Mike Hoffert 68455a819f Added setting to disable going into negatives
After all, how does one loot what the other faction does not have? Still,
could be useful for some places, by forcing the opponent to go into
2014-07-19 16:38:33 -06:00

330 lines
11 KiB

// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Martiño Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#ifdef WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include "element_type.h"
#include "command_type.h"
#include "damage_multiplier.h"
#include "sound_container.h"
#include "checksum.h"
#include "game_constants.h"
#include "platform_common.h"
#include "leak_dumper.h"
namespace Glest{ namespace Game{
using Shared::Sound::StaticSound;
using Shared::Util::Checksum;
using Shared::PlatformCommon::ValueCheckerVault;
class UpgradeType;
class UnitType;
class UnitParticleSystemType;
class ResourceType;
class TechTree;
class FactionType;
class Faction;
// ===============================
// class Level
// ===============================
class Level {
string name;
int kills;
Level() {
kills = 0;
void init(string name, int kills);
string getName(bool translatedValue=false) const;
int getKills() const {return kills;}
void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode) const ;
static const Level * loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode, const UnitType *ut);
// ===============================
// class LootResource
/// Stores information about a lootable resource. Lootable resources are stolen by the attacker on death.
// ===============================
class LootableResource {
const ResourceType *type;
int amountValue;
double amountPercentage;
int lossValue;
double lossPercentage;
bool negativeAllowed;
const ResourceType* getResourceType() {return type;}
void setResourceType(const ResourceType *type) {this->type=type;}
int getAmountValue() {return amountValue;}
void setAmountValue(int amountValue) {this->amountValue=amountValue;}
double getAmountPercentage() {return amountPercentage;}
void setAmountPercentage(double amountPercentage) {this->amountPercentage=amountPercentage;}
int getLossValue() {return lossValue;}
void setLossValue(int lossValue) {this->lossValue=lossValue;}
double getLossPercentage() {return lossPercentage;}
void setLossPercentage(double lossPercentage) {this->lossPercentage=lossPercentage;}
bool isNegativeAllowed() {return negativeAllowed;}
void setNegativeAllowed(bool negativeAllowed) {this->negativeAllowed=negativeAllowed;}
// ===============================
// class UnitType
/// A unit or building type
// ===============================
enum UnitClass {
typedef vector<UnitParticleSystemType*> DamageParticleSystemTypes;
enum UnitCountsInVictoryConditions {
class UnitType: public ProducibleType, public ValueCheckerVault {
enum Property {
enum StartType {
static const char *propertyNames[];
DamageParticleSystemTypes damageParticleSystemTypes;
typedef vector<SkillType*> SkillTypes;
typedef vector<CommandType*> CommandTypes;
typedef vector<Resource> StoredResources;
typedef vector<Level> Levels;
typedef vector<LootableResource> LootableResources;
int id;
int maxHp;
int startHpValue;
double startHpPercentage;
StartType startHpType;
int hpRegeneration;
int maxEp;
int startEpValue;
double startEpPercentage;
StartType startEpType;
int epRegeneration;
int maxUnitCount;
// remove fields, multiple fields are not supported by the engine
bool fields[fieldCount]; //fields: land, sea or air
Field field;
bool properties[pCount]; //properties
int armor; //armor
const ArmorType *armorType;
bool light;
Vec3f lightColor;
bool multiSelect;
int sight;
int size; //size in cells
int renderSize; //size to render in cells
int height;
float rotatedBuildPos;
bool rotationAllowed;
bool *cellMap;
bool allowEmptyCellMap;
SoundContainer selectionSounds;
SoundContainer commandSounds;
SkillTypes skillTypes;
CommandTypes commandTypes;
StoredResources storedResources;
Levels levels;
LootableResources lootableResources;
//meeting point
bool meetingPoint;
Texture2D *meetingPointImage;
// for dummy units and units used as shots and so on ....
