Mark Vejvoda 4df997d0ca - initial work for a headless server. Currently this code allows you to launch a server with the commandline option: --masterserver-mode
The first client that connects to the server is the administrator and is able to change most settings and launch the game. Still lots of work to do but this is a start.
2011-09-24 07:46:56 +00:00

201 lines
5.5 KiB

// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Martio Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#include <vector>
#include "socket.h"
#include "network_interface.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "base_thread.h"
#include "leak_dumper.h"
using Shared::Platform::ServerSocket;
using Shared::Platform::Socket;
using std::vector;
namespace Glest{ namespace Game{
class ServerInterface;
class ConnectionSlot;
// =====================================================
// class ConnectionSlotThread
// =====================================================
enum ConnectionSlotEventType
class ConnectionSlotEvent {
ConnectionSlotEvent() {
eventType = eNone;
triggerId = -1;
connectionSlot = NULL;
networkMessage = NULL;
socketTriggered = false;
eventCompleted = false;
eventId = -1;
int64 triggerId;
ConnectionSlot* connectionSlot;
ConnectionSlotEventType eventType;
const NetworkMessage *networkMessage;
bool socketTriggered;
bool eventCompleted;
int64 eventId;
// This interface describes the methods a callback object must implement
class ConnectionSlotCallbackInterface {
virtual void slotUpdateTask(ConnectionSlotEvent *event) = 0;
class ConnectionSlotThread : public BaseThread
ConnectionSlotCallbackInterface *slotInterface;
Semaphore semTaskSignalled;
Mutex triggerIdMutex;
vector<ConnectionSlotEvent> eventList;
int slotIndex;
virtual void setQuitStatus(bool value);
virtual void setTaskCompleted(int eventId);
virtual bool canShutdown(bool deleteSelfIfShutdownDelayed=false);
ConnectionSlotThread(int slotIndex);
ConnectionSlotThread(ConnectionSlotCallbackInterface *slotInterface,int slotIndex);
virtual void execute();
void signalUpdate(ConnectionSlotEvent *event);
bool isSignalCompleted(ConnectionSlotEvent *event);
int getSlotIndex() const {return slotIndex; }
void purgeCompletedEvents();
void purgeAllEvents();
void setAllEventsCompleted();
// =====================================================
// class ConnectionSlot
// =====================================================
class ConnectionSlot: public NetworkInterface {
ServerInterface* serverInterface;
Socket* socket;
int playerIndex;
string name;
bool ready;
vector<std::pair<string,int32> > vctFileList;
bool receivedNetworkGameStatus;
time_t connectedTime;
bool gotIntro;
Mutex mutexCloseConnection;
Mutex mutexPendingNetworkCommandList;
vector<NetworkCommand> vctPendingNetworkCommandList;
ConnectionSlotThread* slotThreadWorker;
int currentFrameCount;
int currentLagCount;
time_t lastReceiveCommandListTime;
bool gotLagCountWarning;
string versionString;
int sessionKey;
uint32 connectedRemoteIPAddress;
int playerStatus;
string playerLanguage;
ConnectionSlot(ServerInterface* serverInterface, int playerIndex);
void update(bool checkForNewClients,int lockedSlotIndex);
void setPlayerIndex(int value) { playerIndex = value; }
int getPlayerIndex() const {return playerIndex;}
uint32 getConnectedRemoteIPAddress() const { return connectedRemoteIPAddress; }
void setReady() {ready= true;}
const string &getName() const {return name;}
void setName(string value) {name = value;}
bool isReady() const {return ready;}
virtual Socket* getSocket() {return socket;}
virtual Socket* getSocket() const {return socket;}
virtual void close();
//virtual bool getFogOfWar();
bool getReceivedNetworkGameStatus() const { return receivedNetworkGameStatus; }
void setReceivedNetworkGameStatus(bool value) { receivedNetworkGameStatus = value; }
bool hasValidSocketId();
virtual bool getConnectHasHandshaked() const { return gotIntro; }
std::vector<std::string> getThreadErrorList() const { return threadErrorList; }
void clearThreadErrorList() { threadErrorList.clear(); }
vector<NetworkCommand> getPendingNetworkCommandList(bool clearList=false);
void clearPendingNetworkCommandList();
void signalUpdate(ConnectionSlotEvent *event);
bool updateCompleted(ConnectionSlotEvent *event);
virtual void sendMessage(const NetworkMessage* networkMessage);
int getCurrentFrameCount() const { return currentFrameCount; }
int getCurrentLagCount() const { return currentLagCount; }
void setCurrentLagCount(int value) { currentLagCount = value; }
time_t getLastReceiveCommandListTime() const { return lastReceiveCommandListTime; }
bool getLagCountWarning() const { return gotLagCountWarning; }
void setLagCountWarning(bool value) { gotLagCountWarning = value; }
const string &getVersionString() const {return versionString;}
void validateConnection();
virtual string getHumanPlayerName(int index=-1);
virtual int getHumanPlayerIndex() const {return playerIndex;}
int getNetworkPlayerStatus() const { return playerStatus;}
string getNetworkPlayerLanguage() const { return playerLanguage; }
time_t getConnectedTime() const { return connectedTime; }
int getSessionKey() const { return sessionKey; }
Mutex * getServerSynchAccessor();
std::vector<std::string> threadErrorList;
Mutex socketSynchAccessor;
virtual void update() {}
}}//end namespace