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Developer's Introduction


ContentDB is a Python Flask webservice, with a PostgreSQL database.

To avoid blocking web requests, background jobs run as Celery tasks.


The App

The app directory contains the Python Flask application.

  • blueprints contains all the Python code behind each endpoint. A blueprint is a Flask construct to hold a set of endpoints.
  • templates contains all the HTML templates used to generate responses. Each directory in here matches a director in blueprints.
  • models contains all the Database table classes. ContentDB uses SQLAlchemy to interact with PostgreSQL.
  • flatpages contains all the markdown user documentation, including /help.
  • public contains files that should be added to the web server unedited. Examples include CSS libraries, images, and JS scripts.
  • scss contains the stylesheet files, that are compiled into CSS.
  • tasks contains the background tasks executed by Celery.
  • logic is a collection of reusable functions. For example, shared code to create a release or edit a package is here.
  • tests contains the Unit Tests and UI tests.
  • utils contain generic Python utilities, for example common code to manage Flask requests.

There are also a number of Python files in the app directory. The most important one is, which is used to generate SQLAlachemy queries for packages and topics.

Supporting directories

  • migrations contains code to manage database updates.
  • translations contains user-maintained translations / locales.
  • utils contains bash scripts to aid development and deployment.

How to find stuff

Generally, you want to start by finding the endpoint and then seeing the code it calls.

Endpoints are sensibly organised in app/blueprints.

You can also use a file search. For example, to find the package edit endpoint, search for .route("/packages/<author>/<name>/edit/").