bool countUnitDeathInStats;
bool countUnitProductionInStats;
bool countUnitKillInStats;
bool countKillForUnitUpgrade;
//OPTIMIZATION: store first command type and skill type of each class
const CommandType *firstCommandTypeOfClass[ccCount];
const SkillType *firstSkillTypeOfClass[scCount];
UnitCountsInVictoryConditions countInVictoryConditions;
static auto_ptr<CommandType> ctHarvestEmergencyReturnCommandType;
//creation and loading
virtual ~UnitType();
void preLoad(const string &dir);
void loaddd(int id, const string &dir, const TechTree *techTree,
const string &techTreePath,
const FactionType *factionType, Checksum* checksum,
Checksum* techtreeChecksum,
std::map<string,vector<pair<string, string> > > &loadedFileList,
bool validationMode=false);
virtual string getName(bool translatedValue=false) const;
UnitCountsInVictoryConditions getCountInVictoryConditions() const { return countInVictoryConditions; }
inline int getId() const {return id;}
inline int getMaxHp() const {return maxHp;}
inline int getHpRegeneration() const {return hpRegeneration;}
inline int getStartHpValue() const {return startHpValue;}
inline double getStartHpPercentage() const {return startHpPercentage;}
inline StartType getStartHpType() const {return startHpType;}
inline int getMaxEp() const {return maxEp;}
inline int getEpRegeneration() const {return epRegeneration;}
inline int getStartEpValue() const {return startEpValue;}
inline double getStartEpPercentage() const {return startEpPercentage;}
inline StartType getStartEpType() const {return startEpType;}
inline int getMaxUnitCount() const {return maxUnitCount;}
inline bool getField(Field field) const {return fields[field];}
inline Field getField() const {return field;}
inline bool getProperty(Property property) const {return properties[property];}
inline int getArmor() const {return armor;}
inline const ArmorType *getArmorType() const {return armorType;}
inline const SkillType *getSkillType(int i) const {return skillTypes[i];}
const CommandType *getCommandType(int i) const;
inline const Level *getLevel(int i) const {return &levels[i];}
const Level *getLevel(string name) const;
inline int getSkillTypeCount() const {return (int)skillTypes.size();}
inline int getCommandTypeCount() const {return (int)commandTypes.size();}
inline int getLevelCount() const {return (int)levels.size();}
inline bool getLight() const {return light;}
inline bool getRotationAllowed() const {return rotationAllowed;}
inline Vec3f getLightColor() const {return lightColor;}
inline bool getMultiSelect() const {return multiSelect;}
inline int getSight() const {return sight;}
inline int getSize() const {return size;}
inline int getRenderSize() const {return renderSize;}
int getHeight() const {return height;}
int getStoredResourceCount() const {return (int)storedResources.size();}
inline const Resource *getStoredResource(int i) const {return &storedResources[i];}
int getLootableResourceCount() const {return lootableResources.size();}
inline const LootableResource getLootableResource(int i) const {return;}
bool getCellMapCell(int x, int y, CardinalDir facing) const;
inline bool getMeetingPoint() const {return meetingPoint;}
inline bool getCountUnitDeathInStats() const {return countUnitDeathInStats;}
inline bool getCountUnitProductionInStats() const {return countUnitProductionInStats;}
inline bool getCountUnitKillInStats() const {return countUnitKillInStats;}
inline bool getCountKillForUnitUpgrade() const {return countKillForUnitUpgrade;}
inline bool isMobile() const {return (firstSkillTypeOfClass[scMove] != NULL);}
inline Texture2D *getMeetingPointImage() const {return meetingPointImage;}
inline StaticSound *getSelectionSound() const {return selectionSounds.getRandSound();}
inline StaticSound *getCommandSound() const {return commandSounds.getRandSound();}
inline const SoundContainer & getSelectionSounds() const { return selectionSounds; }
inline const SoundContainer & getCommandSounds() const { return commandSounds; }
int getStore(const ResourceType *rt) const;
const SkillType *getSkillType(const string &skillName, SkillClass skillClass) const;
const SkillType *getFirstStOfClass(SkillClass skillClass) const;
const CommandType *getFirstCtOfClass(CommandClass commandClass) const;
const HarvestCommandType *getFirstHarvestCommand(const ResourceType *resourceType,const Faction *faction) const;
const HarvestEmergencyReturnCommandType *getFirstHarvestEmergencyReturnCommand() const;
const AttackCommandType *getFirstAttackCommand(Field field) const;
const AttackStoppedCommandType *getFirstAttackStoppedCommand(Field field) const;
const RepairCommandType *getFirstRepairCommand(const UnitType *repaired) const;
//get totals
int getTotalMaxHp(const TotalUpgrade *totalUpgrade) const;
int getTotalMaxHpRegeneration(const TotalUpgrade *totalUpgrade) const;
int getTotalMaxEp(const TotalUpgrade *totalUpgrade) const;
int getTotalMaxEpRegeneration(const TotalUpgrade *totalUpgrade) const;
int getTotalArmor(const TotalUpgrade *totalUpgrade) const;
int getTotalSight(const TotalUpgrade *totalUpgrade) const;
bool hasCommandType(const CommandType *commandType) const;
inline bool hasCommandClass(CommandClass commandClass) const {
return firstCommandTypeOfClass[commandClass]!=NULL;
bool hasSkillType(const SkillType *skillType) const;
bool hasSkillClass(SkillClass skillClass) const;
inline bool hasCellMap() const {return cellMap!=NULL;}
inline bool getAllowEmptyCellMap() const {return allowEmptyCellMap;}
bool hasEmptyCellMap() const;
Vec2i getFirstOccupiedCellInCellMap(Vec2i currentPos) const;
bool isOfClass(UnitClass uc) const;
const CommandType* findCommandTypeById(int id) const;
string getCommandTypeListDesc() const;
inline float getRotatedBuildPos() { return rotatedBuildPos; }
inline void setRotatedBuildPos(float value) { rotatedBuildPos = value; }
virtual string getReqDesc(bool translatedValue) const;
std::string toString() const;
void computeFirstStOfClass();
void computeFirstCtOfClass();
}}//end namespace