2010-05-29 06:56:32 +00:00

223 lines
6.6 KiB

// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Martio Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "checksum.h"
#include "network_message.h"
#include "network_types.h"
#include "game_settings.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "types.h"
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using Shared::Util::Checksum;
using namespace Shared::Util;
using namespace Shared::Platform;
namespace Glest{ namespace Game{
//class GameSettings;
// =====================================================
// class NetworkInterface
// =====================================================
typedef int (*DisplayMessageFunction)(const char *msg, bool exit);
class NetworkInterface {
static bool allowGameDataSynchCheck;
static bool allowDownloadDataSynch;
bool networkGameDataSynchCheckOkMap;
bool networkGameDataSynchCheckOkTile;
bool networkGameDataSynchCheckOkTech;
string chatText;
string chatSender;
int chatTeamIndex;
static DisplayMessageFunction pCB_DisplayMessage;
void DisplayErrorMessage(string sErr, bool closeSocket=true);
virtual Mutex * getServerSynchAccessor() = 0;
static const int readyWaitTimeout;
GameSettings gameSettings;
virtual ~NetworkInterface(){}
virtual Socket* getSocket()= 0;
virtual const Socket* getSocket() const= 0;
virtual void close()= 0;
static void setDisplayMessageFunction(DisplayMessageFunction pDisplayMessage) { pCB_DisplayMessage = pDisplayMessage; }
static DisplayMessageFunction getDisplayMessageFunction() { return pCB_DisplayMessage; }
string getIp() const {return getSocket()->getIp();}
string getHostName() const {return getSocket()->getHostName();}
void sendMessage(const NetworkMessage* networkMessage);
NetworkMessageType getNextMessageType(bool checkHasDataFirst = false);
bool receiveMessage(NetworkMessage* networkMessage);
bool isConnected();
//virtual void setGameSettings(GameSettings *serverGameSettings) { gameSettings = *serverGameSettings; }
const virtual GameSettings * getGameSettings() { return &gameSettings; }
static void setAllowDownloadDataSynch(bool value) { allowDownloadDataSynch = value; }
static bool getAllowDownloadDataSynch() { return allowDownloadDataSynch; }
static void setAllowGameDataSynchCheck(bool value) { allowGameDataSynchCheck = value; }
static bool getAllowGameDataSynchCheck() { return allowGameDataSynchCheck; }
virtual bool getNetworkGameDataSynchCheckOk() { return (networkGameDataSynchCheckOkMap && networkGameDataSynchCheckOkTile && networkGameDataSynchCheckOkTech); }
virtual void setNetworkGameDataSynchCheckOkMap(bool value) { networkGameDataSynchCheckOkMap = value; }
virtual void setNetworkGameDataSynchCheckOkTile(bool value) { networkGameDataSynchCheckOkTile = value; }
virtual void setNetworkGameDataSynchCheckOkTech(bool value) { networkGameDataSynchCheckOkTech = value; }
virtual bool getNetworkGameDataSynchCheckOkMap() { return networkGameDataSynchCheckOkMap; }
virtual bool getNetworkGameDataSynchCheckOkTile() { return networkGameDataSynchCheckOkTile; }
virtual bool getNetworkGameDataSynchCheckOkTech() { return networkGameDataSynchCheckOkTech; }
//virtual bool getNetworkGameDataSynchCheckOkFogOfWar() { return networkGameDataSynchCheckOkFogOfWar; }
//virtual void setNetworkGameDataSynchCheckOkFogOfWar(bool value) { networkGameDataSynchCheckOkFogOfWar = value; }
const string getChatText() const {return chatText;}
const string getChatSender() const {return chatSender;}
int getChatTeamIndex() const {return chatTeamIndex;}
void clearChatInfo();
virtual bool getConnectHasHandshaked() const= 0;
// =====================================================
// class GameNetworkInterface
// Adds functions common to servers and clients
// but not connection slots
// =====================================================
class GameNetworkInterface: public NetworkInterface{
typedef vector<NetworkCommand> Commands;
Commands requestedCommands; //commands requested by the user
Commands pendingCommands; //commands ready to be given
bool quit;
//message processimg
virtual void update()= 0;
virtual void updateLobby()= 0;
virtual void updateKeyframe(int frameCount)= 0;
virtual void waitUntilReady(Checksum* checksum)= 0;
//message sending
virtual void sendTextMessage(const string &text, int teamIndex)= 0;
virtual void quitGame(bool userManuallyQuit)=0;
virtual string getNetworkStatus() const= 0;
//access functions
void requestCommand(const NetworkCommand *networkCommand, bool insertAtStart=false);
int getPendingCommandCount() const {return pendingCommands.size();}
NetworkCommand* getPendingCommand(int i) {return &pendingCommands[i];}
void clearPendingCommands() {pendingCommands.clear();}
bool getQuit() const {return quit;}
// =====================================================
// class FileTransferSocketThread
// =====================================================
enum FileTransferHostType
enum FileTransferOperationType
class FileTransferInfo
void CopyAll(const FileTransferInfo &obj)
hostType = obj.hostType;
serverIP = obj.serverIP;
serverPort = obj.serverPort;
opType = obj.opType;
fileName = obj.fileName;
FileTransferInfo(const FileTransferInfo &obj)
FileTransferInfo &operator=(const FileTransferInfo &obj)
return *this;
FileTransferHostType hostType;
string serverIP;
int32 serverPort;
FileTransferOperationType opType;
string fileName;
class FileInfo
string fileName;
int64 filesize;
int32 filecrc;
class FileTransferSocketThread : public Thread
FileTransferInfo info;
FileTransferSocketThread(FileTransferInfo fileInfo);
virtual void execute();
}}//end namespace