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2021-04-11 14:57:47 +02:00
% ITEC Thesis Style
% Main Author: Matthias Ohlenroth 07/16/02
% Extended by: Klaus Leopold
% Extended by: Mathias Lux
% Extended by: Thomas FRANK (maketitleDiplNew
% - new title page layout according to Studienabteilung template)
% - removed \titlepage bug in preface environment
% Most of this is based on work done by S. Podlipnig and
% H. Kosch
\ProvidesPackage{itecthesis}[2002/07/17 ITEC Thesis Style V1.1]
\typeout{ITEC Thesis Style V1.1 - M. Ohlenroth, extended by K. Leopold and Mathias Lux}
% kl: some font stuff here
% set paper geometry
% set page style
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
\rhead[\fancyplain{}{\slshape \leftmark}]{\fancyplain{}%
{\slshape \thepage}}
\lhead[\fancyplain{}{\slshape \thepage}]{\fancyplain{}%
{\slshape \rightmark}}
% unterste Zeile aller Seiten auf gleicher Hoehe (ungetestet)
% some definitions
% macro to write function names etc. (code)
\newcommand{\bs}{\symbol{<7B>134}}% print backslash
\def\date#1#2{\gdef\@date{#1 #2}\gdef\@Xmonth{#1}\gdef\@Xyear{#2}\gdef\thedate{#1 #2}}
% color macros
% koi \outerbarstrue
% to be continued...
% titlepage for phd
\vspace{19mm}{\LARGE DISSERTATION\par}
\vspace{10mm}{\Large Zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades\\
Doktor der technischen Wissenschaften\par}
\vspace{25mm}{\Large Studium der Informatik\par}
\vspace{21mm}{\Large Universit\"at Klagenfurt\\
Fakult\"at f\"ur Technische Wissenschaften\par}
{\Large 1. Begutachter: \@begutachterA\\}
{\Large 2. Begutachter: \@begutachterB\\}
\ifthenelse{\equal{}{\@begutachterC}}{}{\Large 3. Begutachter: \@begutachterC\\}
{\Large Institut f\"ur Informationstechnologie\par}
\textsl{Copyright \@Xyear\ by \@author.}
\LARGE \@author
\vspace*{19mm}{\LARGE DISSERTATION\par}
\vspace{15mm}{\Large Zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades\\
Doktor der technischen Wissenschaften\par}
\vspace{20mm}{\Large Studium der Informatik\par}
\vspace{21mm}{\Large Universit\"at Klagenfurt\\
Fakult\"at f\"ur Technische Wissenschaften\par}
{\Large 1. Begutachter: \@begutachterA\\}
{\Large 2. Begutachter: \@begutachterB\\}
\ifthenelse{\equal{}{\@begutachterC}}{}{\Large 3. Begutachter: \@begutachterC\\}
{\Large Institut f\"ur Informationstechnologie\par}
\textsl{Copyright \@Xyear\ by \@author.}
% \vspace{10mm}\hfill{\Large\@date}
% titlepage for master
\def\finaldate{September 2019}
\eingereichtbei{Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Mathias Lux}
% \begin{flushright}
% Institut fuer Informationstechnologie
% \end{flushright}
\vspace{20mm}{\LARGE MAGISTERARBEIT\par}
\vspace{10mm}{\Large Zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades\\ \@akgrad \par}
\vspace{21mm}{\Large Institut f\"ur Informationstechnologie\par}
\vspace{1mm}{\Large Universit\"at Klagenfurt\par}
\vspace{42mm}{\large Eingereicht bei \@eingereichtbei}
% \begin{flushright}
% Institut fuer Informationstechnologie
% \end{flushright}
\vspace{15mm}{\LARGE BACHELORARBEIT\par}
\vspace{5mm}{\Large zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades\\ Bachelor \par}
\vspace{10mm}{\Large Studium\\ ANGEWANDTE INFORMATIK\par}
\vspace{10mm}{\Large Alpen-Adria-Universit\"at Klagenfurt\\}
{\Large Fakult\"at f\"ur Technische Wissenschaften\par}
\vspace{10mm}{\large Begutachter: \\\@eingereichtbei\\Institut f\"ur Informationstechnologie}
{\large \finaldate}
% Erklaerung, Danksagung etc.
