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2021-12-06 15:22:42 +01:00
# server name - displayed on master server
name = "onFOSS"
# messages sent when user joins server
motd = [
"Welcome to %(server_name)s",
"Map: %(map_name)s by %(map_author)s",
"Game mode: %(game_mode)s",
"Server powered by piqueserver and buildandshoot.com"
# info displaying when user types the /help command
# String interpolation is allowed. Possible values are:
# 'server_name', 'map_name', 'map_author', 'map_description', 'game_mode'
help = [
"Server name: %(server_name)s", "Map: %(map_name)s by %(map_author)s",
"Game mode: %(game_mode)s",
"/commands Prints all available commands",
"/help <command_name> Gives description and usage info for a command",
"/help Prints this message"
# list of messages to send when the user sends the /rules command
rules = [
"Cheating isn't welcome. Griefing is frowned upon. Have fun!"
# random lines from this list are shown at a specified frequency in-game
tips = [
"You are playing %(game_mode)s on %(server_name)s",
"Type /help for info & commands"
# how often the tips should display
tips_frequency = "5min"
# set this if the server should register on the master server list
master = false
# limit max number of players who can join.
# must be 0 < max_players <= 32
max_players = 32
# messages from the server in-game will be prefixed with this string
server_prefix = ""
# limit number of players who can connect from the same ip address
# 0 disables the limit (default: 0)
#max_connections_per_ip = 0
max_connections_per_ip = 3
# port the server will listen on (default: 32887)
port = 32887
# interface the server will listen on (default: all interfaces)
# TODO: document enet specific strangeness
network_interface = ""
# url that is used to request the server's public ip address
# it should be a url that returns only the requester's public ip in the response body
# Set to an empty string if you wish to disable ip requesting
# WARNING: do not change unless you are sure you know what you are doing
# other tools if the default is down:
# https://icanhazip.com/
# https://api.ipify.org
#ip_getter = "https://services.buildandshoot.com/getip"
# note: scripts are loaded in order entered here. Some scripts may depend on
# other scripts being loaded before them.
scripts = [
# number of /login attempts allowed before players are auto-kicked (default: 1)
login_retries = 3
# maps listed in the rotation
# these names are the name of the map vxl/txt files without the file extensions
# eg. if you have hallway.txt and hallway.vxl, you can add "hallway" to the rotation
# Note: you can still load a map in-game that isn't on this rotation list with commands
rotation = [
# "classicgen",
# whether next map for a new game will be chosen at random
# if this is false, maps will cycle in order listed in the rotation list
random_rotation = false
# set the game mode. "ctf" and "tc" are built in game modes; others are custom
# game modes specified by python module or python script in the config game_modes
# directory (without the '.py' extension).
# Examples: "piqueserver.game_modes.push", "mygame" (where you have config/game_modes/mygame.py)
game_mode = "ctf"
# default time limit to set per map. When the time limit runs out, the map rotation is advanced
default_time_limit = "2hours"
# advances the map rotation when the game ends, if set to true
advance_on_win = true
# time between player respawn waves
# (default: 8 seconds)
respawn_time = "16sec"
# if respawns should happen in waves, or respawn_time seconds after the players death
respawn_waves = true
# whether friendly fire is allowed by default
friendly_fire = false
# allow friendly fire if player destroys blocks (helpful if you want to kill
# griefers
friendly_fire_on_grief = true
# duration a player is vulnerable to friendly fire if
# friendly_fire_on_grief enabled
grief_friendly_fire_time = "5sec"
# If friendly fire should be enabled for the spade too. This is disabled by default,
# because it frequently causes accidental teamkills
spade_teamkills_on_grief = false
# If 0, any permutation of teams is allowed. If 1 or greater, team balance is enforced with the algorithm:
# `abs(team1_players - team2_players) <= balanced_teams`
# The value is thus the maximum player number difference allowed between teams
balanced_teams = 2
# time players must wait before switching teams again
# 0sec disables cooldown time
teamswitch_interval = "0sec"
# whether players are allowed to switch teams at all
teamswitch_allowed = true
# attempt to detect speedhacking. This might cause false positives.
speedhack_detect = true
# distance the server tolerates between the place it thinks the client is to where the client actually is.
rubberband_distance = 10
# The amount of damage dealt by a melee hit
melee_damage = 80
# controls whether players receive damage by falling from height
fall_damage = true
# disable users ability to affect the map's initial blocks
user_blocks_only = false
# puts the player into god build mode automatically when entering god mode, if set to true
set_god_build = false
# time in seconds remaining when the time remaining should be announced
time_announcements = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3000]
