c.x, c.y + 1);
case 5: return Vec2i(c.x - 1, c.y + 1);
case 6: return Vec2i(c.x - 1, c.y);
case 7: return Vec2i(c.x - 1, c.y - 1);
2011-09-27 02:17:15 +02:00
return Vec2i( -1, -1 );
bool PathFinder::directionIsDiagonal(direction dir) const {
return (dir % 2) != 0;
// logical implication operator
bool PathFinder::implies(bool a, bool b) const {
return a ? b : true;
directionset PathFinder::addDirectionToSet(directionset dirs, direction dir) const {
return dirs | 1 << dir;
directionset PathFinder::forcedNeighbours(Vec2i coord,direction dir) {
if (dir == NO_DIRECTION)
return 0;
directionset dirs = 0;
#define ENTERABLE(n) isEnterable(adjustInDirection(coord, (dir + (n)) % 8))
if (directionIsDiagonal(dir)) {
if (!implies (ENTERABLE (6), ENTERABLE (5)))
dirs = addDirectionToSet (dirs, (dir + 6) % 8);
if (!implies (ENTERABLE (2), ENTERABLE (3)))
dirs = addDirectionToSet (dirs, (dir + 2) % 8);
else {
if (!implies (ENTERABLE (7), ENTERABLE (6)))
dirs = addDirectionToSet (dirs, (dir + 7) % 8);
if (!implies (ENTERABLE (1), ENTERABLE (2)))
dirs = addDirectionToSet (dirs, (dir + 1) % 8);
return dirs;
directionset PathFinder::naturalNeighbours(direction dir) const {
if (dir == NO_DIRECTION)
return 255;
directionset dirs = 0;
dirs = addDirectionToSet (dirs, dir);
if (directionIsDiagonal (dir)) {
dirs = addDirectionToSet (dirs, (dir + 1) % 8);
dirs = addDirectionToSet (dirs, (dir + 7) % 8);
return dirs;
// return and remove a direction from the set
// returns NO_DIRECTION if the set was empty
direction PathFinder::nextDirectionInSet(directionset *dirs) const {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
char bit = 1 << i;
if (*dirs & bit) {
*dirs ^= bit;
return i;
// directly translated from "algorithm 2" in the paper
Vec2i PathFinder::jump(Vec2i dest, direction dir, Vec2i start,std::vector<Vec2i> &path, int pathLength) {
Vec2i coord = adjustInDirection(start, dir);
//printf("jump dir [%u] start [%s] coord [%s] dest [%s]\n",dir,start.getString().c_str(),coord.getString().c_str(),dest.getString().c_str());
if (!isEnterable(coord))
return Vec2i(-1,-1);
if(path.size() > max(300,pathLength*2)) {
//if(path.size() > 2000) {
//printf("path.size() > pathLength [%d]\n",pathLength);
//return Vec2i(-1,-1);
return coord;
//int node = getIndex (astar->bounds, coord);
if (coord == dest || forcedNeighbours(coord, dir)) {
//printf("jump #1 = %d [%d]\n",(int)path.size(),pathLength);
return coord;
if(directionIsDiagonal(dir)) {
Vec2i next = jump(dest, (dir + 7) % 8, coord,path,pathLength);
if (next.x >= 0) {
//printf("jump #2 = %d [%d]\n",(int)path.size(),pathLength);
return coord;
next = jump(dest, (dir + 1) % 8, coord, path,pathLength);
if (next.x >= 0) {
//printf("jump #3 = %d [%d]\n",(int)path.size(),pathLength);
return coord;
//else {
return jump(dest, dir, coord, path,pathLength);
//route a unit using A* algorithm
TravelState PathFinder::aStar(Unit *unit, const Vec2i &targetPos, bool inBailout,
int frameIndex, int maxNodeCount) {
Chrono chrono;
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled) chrono.start();
2010-09-07 23:01:22 +02:00
if(map == NULL) {
throw runtime_error("map == NULL");
const bool showConsoleDebugInfo = Config::getInstance().getBool("EnablePathfinderDistanceOutput","false");
const bool tryLastPathCache = Config::getInstance().getBool("EnablePathfinderCache","false");
if(maxNodeCount < 0) {
maxNodeCount = factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].useMaxNodeCount;
UnitPathInterface *path= unit->getPath();
factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].nodePoolCount= 0;
TravelState ts = tsImpossible;
if(frameIndex < 0) {
if(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedTravelState.find(unit->getId()) != factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedTravelState.end()) {
