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Welcome to onFOSS-LAN hosted by LibreGaming!

Help and how to paticipate

onFOSS-LAN server are LIVE! You can find all informations on play.libregaming.org.

To connect to the gameserver use the domain "play.libregaming.org" or IP (

For voicechat use Mumble on "hribhrib.at", for textchat use XMPP/Matrix, how to set it up.

Upcoming 01.10.2022

Hello fellow gamers! We are glad to announce the next "online-LAN-party" on 01.10.2022 starting at 12:00 (UTC)! LibreGaming.org is a loose collective all around open source games, and together we bring onFOSS-LAN to the public!

We are also introducing automatic server scripts and documentation on how to host onFOSS-LAN by YOUR OWN! Infos about hosting are collected here: https://onfoss.libregaming.org/

Games on board are Soldat, UFO:AI, Lix, Hedgewars and SuperTuxKart

Timetable (UTC)

12:00 - 13:00 UTC: Get and chill together
13:00 - 15:30 UTC: New to onFOSS-LAN (UFO:AI, Soldat)
15:30 - 16:00 UTC: Break
16:00 - 18:00 UTC: SuperTuxKart Tournament
18:00 - 18:30 UTC: Break
18:30 - 20:30 UTC: Good old classics (Lix, Hedgewars)
20:30 - open UTC: Late night gaming

There is no registration needed for the tournament, you just have to show up in time and play the whole tournament!