Mark Vejvoda e06639c78d - updated Internet games to use 2 new fields, country and game status.
for now svn users can edit glestuser.ini and add the following entry (pointing to your folder of course) to see the country flags in game:
2011-01-25 07:41:12 +00:00

148 lines
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// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (
// Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Marti<74>o Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#include "main_menu.h"
#include "server_line.h"
#include "masterserver_info.h"
#include "simple_threads.h"
#include "network_interface.h"
#include "ircclient.h"
#include "chat_manager.h"
#include "leak_dumper.h"
namespace Glest{ namespace Game{
// ===============================
// class MenuStateMasterserver
// ===============================
typedef vector<ServerLine*> ServerLines;
typedef vector<GraphicButton*> UserButtons;
typedef vector<MasterServerInfo*> MasterServerInfos;
class MenuStateMasterserver : public MenuState, public SimpleTaskCallbackInterface, public IRCCallbackInterface {
GraphicButton buttonRefresh;
GraphicButton buttonReturn;
GraphicButton buttonCreateGame;
GraphicLabel labelAutoRefresh;
GraphicListBox listBoxAutoRefresh;
GraphicLabel labelTitle;
GraphicLabel announcementLabel;
GraphicLabel versionInfoLabel;
GraphicLine lines[3];
GraphicLabel glestVersionLabel;
GraphicLabel platformLabel;
//GraphicLabel binaryCompileDateLabel;
//game info:
GraphicLabel serverTitleLabel;
GraphicLabel countryLabel;
GraphicLabel statusLabel;
GraphicLabel ipAddressLabel;
//game setup info:
GraphicLabel techLabel;
GraphicLabel mapLabel;
GraphicLabel tilesetLabel;
GraphicLabel activeSlotsLabel;
GraphicLabel externalConnectPort;
GraphicLabel selectButton;
GraphicMessageBox mainMessageBox;
int mainMessageBoxState;
GraphicLabel ircOnlinePeopleLabel;
GraphicLabel ircOnlinePeopleStatusLabel;
bool announcementLoaded;
bool needUpdateFromServer;
int autoRefreshTime;
time_t lastRefreshTimer;
SimpleTaskThread *updateFromMasterserverThread;
bool playServerFoundSound;
ServerLines serverLines;
string serverInfoString;
int serverLinesToRender;
int serverLinesYBase;
int serverLinesLineHeight;
GraphicScrollBar userScrollBar;
GraphicScrollBar serverScrollBar;
UserButtons userButtons;
UserButtons userButtonsToRemove;
int userButtonsToRender;
int userButtonsYBase;
int userButtonsXBase;
int userButtonsLineHeight;
int userButtonsHeight;
int userButtonsWidth;
string currentIrcNick;
//Console console;
static DisplayMessageFunction pCB_DisplayMessage;
std::string threadedErrorMsg;
std::vector<string> ircArgs;
Mutex mutexIRCClient;
IRCThread *ircClient;
std::vector<string> oldNickList;
Console consoleIRC;
ChatManager chatManager;
MenuStateMasterserver(Program *program, MainMenu *mainMenu);
void mouseClick(int x, int y, MouseButton mouseButton);
void mouseMove(int x, int y, const MouseState *mouseState);
void update();
void render();
virtual void keyDown(char key);
virtual void keyPress(char c);
virtual void keyUp(char key);
virtual void simpleTask(BaseThread *callingThread);
virtual bool isInSpecialKeyCaptureEvent() { return chatManager.getEditEnabled(); }
static void setDisplayMessageFunction(DisplayMessageFunction pDisplayMessage) { pCB_DisplayMessage = pDisplayMessage; }
void showMessageBox(const string &text, const string &header, bool toggle);
bool connectToServer(string ipString, int port);
void setConsolePos(int yPos);
void setButtonLinePosition(int pos);
void clearServerLines();
void clearUserButtons();
void rebuildServerLines(const string &serverInfo);
void cleanup();
virtual void IRC_CallbackEvent(IRCEventType evt, const char* origin, const char **params, unsigned int count);
}}//end namespace