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2023-05-26 17:30:43 +02:00
- date: 2023-05-06T12:00:00UTC
intro: "onFOSS-LAN hosted by hribhrib"
- time: "12:00"
title: "Get and chill together"
- time: "13:00"
title: "OpenSpades"
- time: "14:30"
title: "Blockbomber"
- time: "15:30"
title: "Break"
- time: "16:00"
title: "Xonotic"
tournament: true
- time: "18:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "18:30"
title: "OpenHV"
- time: "20:00"
title: "Mindustry"
- date: 2022-12-17T14:00:00UTC
intro: "onFOSS-LAN hosted by DeathByDenim"
- time: "14:00"
title: "Get together"
- time: "14:30"
title: "Doom (ODAMEX) XMAS mod"
- time: "15:15"
title: "Teeworlds"
- time: "16:00"
title: "OpenSpades"
- time: "17:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "18:00"
title: "Lix"
- time: "18:30"
title: "Free Play!"
extras: ["Shattered Paradise"]
- date: 2022-07-02T14:00:00UTC
intro: "onFOSS-LAN hosted by DeathByDenim"
- time: "14:00"
title: "OpenSoldat"
- time: "15:00"
title: "Lix"
- time: "16:00"
title: "Teeworlds DDrace"
- time: "17:00"
title: "Free play!"
extras: ["OpenSpades", "OpenHV"]
- date: 2022-03-19T14:00:00UTC
intro: "onFOSS-LAN hosted by DeathByDenim"
- time: "14:00"
title: "Armagetron Advanced"
- time: "15:00"
title: "Xonotic - Battle Royale"
- time: "16:00"
title: "Lix"
- time: "16:30"
title: "Free play!"
extras: ["Hedgewars", "SuperTuxKart (Race and Soccer modes)"]
content: |
Additionally, there was a fundraiser to help the people suffering
from the war in Ukraine &#x1F1FA;&#x1F1E6;. I matched your donation
(up to $500 total) and additionally, the government of Canada
&#x1F1E8;&#x1F1E6; will match mine until 18 March. So, that's triple
the value for any donation you make. It doesn't have to be to the
Canadian Red Cross, you probably have a local equivalent.
<em>UPDATE (2022-03-08)</em>: Canada reached the $10M already so they are not
doubling anymore. I'll still double but this means your amount won't
count as triple anymore.
<em>UPDATE (2022-03-13)</em>: Canada increased the limit to $30M, so
any donation you make is once again tripled.
<em>UPDATE (2022-03-14)</em>: Oh, never mind, this goal has already
been reached. Anyway, I'll still match what you donate!
<em>UPDATE (2022-03-19)</em>: Donations are closed. A total amount
of &euro;40 was collected and the equivalent of CAD 55.64 was
donated to the Canadian Red Cross.
<p>List of donations:</p>
<li>Anonymous: &euro;40</li>
- date: 2022-02-12T15:00UTC
intro: "Session to test if it all works as intended! hosted by DeathByDenim, first time hosted by someone else"
2023-05-26 17:30:43 +02:00
- title: "OpenSpades"
- title: "OpenHV"
- title: "Xonotic"
- date: 2022-01-10T12:00:00UTC
intro: "onFOSS-LAN: powered by LibreGaming! hosted by LibreGaming, first group-effort event"
- time: "12:00"
title: "Meetup on Mumble and chill gaming"
- time: "13:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "14:00"
title: "New to onFOSS-LAN (UFO:AI, Soldat)"
- time: "15:30"
title: "Break"
- time: "16:00"
title: "SuperTuxKart Tournament"
- time: "18:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "18:30"
title: "Good old classics (Lix, Hedgewars)"
- time: "20:00"
title: "Late night gaming"
extras: ["Soldat", "UFO:AI","Lix","Hedgewars","SuperTuxKart"]
- date: 2021-12-19T11:00:00UTC
intro: "onFOSS-LAN: Double the fun! hosted by hribhrib, first event over two days, livestream by opensource_gaming"
- time: "13:00"
title: "Meetup on Mumble and chill gaming"
- time: "15:30"
title: "Break"
- time: "16:00"
title: "Teeworlds Tournament - Finale LIVESTREAM"
- date: 2021-12-18T11:00:00UTC
intro: "onFOSS-LAN: Double the fun! hosted by hribhrib, first event over two days, livestream by opensource_gaming"
- time: "11:00"
title: "Meetup on Mumble and chill gaming"