if(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedTravelState[unit->getId()] == tsMoving) {
bool canMoveToCells = true;
Vec2i lastPos = unit->getPos();
for(int i=0; i < factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedPath[unit->getId()].size(); i++) {
Vec2i nodePos = factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedPath[unit->getId()][i];
if(map->isInside(nodePos) == false || map->isInsideSurface(map->toSurfCoords(nodePos)) == false) {
throw runtime_error("Pathfinder invalid node path position = " + nodePos.getString() + " i = " + intToStr(i));
if(i < pathFindRefresh ||
(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedPath[unit->getId()].size() >= pathFindExtendRefreshForNodeCount &&
i < getPathFindExtendRefreshNodeCount(unit->getFactionIndex()))) {
//!!! Test MV
if(map->aproxCanMoveSoon(unit, lastPos, nodePos) == false) {
canMoveToCells = false;
lastPos = nodePos;
else {
if(canMoveToCells == true) {
UnitPathBasic *basicPathFinder = dynamic_cast<UnitPathBasic *>(path);
for(int i=0; i < factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedPath[unit->getId()].size(); i++) {
Vec2i nodePos = factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedPath[unit->getId()][i];
if(map->isInside(nodePos) == false || map->isInsideSurface(map->toSurfCoords(nodePos)) == false) {
throw runtime_error("Pathfinder invalid node path position = " + nodePos.getString() + " i = " + intToStr(i));
if(i < pathFindRefresh ||
(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedPath[unit->getId()].size() >= pathFindExtendRefreshForNodeCount &&
i < getPathFindExtendRefreshNodeCount(unit->getFactionIndex()))) {
//else if(tryLastPathCache == false) {
// break;
//if(tryLastPathCache == true && basicPathFinder) {
if(basicPathFinder) {
return factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedTravelState[unit->getId()];
else {
else if(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedTravelState[unit->getId()] == tsBlocked) {
return factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedTravelState[unit->getId()];
else {
const Vec2i unitPos = unit->getPos();
const Vec2i finalPos= computeNearestFreePos(unit, targetPos);
float dist= unitPos.dist(finalPos);
factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].useMaxNodeCount = PathFinder::pathFindNodesMax;
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 4) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] took msecs: %lld\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,chrono.getMillis());
// Check the previous path find cache for the unit to see if its good to
// use
if(showConsoleDebugInfo || tryLastPathCache) {
if(showConsoleDebugInfo && dist > 60) printf("Distance from [%d - %s] to destination is %.2f tryLastPathCache = %d\n",unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str(), dist,tryLastPathCache);
if(tryLastPathCache == true && path != NULL) {
UnitPathBasic *basicPathFinder = dynamic_cast<UnitPathBasic *>(path);
if(basicPathFinder != NULL && basicPathFinder->getLastPathCacheQueueCount() > 0) {
vector<Vec2i> cachedPath= basicPathFinder->getLastPathCacheQueue();
for(int i = 0; i < cachedPath.size(); ++i) {
Vec2i &pos1 = cachedPath[i];
// Looking to find if the unit is in one of the cells in the cached path
if(unitPos == pos1) {
// Now see if we can re-use this path to get to the final destination
for(int j = i+1; j < cachedPath.size(); ++j) {
Vec2i &pos2 = cachedPath[j];
bool canUnitMoveToCell = map->aproxCanMove(unit, pos1, pos2);
if(canUnitMoveToCell == true) {
if(pos2 == finalPos) {
//on the way
ts= tsMoving;
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 4) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] took msecs: %lld\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,chrono.getMillis());
