Mark Vejvoda 4df997d0ca - initial work for a headless server. Currently this code allows you to launch a server with the commandline option: --masterserver-mode
The first client that connects to the server is the administrator and is able to change most settings and launch the game. Still lots of work to do but this is a start.
2011-09-24 07:46:56 +00:00

128 lines
3.7 KiB

// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Martio Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#include <vector>
#include "network_interface.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "leak_dumper.h"
using Shared::Platform::Ip;
using Shared::Platform::ClientSocket;
using std::vector;
namespace Glest{ namespace Game{
// =====================================================
// class ClientInterface
// =====================================================
class ClientInterface: public GameNetworkInterface {
static const int messageWaitTimeout;
static const int waitSleepTime;
static const int maxNetworkCommandListSendTimeWait;
ClientSocket *clientSocket;
//GameSettings gameSettings;
string serverName;
bool introDone;
bool launchGame;
int playerIndex;
bool gameSettingsReceived;
time_t connectedTime;
bool gotIntro;
Ip ip;
int port;
int currentFrameCount;
time_t lastNetworkCommandListSendTime;
time_t clientSimulationLagStartTime;
string versionString;
int sessionKey;
int serverFTPPort;
virtual ~ClientInterface();
virtual Socket* getSocket() {return clientSocket;}
virtual const Socket* getSocket() const {return clientSocket;}
virtual void close();
//message processing
virtual void update();
virtual void updateLobby();
virtual void updateKeyframe(int frameCount);
virtual void waitUntilReady(Checksum* checksum);
// message sending
virtual void sendTextMessage(const string &text, int teamIndex, bool echoLocal,
string targetLanguage);
virtual void quitGame(bool userManuallyQuit);
virtual string getNetworkStatus() ;
string getServerName() const {return serverName;}
bool getLaunchGame() const {return launchGame;}
bool getIntroDone() const {return introDone;}
bool getGameSettingsReceived() const {return gameSettingsReceived;}
void setGameSettingsReceived(bool value) {gameSettingsReceived=value;}
int getPlayerIndex() const {return playerIndex;}
//const GameSettings *getGameSettings() {return &gameSettings;}
void connect(const Ip &ip, int port);
void reset();
void discoverServers(DiscoveredServersInterface *cb);
void stopServerDiscovery();
void sendSwitchSetupRequest(string selectedFactionName, int8 currentFactionIndex,
int8 toFactionIndex, int8 toTeam,string networkPlayerName,
int8 networkPlayerStatus, int8 flags,
string language);
virtual bool getConnectHasHandshaked() const { return gotIntro; }
std::string getServerIpAddress();
int getCurrentFrameCount() const { return currentFrameCount; }
virtual void sendPingMessage(int32 pingFrequency, int64 pingTime);
const string &getVersionString() const {return versionString;}
virtual string getHumanPlayerName(int index=-1);
virtual int getHumanPlayerIndex() const {return playerIndex;}
int getServerFTPPort() const { return serverFTPPort; }
int getSessionKey() const { return sessionKey; }
void setGameSettings(GameSettings *serverGameSettings);
void broadcastGameSetup(const GameSettings *gameSettings);
void broadcastGameStart(const GameSettings *gameSettings);
Mutex * getServerSynchAccessor() { return NULL; }
NetworkMessageType waitForMessage();
bool shouldDiscardNetworkMessage(NetworkMessageType networkMessageType);
}}//end namespace