About onFOSS-LAN

onFOSS-LAN is a online, "Free (as Freedom) and Open Source" LAN-Party hosted by hribhrib. The goal is to get people together, enjoying the art of computer games and having a great time in these days. The FOSS community is a place of being open minded and acceptance to all different kinds of people with the focus of fully transparent systems and protecting individuals. So it does not matter if you are on Windows, Mac or Linux and it is also NOT necessary to have a PC MASTERRACE setup to run those games.

This concept was originally started at hribhrib.at

Next event

Next event is Saturday 19 March 2022, 14:00 UTC, see schedule.

Additionally, I am running a fundraiser to help the people suffering from the war in Ukraine. I will match your donation and additionally, the government of Canada will match mine, so that's triple the value for any donation you make (doesn't have to be to the Canadian Red Cross).

Donations are based on the honour system since dealing with money is complicated. Just let me know what you donated and I'll match. I'll post the donations here as the come in. You can be anonymous if you want or keep the amount secret. Contact me over Matrix, e-mail or in the Matrix/XMPP channels listed below.


There are a few game servers running. To connect, simply start the game and connect to this domain. See also the Help section for more information.

Bzflag Drive around in a tank that can jump, trying to shoot your opponents while dodging their bullets. More info
Hedgewars Worms-like game where your team of hedgehogs needs to destroy the other teams using the ludicrous arsenal at their disposal. More info
Lix Lemmings-like game where you need to guide your little people to safety despite their best efforts of wandering into things that will kill them. More info
Mindustry A building and tower defence game where you build up an industry and defences against ever larger waves of enemies. More info
OpenHV Real-time strategy game where you mine resources and build units to attack and defend. More info
OpenSpades Mix between a first person shooter and Minecraft. Build defence structures, dig many tunnels or go on the offensive. More info
SuperTuxKart Kart racing game where you can use the various power-ups to give yourself a boost of hinder your opponents. More info
Teeworlds Fast-paced 2D side-scrolling shooter game where you have a big gun and a grappling hook. More info
Unvanquished First-person shooter of aliens vs humans. There are several classes and it's possible to build structures. More info
Xonotic First-person shooter where players compete in a 3D world. It features Battle Royale mode. More info



We use Mumble voice chat on mumble://hribhrib.at. It is the main mode of cummunication during the event.

Matrix chat on #xmpp_onfoss_conference.hribhrib.at:matrix.org

XMPP chat on onfoss@conference.hribhrib.at

See the help page for more information on how to connect to these services.


Code for setting up server is on Github

Live stats