--- layout: default nav_pill: home ---

About onFOSS

onFOSS-LAN is a online, "Free (as Freedom) and Open Source" LAN-Party.

See the main onfoss.org website for more information. You will find our communication channels there as well. We highly recommend you join our Mumble server during the event.


Hosted by {{ site.content.hosted_by_name }}

{% assign sitetime = site.time | date: "%FT%T" %} {% assign event = site.data.events | where_exp: "item", "item.date >= sitetime" | last %} {% if event %}

Start at {{ event.date | date: "%A %e %B %Y, %R" }} UTC


{% include event.html %} {% else %}

Event is over.

{% endif %}


There are a few game servers running. To connect, simply start the game and connect to this domain. See also the Help section for more information.

{% assign sorted_games = site.data.games | sort: "title" %} {% for game in sorted_games %} {% endfor %}
Tiny screenshot of {{ game.title }} {{ game.title }} {{ game.description }} {% if game.warning %}
Warning: {{ game.warning }} {% endif %}
More info