//store path
if(frameIndex < 0) {
int pathCount=0;
for(int k=i+1; k <= j; k++) {
if(k >= cachedPath.size()) {
throw runtime_error("k >= cachedPath.size() k = " + intToStr(k) + " cachedPath.size() = " + intToStr(cachedPath.size()));
if(frameIndex >= 0) {
else {
if(pathCount < pathFindRefresh) {
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 4) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] took msecs: %lld\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,chrono.getMillis());
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch).enabled == true && frameIndex < 0) {
char szBuf[4096]="";
sprintf(szBuf,"[Setting new path for unit] openNodesList.size() [%lu] openPosList.size() [%lu] finalPos [%s] targetPos [%s] inBailout [%d] ts [%d]",
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPathFinder).enabled == true) {
string commandDesc = "none";
Command *command= unit->getCurrCommand();
if(command != NULL && command->getCommandType() != NULL) {
commandDesc = command->getCommandType()->toString();
char szBuf[1024]="";
sprintf(szBuf,"State: moving, cmd [%s] pos: %s dest pos: %s, Queue= %d",commandDesc.c_str(),unit->getPos().getString().c_str(), targetPos.getString().c_str(),path->getQueueCount());
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 4) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] took msecs: %lld\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,chrono.getMillis());
return ts;
else if(j - i > pathFindRefresh) {
//on the way
ts= tsMoving;
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 4) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] took msecs: %lld\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,chrono.getMillis());
//store path
if(frameIndex < 0) {
int pathCount=0;
for(int k=i+1; k < cachedPath.size(); k++) {
if(k >= cachedPath.size()) {
throw runtime_error("#2 k >= cachedPath.size() k = " + intToStr(k) + " cachedPath.size() = " + intToStr(cachedPath.size()));
if(frameIndex >= 0) {
else {
if(pathCount < pathFindRefresh) {
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 4) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] took msecs: %lld\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,chrono.getMillis());
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch).enabled == true && frameIndex < 0) {
char szBuf[4096]="";
sprintf(szBuf,"[Setting new path for unit] openNodesList.size() [%lu] openPosList.size() [%lu] finalPos [%s] targetPos [%s] inBailout [%d] ts [%d]",
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPathFinder).enabled == true) {
string commandDesc = "none";
Command *command= unit->getCurrCommand();
if(command != NULL && command->getCommandType() != NULL) {
commandDesc = command->getCommandType()->toString();
char szBuf[1024]="";
sprintf(szBuf,"State: moving, cmd [%s] pos: %s dest pos: %s, Queue= %d",commandDesc.c_str(),unit->getPos().getString().c_str(), targetPos.getString().c_str(),path->getQueueCount());
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 4) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] took msecs: %lld\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,chrono.getMillis());
return ts;
pos1 = pos2;
//path find algorithm
//a) push starting pos into openNodes
Node *firstNode= newNode(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()],maxNodeCount);
assert(firstNode != NULL);
if(firstNode == NULL) {
throw runtime_error("firstNode == NULL");
firstNode->next= NULL;
firstNode->prev= NULL;
2010-09-07 23:01:22 +02:00
firstNode->pos= unitPos;
firstNode->heuristic= heuristic(unitPos, finalPos);
firstNode->exploredCell= true;
if(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].openNodesList.find(firstNode->heuristic) == factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].openNodesList.end()) {
factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].openPosList[firstNode->pos] = true;
//b) loop
2010-11-09 10:06:52 +01:00
bool pathFound = true;
bool nodeLimitReached = false;
Node *node = NULL;
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 4) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] took msecs: %lld\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,chrono.getMillis());
// First check if unit currently blocked all around them, if so don't try to pathfind
if(inBailout == false && unitPos != finalPos) {
int failureCount = 0;
int cellCount = 0;
for(int i = -1; i <= 1; ++i) {
for(int j = -1; j <= 1; ++j) {
Vec2i pos = unitPos + Vec2i(i, j);
if(pos != unitPos) {
//!!! Test MV
bool canUnitMoveToCell = map->aproxCanMoveSoon(unit, unitPos, pos);
if(canUnitMoveToCell == false) {
nodeLimitReached = (failureCount == cellCount);
pathFound = !nodeLimitReached;
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 1) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] **Check if dest blocked, distance for unit [%d - %s] from [%s] to [%s] is %.2f took msecs: %lld nodeLimitReached = %d, failureCount = %d\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str(), unitPos.getString().c_str(), finalPos.getString().c_str(), dist,(long long int)chrono.getMillis(),nodeLimitReached,failureCount);
if(showConsoleDebugInfo && nodeLimitReached) {
printf("**Check if src blocked [%d - %d], unit [%d - %s] from [%s] to [%s] distance %.2f took msecs: %lld nodeLimitReached = %d, failureCount = %d [%d]\n",
nodeLimitReached, inBailout, unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str(), unitPos.getString().c_str(), finalPos.getString().c_str(), dist,(long long int)chrono.getMillis(),nodeLimitReached,failureCount,cellCount);
if(nodeLimitReached == false) {
// First check if final destination blocked
failureCount = 0;
cellCount = 0;
for(int i = -1; i <= 1; ++i) {
for(int j = -1; j <= 1; ++j) {
Vec2i pos = finalPos + Vec2i(i, j);
if(pos != finalPos) {
//!!! Test MV
bool canUnitMoveToCell = map->aproxCanMoveSoon(unit, pos, finalPos);
if(canUnitMoveToCell == false) {
nodeLimitReached = (failureCount == cellCount);
pathFound = !nodeLimitReached;
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 1) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] **Check if dest blocked, distance for unit [%d - %s] from [%s] to [%s] is %.2f took msecs: %lld nodeLimitReached = %d, failureCount = %d\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str(), unitPos.getString().c_str(), finalPos.getString().c_str(), dist,(long long int)chrono.getMillis(),nodeLimitReached,failureCount);
if(showConsoleDebugInfo && nodeLimitReached) {
printf("**Check if dest blocked [%d - %d], unit [%d - %s] from [%s] to [%s] distance %.2f took msecs: %lld nodeLimitReached = %d, failureCount = %d [%d]\n",
nodeLimitReached, inBailout, unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str(), unitPos.getString().c_str(), finalPos.getString().c_str(), dist,(long long int)chrono.getMillis(),nodeLimitReached,failureCount,cellCount);
//Vec2i cameFrom= unit->getPos();
//Vec2i cameFrom(-1,-1);
std::map<std::pair<Vec2i,Vec2i> ,bool> canAddNode;
std::map<Vec2i,bool> closedNodes;
std::map<Vec2i,Vec2i> cameFrom;
cameFrom[unitPos] = Vec2i(-1,-1);
//cameFrom[unitPos] = unit->getPos();
// Do the a-star base pathfind work if required
int whileLoopCount = 0;
if(nodeLimitReached == false) {
//printf("\n\n\n====== START AStar-JPS Pathfinder start [%s] end [%s]\n",unitPos.getString().c_str(),finalPos.getString().c_str());
const bool tryJPSPathfinder = false;
while(nodeLimitReached == false) {
//b1) is open nodes is empty => failed to find the path
if(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].openNodesList.empty() == true) {
