
Game server

During an event we have one single server hosting all of the games listed. Even games that are not in the schedule will have servers running to facilitate free play. System requirements are very low. You'll only need 2GB of memory, 2 CPU cores, and 30 GB of disk space.

Code for setting up this game server is available at and is licensed under the AGPLv3 or later, meaning you are free to use and modify the code as long as you make the modifications available.

The deploy script is intended to run on a clean Debian 11 virtual machine. Further instructions are available on the git page but feel free to ask questions of course!

Become a host

If you wish to host an event then that is great! We encourage anyone to do so. Please get in contact with us to get your event listed in the schedule and we can advertise.

If you want to run games that are not already in the list, make sure that they are open source so to stay in the spirit on onFOSS.


All assets on this page and the game server are freely available under a CC0 (public domain) license