
58 lines
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2021-12-06 15:22:42 +01:00
cd ~/
echo "make new directory"
mkdir unvanquished
echo "cd directory"
cd unvanquished
echo "start download"
wget https://github.com/Unvanquished/Unvanquished/releases/download/v0.52.1/unvanquished_0.52.1.zip
echo "Extract this archive"
unzip unvanquished_0.52.1.zip
echo "Enter the unvanquished folder"
cd unvanquished_0.52.1
echo "Extract the engine archive"
unzip linux-amd64.zip
echo "Create a script to ease starting a server, create the file and give it proper permissions"
touch startsrv
chmod +x startsrv
echo "Write the script content this way"
echo './daemonded -homepath home +exec server.cfg' > startsrv
echo "create a folder called home in the unvanquished folder"
mkdir home
echo "Create a folder called config in the home folder"
mkdir home/config
echo "copy the config/server.cfg sample file"
cp ~/git/onFOSS-LAN-Serverconfiguration/unvanquished/server.cfg home/config/
echo "Create a folder called game in the home folder"
mkdir home/game
echo "copy the game/maprotation.cfg sample file"
cp ~/git/onFOSS-LAN-Serverconfiguration/unvanquished/maprotation.cfg home/game/
nohup ./startsrv &>/dev/null &