%\titlepage - here was the bug
\large\bfseries #1
% everything before the text
%new commands by TF!!!!!!!!!!!
%end new commands by TF!!!!!!!!!!!
% include figures
% input: file name, caption, label
% table with caption
% abc list
{\usecounter{abc@listcntr} \topsep=2pt \partopsep=0pt%
\leftmargin=17.5pt \itemsep=2pt \parsep=0pt \parskip=0pt}}%
% Index stuff
\newcommand{\idx}[1]{#1\index{#1}} % normal index entry
\newcommand{\Idx}[1]{#1\index{#1|textbf}} % preferred index entry
\newcommand{\idxx}[2]{#1\index{#2!#1}} % subindex
\newcommand{\Idxx}[2]{#1\index{#2!#1|textbf}} % subindex
\newcommand{\idxxx}[3]{#1\index{#2!#3!#1}} % subsubindex
\newcommand{\Idxxx}[3]{#1\index{#2!#3!#1|textbf}}% subsubindex
\newcommand{\idxtt}[1]{\texttt{#1}\index{#1@\texttt{#1}}} % tt index entry
\newcommand{\icode}[1]{\code{#1}\index{#1@\code{#1}}}% code index entry
% word and index word are different:
\newcommand{\idxe}[2]{#1\index{#2}} % normal index entry
\newcommand{\Idxe}[2]{#1\index{#2|textbf}} % preferred index entry
\newcommand{\idxex}[3]{#1\index{#2!#3}} % subindex
\newcommand{\Idxex}[3]{#1\index{#2!#3|textbf}} % subindex
\newcommand{\idxexx}[4]{#1\index{#2!#3!#4}} % subsubindex
\newcommand{\Idxexx}[4]{#1\index{#2!#3!#4|textbf}}% subsubindex
\newcommand{\idxett}[2]{\texttt{#1}\index{#2@\texttt{#2}}} % tt index entry
\newcommand{\iecode}[2]{\code{#1}\index{#2@\code{#2}}}% code index entry
% (re)define index commands
% this requires and further manipulation
% of the resulting *.ind file (all \idxdl lines must have '}' appended)
\renewcommand\@idxitem{\par\hangindent 20\p@}
\vskip \z@ \@plus.2\p@
{\leftskip #1\relax \rightskip \idx@psectlen \@plus 10\p@ \parfillskip -\rightskip
\parindent #1\relax\@afterindenttrue
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\idx@width < \idx@psectlen}}%
\@tempdima 20\p@\relax
\advance\leftskip \@tempdima \null\nobreak\hskip -\leftskip
\mkern \@dotsep mu\hbox{\tiny\idx@dot}\mkern \@dotsep
\hb@xt@\idx@width{\hfil\normalfont \normalcolor #3}%
% {\hfil\normalfont \normalcolor #3}%
\parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
% set chapter heading style
% copy of chapitre.sty from - bug fixes by M. Ohlenroth
% _______________________________________
% /| Style Chapitre (
% |
% |
% ---
% \chaptername = Chapter/Chapitre
% \appendixname = Appendix/Annexe
% \@chapapp : nom du chapitre = \chaptername ou \appendixname
% \thechapter : num<75>ro du chapitre = 1,2 ... ou A,B, ...
\newfont{\chapfonte}{cmr10 scaled 9000}
% La taille (=hauteur) de la fonte est 10pt * scaled / 1000
% Remarque : \magstep<n> vaut 1000*(1.2)^n
% Donc \magstep1 multiplie la fonte par 1.2, ie l'augmente de 20%
\def\haut{20mm} % Hauteur des chiffres, <20> ajuster avec 'scaled'
\def\decal{1.75ex} % Pour aligner la ligne avec le haut de CHAPITRE
\thispagestyle{empty}% pas de num<75>ro de page
\vskip 100\p@
% redefine chapter*: change hight at which title starts
{\parindent \z@ \raggedright
\Huge \bfseries #1\par\nobreak
\vskip 40\p@