- time: "14:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "15:00"
title: "Teeworlds Tournament - Playoffs LIVESTREAM"
- time: "18:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "19:00"
title: "Late night gaming"
extras: ["Teeworlds", "OpenHV","Hedgewars","SuperTuxKart","Mindustry","OpenSpades","Unvanquished"]
- date: 2021-11-13T10:00:00UTC
intro: "onFOSS-LAN: Casual Saturday! hosted by hribhrib"
- time: "10:00"
title: "Meetup on Mumble and chill gaming"
- time: "13:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "14:00"
title: "Casual gaming"
- time: "17:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "18:00"
title: "Late night gaming"
extras: ["BZFlag", "Hedgewars","Mindustry","SuperTuxKart"]
- date: 2021-09-11T10:00:00UTC
intro: "onFOSS-LAN: spoRTSmanship! hosted by hribhrib, livestream by opensource_gaming"
- time: "10:00"
title: "Meetup on Mumble and chill gaming"
- time: "13:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "14:00"
title: "OpenHV tournament (LIVESTREAM)"
- time: "17:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "17:30"
title: "OpenHV finals (LIVESTREAM)"
- time: "19:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "20:00"
title: "Late night gaming"
extras: ["0ad", "OpenHV","Widelands"]
- date: 2021-07-10T10:00:00UTC
intro: "onFOSS-LAN: Race for the loot! hosted by hribhrib"
- time: "10:00"
title: "Meetup on Mumble and chill gaming"
- time: "13:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "14:00"
title: "Veloren Loot and Level"
- time: "17:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "18:00"
title: "Veloren final Dungeon (LIVESTREAM)"
- time: "20:00"
title: "Late night gaming"
extras: ["SuperTuxKart", "armagetron","Minetest"]
- date: 2021-05-22T10:00:00UTC
intro: "onFOSS-LAN: Live and Reloaded! hosted by hribhrib, first livestream by Murks"
- time: "10:00"
title: "Meetup on Mumble and chill gaming"
- time: "13:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "14:00"
title: "Teeworlds tournament (LIVESTREAM)"
- time: "17:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "17:30"
title: "Teeworlds finals (LIVESTREAM)"
- time: "19:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "20:00"
title: "Late night gaming"
extras: ["OpenSpades", "Xonotic","Minetest"]
- date: 2021-04-17T10:30:00UTC
intro: "onFOSS-LAN hosted by hribhrib, first public onFOSS-LAN!"
- time: "10:30"
title: "Meetup on Mumble and chill gaming"
- time: "13:00"
title: "OpenRA tournament"
- time: "16:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "17:00"
title: "Hedgewars tournament"
- time: "20:00"
title: "Break"
- time: "21:00"
title: "Late night gaming"
extras: ["Minetest", "SuperTuxKart (Race and Soccer modes)","Teeworlds"]
- date: 2021-03-06T10:30:00UTC
intro: "onFOSS-LAN hosted by hribhrib, private"
- time: "10:30"
title: "Meetup on Mumble and chill gaming"
- time: "13:00"
title: "test warzone2100"
- time: "15:00"
title: "OpenRA - Free for all (12player max)"
- time: "17:00"
title: "OpenRA - 1v1/2v2/3v3 tournaments"
- time: "21:00"
title: "Late night gaming"
- date: 2021-01-23T10:30:00UTC
intro: "onFOSS-LAN hosted by hribhrib, private"
- time: "10:30"
title: "Meetup on Mumble and chill gaming"
- time: "13:00"
title: "supertuxkart turnament (8player max)"
- time: "15:00"
title: "hedgewars turnament (8player max)"
- time: "17:00"
title: "teeworlds together"
- time: "19:00"
title: "0ad US vs BOTS (6player max or 8 without bots)"
- time: "21:00"
title: "Late night gaming"
- date: 2021-01-02T10:30:00UTC
intro: "onFOSS-LAN hosted by hribhrib, private"
- time: "10:30"
title: "Doors open, Welcoming and troubleshooting games if not running, talk, play"
- time: "12:00"
title: "Lunch together (or alone)"
- time: "13:00"
title: "GAMES"