//printf("$$$$ Path for Unit [%d - %s] inBailout = %d BLOCKED\n",unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str(),inBailout);
//printf("Path blocked\n");
pathFound= false;
//b2) get the minimum heuristic node
//Nodes::iterator it = minHeuristic();
node = minHeuristicFastLookup(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()]);
//printf("current node [%s]\n",node->pos.getString().c_str());
//b3) if minHeuristic is the finalNode, or the path is no more explored => path was found
if(node->pos == finalPos || node->exploredCell == false) {
//printf("Path found\n");
pathFound= true;
if(tryJPSPathfinder) {
//printf("$$$$ Path for Unit [%d - %s] node [%s] whileLoopCount = %d nodePoolCount = %d inBailout = %d\n",unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str(), node->pos.getString().c_str(), whileLoopCount,factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].nodePoolCount,inBailout);
//b4) move this node from closedNodes to openNodes
//add all succesors that are not in closedNodes or openNodes to openNodes
if(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].closedNodesList.find(node->heuristic) == factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].closedNodesList.end()) {
factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].openPosList[node->pos] = true;
if(tryJPSPathfinder) {
Vec2i cameFromPos(-1,-1);
if(cameFrom.find(node->pos) != cameFrom.end()) {
cameFromPos = cameFrom[node->pos];
direction from = directionWeCameFrom(node->pos,cameFromPos);
directionset dirs = forcedNeighbours(node->pos, from) | naturalNeighbours(from);
//printf("JPS #1 node->pos [%s] from = %u dirs = %u\n",node->pos.getString().c_str(),from,dirs);
bool canAddEntirePath = false;
bool foundQuickRoute = false;
for (int dir = nextDirectionInSet(&dirs); dir != NO_DIRECTION; dir = nextDirectionInSet(&dirs)) {
//for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
std::vector<Vec2i> path;
Vec2i newNode = jump(finalPos, dir, node->pos,path,(int)node->pos.dist(finalPos));
//Vec2i newNode = adjustInDirection(node->pos, dir);
//printf("examine node from [%u][%u] - current node [%s] next possible node [%s]\n",from,dirs,node->pos.getString().c_str(),newNode.getString().c_str());
//coord_t newCoord = getCoord (bounds, newNode);
// this'll also bail out if jump() returned -1
if (!contained(newNode))
if(closedNodes.find(newNode) != closedNodes.end())
//if(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].closedNodesList.find(node->heuristic) == factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].closedNodesList.end()) {
//addToOpenSet (&astar, newNode, node);
//printf("JPS #2 node->pos [%s] newNode [%s] path.size() [%d] pos [%s]\n",node->pos.getString().c_str(),newNode.getString().c_str(),(int)path.size(),path[0].getString().c_str());
Vec2i newPath = path[0];
//bool canUnitMoveToCell = map->aproxCanMove(unit, node->pos, newPath);
//bool posOpen = (openPos(newPath, factions[unit->getFactionIndex()]) == false);
//bool isFreeCell = map->isFreeCell(newPath,unit->getType()->getField());
if(canAddNode.find(make_pair(node->pos,newPath)) == canAddNode.end()) {
Node *newNode=NULL;
if(addToOpenSet(unit, node, finalPos, newPath, nodeLimitReached, maxNodeCount,&newNode,false) == true) {
//cameFrom = node->pos;
foundQuickRoute = true;
if(path.size() > 1 && path[path.size()-1] == finalPos) {
canAddEntirePath = true;
for(unsigned int x = 1; x < path.size(); ++x) {
Vec2i futureNode = path[x];
bool canUnitMoveToCell = map->aproxCanMoveSoon(unit, newNode->pos, futureNode);
if(canUnitMoveToCell != true || openPos(futureNode, factions[unit->getFactionIndex()]) == true) {
canAddEntirePath = false;
//printf("COULD NOT ADD ENTIRE PATH! canUnitMoveToCell = %d\n",canUnitMoveToCell);
if(canAddEntirePath == true) {
//printf("add node - ENTIRE PATH!\n");