# number of intel captures to win the game (default: 10)
cap_limit = 10
# Set this to true to automatically log all players in as admin on join.
# Possibly useful for testing purposes.
#everyone_is_admin = false
# information about the team1
# name of the team to be displayed in-game
name = "Blue"
# color of the players
color = [ 0, 0, 255]
# information about team2 - same settings as for team1
name = "Green"
color = [ 0, 255, 0]
# server management passwords
# players can login using these to execute privileged commands (kicking,
# changing maps, etc.)
# authenticate with: /login <password>
# supports a list of passwords so you can give different passwords to different
# people for easy password management.
# logging in as admin or trusted also disables being votekicked (if that script is enabled)
# For security reasons, logins are disabled by default.
#admin = ["adminpass1", "adminpass2"]
#moderator = ["modpass"]
#guard = ["guardpass"]
#trusted = ["trustedpass"]
# default duration a banned player will be banned for
default_duration = "1day"
# location the bans are saved and loaded from (relative to the config
# directory)
#file = "bans.txt"
# Ban publish allows you to synchronize bans between servers. When enabled,
# the server listens on the given port and respnds to any requests with a list
# of bans
#publish = false
#publish_port = 32885
# Bansubscribe allows you to inherit bans from another server with banpublish enabled.
# `url` is the URL returning the json list, `whitelist` is a list of names which should
# be exempt from the filter
#bansubscribe = [
# { url = "http://www.blacklist.spadille.net/subscribe.json", whitelist = []},
# Rights allow you to specify the roles available and what permissions they have
moderator = [
"advancemap", "cancel", "dban", "fog",
"from", "hackinfo", "hban",
"invisible", "ip", "kick", "kickafk",
"kill", "map", "master", "move", "moves",
"mute", "resetgame", "switch", "teleport",
"teleport_other", "tpsilent", "togglebuild", "togglekill",
"togglevotekick", "trust", "undoban", "unmute",
"unstick", "where", "whowas"
guard = [
"cancel", "fog", "from",
"hackinfo", "hban", "ip", "kick",
"kickafk", "kill", "move", "moves", "mute",
"switch", "teleport", "teleport_other", "togglebuild",
"togglekill", "togglevotekick", "trust", "unmute",
"unstick", "where", "whowas"
# set log level
# various log levels in decending order: debug, info, warn, error, critical
loglevel = "info"
# the logfile to log to if logging enabled
# relative paths are resolved relative to the config directory; parent
# directories are created as necessary
logfile = "./logs/log.txt"
# writes a new log file each day
rotate_daily = true
profile = false
# the web server which provides a json api and webpage to view a summary of the
# game (including map, players, and server information)
enabled = true
port = 32886
logging = true
# settings for the irc chatbot that can report server events and respond to commands
# disabled by default
enabled = false
nickname = "piqueserver"
username = "piqueserver"
realname = "piqueserver"
server = "irc.quakenet.org"
port = 6667
channel = "#MyServerChannel"
password = ""
# prefixes irc users must use for bot to process as command or to send to game chat
commandprefix = "!"
chatprefix = "."
# enable the ssh manhole server
# gives ssh access to a python repl connected to the running server
# Do not enable unless you are sure you want to use this!
#enabled = false
#port = 32887
# user = password
# pairs for credentials allowed to login to the ssh server
# WARNING: keep these credentials secure since this gives console access to the server
# on which piqueserver is running!
#user1 = "ssh_pass_change_this"
# Script specific config
# Each section corresponds to the script that uses said section. These
# settings are only used by enabled scripts, and will be ignored by the core
# server.
# piqueserver.scripts.squad
respawn_time = "32sec"
size = 4
auto_squad = false
# piqueserver.scripts.savemap
# allows automatically saving a snapshot of the map on server close
# automatically load the saved map on map load
load_saved_map = false
# piqueserver.scripts.rollback
rollback_on_game_end = false
# piqueserver.scripts.afk
# duration player must be inactive for to be auto-kicked for afk
time_limit = "30min"
# piqueserver.scripts.votekick
# percentage of total number of players in the server required to vote to
# successfully votekick a player
percentage = 35
# duration that votekicked player will be banned for
ban_duration = "30min"
public_votes = true
# piqueserver.scripts.votemap
# publically display which map players voted for
public_votes = true
# extend current map (meaning?)
extension_time = "15min"
# players can initiate voting for a new map with /votemap
player_driven = false
autoschedule = false
percentage = 80