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title = "Meeting Minutes #3"
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# Libre Gaming meeting minutes #3
## Attending
Attending: emorrp1, hribhrib, seabass, ThinkSome, librebob, poVoq, Xilef
## Agenda
* Matchbot, which version?
* Andrews new version? Was just a quick fix?
* Hribhrib will try to host the Clojure version? Maybe convert into Matrix bot?
* Take up offer for free Lemmy hosting (one year limited)?
* CNAME offer to trial before self-hosting, no .well-known (yet)
* do we even need our own instance? - could just have a community, or offer as a service for games
* does this federate with e.g. [](
* if someone has an account on, they can subscribe to the
* crossposting to promote the existing community
* see also overlap with Okapi - fracturing?
* FGD currently has flarum
* Website status update (postponed, no-one working on it present)
* Affiliated communities update:
* onFOSS has had some independent work - will probably merge with LibreGaming, but TBD
* freegamedev - still separate, but happy to have lots of overlap, closer to
* libregamenight - is there actually any difference in membership? (seems to be the on-topic chat)
* LibreSpades and other asset liberation activities, status update - any role for
* status: maintainer needed
* status: works without non-free assets
* needs: new models for player characters. Currently these are small red boxes floating about. This makes it hard to tell enemies/friendlies apart.
* needs: new models for weapons. Is playable without
* needs: new sounds/music
* look into this?: [](
* has GPL3? assets, but needs licensing checking
* needs a flatpak submitted to flathub! ([](
* Top-N Most Important Projects
* we could list this to point people at high-value quick-wins for e.g. asset creation
* For assets, can make a Collection on opengameart, for needs-replacement stuff (think weblate but for game assets not translations)
* Status of non-free games in matchbot and #libregaming-matchmaking
* Remove them altogether?
* No thanks
* Anti-feature tagging and warnings? (specing bot)
* HIGHLY AGREEABLE, but needs work
* I'd just like to interject for a moment...
* Remove them if no action is being done on replacing non-free bits?
* maybe a bit more reasonable
* perhaps have a #libregaming-nonlibre?
* TBD: see action
* Re-hash what exactly is LibreGaming policy on levels of libre-ness of projects (i.e. antifeature labelling vs. discounting the project)
* Status update Okapi (ContentDB fork) (postponed - no Armen)
* Client integration with Arcadia etc? []( (electron like) Client?
* would like this running, hosting needs python flask, is it good enough we can start having accounts?
* []( (test instastance)
* Arcadia status update
* rewriting because python c/c++ bindings are hard, uses qml
* possible windows package repository?: [](
* any Windows players anyway? onFOSS, Xonotic, Mindustry, Veloren, but they don't tend to be active in our dev sides - outreach to find someone willing
* 0install is kinda like AppImage
* some related projects to steal ideas from: []( [](
* don't want to host files, need to get them from somewhere - Okapi? ( is non-free)
* productivity comes in cycles and arcadia development prone to long periods of inactivity
* Chat bridging status update (Veloren bridge by Timo currently down)
* Maybe try bridging through IRC? Freegamedev brdges.
* Matrix: Synapse vs Conduit, but if conduit bridging worked fine then Timo would probably do it
* SteamDeck and libregaming?
* find someone who actually has one
* "SteamDeck compatible" feature labelling on libre games (a la protondb)
* uses flatpak to distribute non-Steam software
* Discussion about a Code of Conduct (that was on the agenda for the last one but didn't happen, correct me if I'm wrong)
* not really discussed, don't really need one for now,
* Outreach/publicity
* fun memes like "don't use X, check out Y"
* "mum, I want minetest. We have minetest at home ... <shows minecraft> :("
* lean into the fact they're not going to be exact matches
* Why doesn't MarioKart let you play as Tux?
* /r/linuxmasterrace - /c/linuxmasterrace ?
* Next meeting could be in 1 month if someone steps forward - try and have it by July at the latest (no longer than 3 months away)
## Actions
* hribhrib to host clojure matchbot
* seabass to send hribhrib details of new matchmaking bot (Clojure version) for hosting
* poVoq to ask Lemmy devs for an instance on behalf of
* emorrp1 to write out best understanding of ThinkSome's PoV, and consensus
* emorrp1 to raise issue and chase seabass for non-free tagging on matchbot
* poVoq+emorrp1 to fix #LibreGameNight to FGD bridging by going via Matrix rather than matterbridge
* librebob look into packagekit
* ThinkSome to document needed assets for LibreSpades for someone else to check if they're in BetterSpades
* emorrp1 to export minutes onto website