for(unsigned int x = 1; x < path.size(); ++x) {
Vec2i futureNode = path[x];
Node *newNode2=NULL;
addToOpenSet(unit, newNode, finalPos, futureNode, nodeLimitReached, maxNodeCount,&newNode2, true);
//Node *result = factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].openNodesList.begin()->second[0];
//if(result->pos == finalPos || result->exploredCell == false) {
// printf("Will break out of pathfinding now!\n");
//printf("add node - current node [%s] next possible node [%s] canUnitMoveToCell [%d] posOpen [%d] isFreeCell [%d]\n",node->pos.getString().c_str(),newPath.getString().c_str(),canUnitMoveToCell,posOpen,isFreeCell);
else {
//printf("COULD NOT add node - current node [%s] next possible node [%s] canUnitMoveToCell [%d] posOpen [%d] isFreeCell [%d]\n",node->pos.getString().c_str(),newPath.getString().c_str(),canUnitMoveToCell,posOpen,isFreeCell);
//if(canAddEntirePath == true) {
// break;
if(foundQuickRoute == false) {
for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
Vec2i newNode = adjustInDirection(node->pos, dir);
//printf("examine node from [%u][%u] - current node [%s] next possible node [%s]\n",from,dirs,node->pos.getString().c_str(),newNode.getString().c_str());
//coord_t newCoord = getCoord (bounds, newNode);
// this'll also bail out if jump() returned -1
if (!contained(newNode))
if(closedNodes.find(newNode) != closedNodes.end())
//if(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].closedNodesList.find(node->heuristic) == factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].closedNodesList.end()) {
//addToOpenSet (&astar, newNode, node);
//printf("JPS #3 node->pos [%s] newNode [%s]\n",node->pos.getString().c_str(),newNode.getString().c_str());
Vec2i newPath = newNode;
//bool canUnitMoveToCell = map->aproxCanMove(unit, node->pos, newPath);
//bool posOpen = (openPos(newPath, factions[unit->getFactionIndex()]) == false);
//bool isFreeCell = map->isFreeCell(newPath,unit->getType()->getField());
if(canAddNode.find(make_pair(node->pos,newPath)) == canAddNode.end()) {
Node *newNode=NULL;
if(addToOpenSet(unit, node, finalPos, newPath, nodeLimitReached, maxNodeCount,&newNode, false) == true) {
//cameFrom = node->pos;
foundQuickRoute = true;
//printf("#2 add node - current node [%s] next possible node [%s] canUnitMoveToCell [%d] posOpen [%d] isFreeCell [%d]\n",node->pos.getString().c_str(),newPath.getString().c_str(),canUnitMoveToCell,posOpen,isFreeCell);
else {
//printf("#2 COULD NOT add node - current node [%s] next possible node [%s] canUnitMoveToCell [%d] posOpen [%d] isFreeCell [%d]\n",node->pos.getString().c_str(),newPath.getString().c_str(),canUnitMoveToCell,posOpen,isFreeCell);
else {
int failureCount = 0;
int cellCount = 0;
int tryDirection = factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].random.randRange(0,3);
if(tryDirection == 3) {
for(int i = 1; i >= -1 && nodeLimitReached == false; --i) {
for(int j = -1; j <= 1 && nodeLimitReached == false; ++j) {
if(processNode(unit, node, finalPos, i, j, nodeLimitReached, maxNodeCount) == false) {
else if(tryDirection == 2) {
for(int i = -1; i <= 1 && nodeLimitReached == false; ++i) {
for(int j = 1; j >= -1 && nodeLimitReached == false; --j) {
if(processNode(unit, node, finalPos, i, j, nodeLimitReached, maxNodeCount) == false) {
else if(tryDirection == 1) {
for(int i = -1; i <= 1 && nodeLimitReached == false; ++i) {
for(int j = -1; j <= 1 && nodeLimitReached == false; ++j) {
if(processNode(unit, node, finalPos, i, j, nodeLimitReached, maxNodeCount) == false) {
else {
for(int i = 1; i >= -1 && nodeLimitReached == false; --i) {
for(int j = 1; j >= -1 && nodeLimitReached == false; --j) {
if(processNode(unit, node, finalPos, i, j, nodeLimitReached, maxNodeCount) == false) {
} //while
// Now see if the unit is eligble for pathfind max nodes boost?
if(nodeLimitReached == true && maxNodeCount != pathFindNodesAbsoluteMax) {
if(unit->isLastPathfindFailedFrameWithinCurrentFrameTolerance() == true) {
if(frameIndex < 0) {
if(showConsoleDebugInfo || SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) {
printf("\n\n\n\n$$$ Calling AStar with LARGE maxnodes for unit [%d - %s]\n\n",unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str());
return aStar(unit, targetPos, false, frameIndex, pathFindNodesAbsoluteMax);
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 1) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] took msecs: %lld nodeLimitReached = %d whileLoopCount = %d nodePoolCount = %d\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,chrono.getMillis(),nodeLimitReached,whileLoopCount,factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].nodePoolCount);
if(showConsoleDebugInfo && chrono.getMillis() > 2) {
printf("Distance for unit [%d - %s] from [%s] to [%s] is %.2f took msecs: %lld nodeLimitReached = %d whileLoopCount = %d nodePoolCount = %d\n",unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str(), unitPos.getString().c_str(), finalPos.getString().c_str(), dist,(long long int)chrono.getMillis(),nodeLimitReached,whileLoopCount,factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].nodePoolCount);
Node *lastNode= node;
//if consumed all nodes find best node (to avoid strange behaviour)
if(nodeLimitReached == true) {
if(factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].closedNodesList.size() > 0) {
float bestHeuristic = factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].closedNodesList.begin()->first;
if(bestHeuristic < lastNode->heuristic) {
lastNode= factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].closedNodesList.begin()->second[0];
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 4) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] took msecs: %lld\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,chrono.getMillis());
//check results of path finding
ts = tsImpossible;
if(pathFound == false || lastNode == firstNode) {
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPathFinder).enabled == true) {
string commandDesc = "none";
Command *command= unit->getCurrCommand();
if(command != NULL && command->getCommandType() != NULL) {
commandDesc = command->getCommandType()->toString();
std::pair<Vec2i,int> lastHarvest = unit->getLastHarvestResourceTarget();
char szBuf[1024]="";
sprintf(szBuf,"State: blocked, cmd [%s] pos: [%s], dest pos: [%s], lastHarvest = [%s - %d], reason A= %d, B= %d, C= %d, D= %d, E= %d, F = %d",commandDesc.c_str(),unit->getPos().getString().c_str(), targetPos.getString().c_str(),lastHarvest.first.getString().c_str(),lastHarvest.second, pathFound,(lastNode == firstNode),path->getBlockCount(), path->isBlocked(), nodeLimitReached,path->isStuck());
if(frameIndex < 0) {
ts= tsBlocked;
if(frameIndex < 0) {
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch).enabled == true && frameIndex < 0) {
char szBuf[4096]="";
sprintf(szBuf,"[path for unit BLOCKED] openNodesList.size() [%lu] openPosList.size() [%lu] finalPos [%s] targetPos [%s] inBailout [%d] ts [%d]",
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 4) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] took msecs: %lld\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,chrono.getMillis());
else {
//on the way
ts= tsMoving;
//build next pointers
Node *currNode= lastNode;
while(currNode->prev != NULL) {
currNode->prev->next= currNode;
currNode= currNode->prev;
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 4) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] took msecs: %lld\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,chrono.getMillis());
if(frameIndex < 0) {
if(maxNodeCount == pathFindNodesAbsoluteMax) {
else {
//store path
if(frameIndex < 0) {
if(pathFound == true) {
//printf("FULL PATH FOUND from [%s] to [%s]\n",unitPos.getString().c_str(),finalPos.getString().c_str());
UnitPathBasic *basicPathFinder = dynamic_cast<UnitPathBasic *>(path);
currNode= firstNode;
for(int i=0; currNode->next != NULL; currNode= currNode->next, i++) {
Vec2i nodePos = currNode->next->pos;
if(map->isInside(nodePos) == false || map->isInsideSurface(map->toSurfCoords(nodePos)) == false) {
throw runtime_error("Pathfinder invalid node path position = " + nodePos.getString() + " i = " + intToStr(i));
//printf("nodePos [%s]\n",nodePos.getString().c_str());
if(frameIndex >= 0) {
else {
if(i < pathFindRefresh ||
(whileLoopCount >= pathFindExtendRefreshForNodeCount &&
i < getPathFindExtendRefreshNodeCount(unit->getFactionIndex()))) {
//else if(tryLastPathCache == false) {
// break;
//if(tryLastPathCache == true && basicPathFinder) {
if(basicPathFinder) {
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 4) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] took msecs: %lld\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,chrono.getMillis());
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch).enabled == true && frameIndex < 0) {
char szBuf[4096]="";
sprintf(szBuf,"[Setting new path for unit] openNodesList.size() [%lu] openPosList.size() [%lu] finalPos [%s] targetPos [%s] inBailout [%d] ts [%d]",
string pathToTake = "";
for(int i = 0; i < path->getQueueCount(); ++i) {
Vec2i &pos = path->getQueue()[i];
if(pathToTake != "") {
pathToTake += ", ";
pathToTake += pos.getString();
sprintf(szBuf,"Path for unit to take = %s",pathToTake.c_str());
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPathFinder).enabled == true) {
string commandDesc = "none";
Command *command= unit->getCurrCommand();
if(command != NULL && command->getCommandType() != NULL) {
commandDesc = command->getCommandType()->toString();
char szBuf[1024]="";
sprintf(szBuf,"State: moving, cmd [%s] pos: %s dest pos: %s, Queue= %d",commandDesc.c_str(),unit->getPos().getString().c_str(), targetPos.getString().c_str(),path->getQueueCount());
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 4) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] took msecs: %lld\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,chrono.getMillis());
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled == true && chrono.getMillis() > 4) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s] Line: %d took msecs: %lld --------------------------- [END OF METHOD] ---------------------------\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,chrono.getMillis());
if(frameIndex >= 0) {
factions[unit->getFactionIndex()].precachedTravelState[unit->getId()] = ts;
else {
if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED && chrono.getMillis() >= 5) printf("In [%s::%s Line: %d] astar took [%lld] msecs, ts = %d.\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,(long long int)chrono.getMillis(),ts);
//printf("$$$$ Path for Unit [%d - %s] return value = %d inBailout = %d\n",unit->getId(),unit->getFullName().c_str(),ts,inBailout);
return ts;
PathFinder::Node *PathFinder::newNode(FactionState &faction, int maxNodeCount) {
if( faction.nodePoolCount < faction.nodePool.size() &&
//faction.nodePoolCount < faction.useMaxNodeCount) {
faction.nodePoolCount < maxNodeCount) {
Node *node= &(faction.nodePool[faction.nodePoolCount]);
return node;
return NULL;
void PathFinder::processNearestFreePos(const Vec2i &finalPos, int i, int j, int size, Field field, int teamIndex,Vec2i unitPos, Vec2i &nearestPos, float &nearestDist) {
Vec2i currPos= finalPos + Vec2i(i, j);
if(map->isAproxFreeCells(currPos, size, field, teamIndex)) {
float dist= currPos.dist(finalPos);
//if nearer from finalPos
if(dist < nearestDist){
nearestPos= currPos;
nearestDist= dist;
//if the distance is the same compare distance to unit
else if(dist == nearestDist){
if(currPos.dist(unitPos) < nearestPos.dist(unitPos)) {
nearestPos= currPos;
Vec2i PathFinder::computeNearestFreePos(const Unit *unit, const Vec2i &finalPos) {
2010-09-07 23:01:22 +02:00
if(map == NULL) {
throw runtime_error("map == NULL");
//unit data
int size= unit->getType()->getSize();
Field field= unit->getCurrField();
int teamIndex= unit->getTeam();
//if finalPos is free return it
if(map->isAproxFreeCells(finalPos, size, field, teamIndex)) {
return finalPos;
//find nearest pos
Vec2i unitPos= unit->getPos();
Vec2i nearestPos= unitPos;
float nearestDist= unitPos.dist(finalPos);
for(int i= -maxFreeSearchRadius; i <= maxFreeSearchRadius; ++i) {
for(int j= -maxFreeSearchRadius; j <= maxFreeSearchRadius; ++j) {
processNearestFreePos(finalPos, i, j, size, field, teamIndex, unitPos, nearestPos, nearestDist);
return nearestPos;
float PathFinder::heuristic(const Vec2i &pos, const Vec2i &finalPos) {
return pos.dist(finalPos);
PathFinder::Node * PathFinder::minHeuristicFastLookup(FactionState &faction) {
assert(faction.openNodesList.empty() == false);
if(faction.openNodesList.empty() == true) {
throw runtime_error("openNodesList.empty() == true");
Node *result = faction.openNodesList.begin()->second[0];
if(faction.openNodesList.begin()->second.size() == 0) {
return result;
bool PathFinder::openPos(const Vec2i &sucPos, FactionState &faction) {
if(faction.openPosList.find(sucPos) == faction.openPosList.end()) {
return false;
return true;
}} //end namespace