
796 lines
24 KiB

// This file is part of Glest (
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Martiño Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#ifdef WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include "model.h"
#include "upgrade_type.h"
#include "particle.h"
#include "skill_type.h"
#include "game_constants.h"
#include "platform_common.h"
#include <vector>
#include "faction.h"
#include "leak_dumper.h"
namespace Glest { namespace Game {
using Shared::Graphics::ParticleSystem;
using Shared::Graphics::UnitParticleSystem;
using Shared::Graphics::Vec4f;
using Shared::Graphics::Vec2f;
using Shared::Graphics::Vec3f;
using Shared::Graphics::Vec2i;
using Shared::Graphics::Model;
using Shared::PlatformCommon::Chrono;
using Shared::PlatformCommon::ValueCheckerVault;
class Map;
//class Faction;
class Unit;
class Command;
class SkillType;
class ResourceType;
class CommandType;
class SkillType;
class UnitType;
class TotalUpgrade;
class UpgradeType;
class Level;
class MorphCommandType;
class Game;
class Unit;
class GameSettings;
class World;
enum CommandResult {
enum InterestingUnitType {
enum CauseOfDeathType {
class UnitBuildInfo {
UnitBuildInfo() {
unit = NULL;
buildUnit = NULL;
const Unit *unit;
CardinalDir facing;
Vec2i pos;
const UnitType *buildUnit;
// =====================================================
// class UnitObserver
// =====================================================
class UnitObserver {
enum Event{
virtual ~UnitObserver() {}
virtual void unitEvent(Event event, const Unit *unit)=0;
virtual void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode) const = 0;
// =====================================================
// class UnitReference
// =====================================================
class UnitReference {
int id;
Faction *faction;
UnitReference & operator=(const Unit *unit);
Unit *getUnit() const;
int getUnitId() const { return id; }
Faction *getUnitFaction() const { return faction; }
void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode);
void loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode,World *world);
class UnitPathInterface {
UnitPathInterface() {}
virtual ~UnitPathInterface() {}
virtual bool isBlocked() const = 0;
virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0;
virtual bool isStuck() const = 0;
virtual void clear() = 0;
virtual void clearBlockCount() = 0;
virtual void incBlockCount() = 0;
virtual void add(const Vec2i &path) = 0;
//virtual Vec2i pop() = 0;
virtual int getBlockCount() const = 0;
virtual int getQueueCount() const = 0;
virtual vector<Vec2i> getQueue() const = 0;
virtual std::string toString() const = 0;
virtual void setMap(Map *value) = 0;
virtual Map * getMap() = 0;
virtual void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode) = 0;
virtual void loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode) = 0;
virtual void clearCaches() = 0;
class UnitPathBasic : public UnitPathInterface {
static const int maxBlockCount;
Map *map;
static std::map<UnitPathBasic *,bool> mapMemoryList;
int blockCount;
vector<Vec2i> pathQueue;
vector<Vec2i> lastPathCacheQueue;
virtual ~UnitPathBasic();
static void dumpMemoryList();
virtual bool isBlocked() const;
virtual bool isEmpty() const;
virtual bool isStuck() const;
virtual void clear();
virtual void clearBlockCount() { blockCount = 0; }
virtual void incBlockCount();
virtual void add(const Vec2i &path);
void addToLastPathCache(const Vec2i &path);
Vec2i pop(bool removeFrontPos=true);
virtual int getBlockCount() const { return blockCount; }
virtual int getQueueCount() const { return pathQueue.size(); }
int getLastPathCacheQueueCount() const { return lastPathCacheQueue.size(); }
vector<Vec2i> getLastPathCacheQueue() const { return lastPathCacheQueue; }
virtual vector<Vec2i> getQueue() const { return pathQueue; }
virtual void setMap(Map *value) { map = value; }
virtual Map * getMap() { return map; }
virtual std::string toString() const;
virtual void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode);
virtual void loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode);
virtual void clearCaches();
// =====================================================
// class UnitPath
// =====================================================
/** Holds the next cells of a Unit movement
* @extends std::list<Shared::Math::Vec2i>
class UnitPath : public list<Vec2i>, public UnitPathInterface {
static const int maxBlockCount = 10; /**< number of command updates to wait on a blocked path */
int blockCount; /**< number of command updates this path has been blocked */
Map *map;
UnitPath() : UnitPathInterface(), blockCount(0), map(NULL) {} /**< Construct path object */
virtual bool isBlocked() const {return blockCount >= maxBlockCount;} /**< is this path blocked */
virtual bool isEmpty() const {return list<Vec2i>::empty();} /**< is path empty */
virtual bool isStuck() const {return false; }
int size() const {return list<Vec2i>::size();} /**< size of path */
virtual void clear() {list<Vec2i>::clear(); blockCount = 0;} /**< clear the path */
virtual void clearBlockCount() { blockCount = 0; }
virtual void incBlockCount() {++blockCount;} /**< increment block counter */
virtual void push(Vec2i &pos) {push_front(pos);} /**< push onto front of path */
bool empty() const {return list<Vec2i>::empty();} /**< is path empty */
virtual void add(const Vec2i &pos) { push_front(pos);} /**< push onto front of path */
#if 0
// old style, to work with original PathFinder
Vec2i peek() {return back();} /**< peek at the next position */
void pop() {this->pop_back();} /**< pop the next position off the path */
// new style
Vec2i peek() {return front();} /**< peek at the next position */
//virtual Vec2i pop() { Vec2i p= front(); erase(begin()); return p; } /**< pop the next position off the path */
void pop() { erase(begin()); } /**< pop the next position off the path */
virtual int getBlockCount() const { return blockCount; }
virtual int getQueueCount() const { return this->size(); }
virtual vector<Vec2i> getQueue() const {
vector<Vec2i> result;
for(list<Vec2i>::const_iterator iter = this->begin(); iter != this->end(); ++iter) {
return result;
virtual void setMap(Map *value) { map = value; }
virtual Map * getMap() { return map; }
virtual std::string toString() const;
virtual void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode) {};
virtual void loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode) {};
virtual void clearCaches() {};
class WaypointPath : public list<Vec2i> {
WaypointPath() {}
void push(const Vec2i &pos) { push_front(pos); }
Vec2i peek() const {return front();}
void pop() {erase(begin());}
void condense();
// ===============================
// class Unit
/// A game unit or building
// ===============================
class UnitAttackBoostEffect {
virtual ~UnitAttackBoostEffect();
const AttackBoost *boost;
const Unit *source;
UnitParticleSystem *ups;
UnitParticleSystemType *upst;
virtual void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode);
class UnitAttackBoostEffectOriginator {
virtual ~UnitAttackBoostEffectOriginator();
const SkillType *skillType;
std::vector<int> currentAttackBoostUnits;
UnitAttackBoostEffect *currentAppliedEffect;
virtual void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode);
class Unit : public BaseColorPickEntity, ValueCheckerVault {
typedef list<Command*> Commands;
typedef list<UnitObserver*> Observers;
typedef vector<UnitParticleSystem*> UnitParticleSystems;
static std::map<Unit *,bool> mapMemoryList;
static const int speedDivider;
static const int maxDeadCount;
static const int invalidId;
static std::map<UnitPathInterface *,int> mapMemoryList2;
static void dumpMemoryList();
const int id;
int hp;
int ep;
int loadCount;
int deadCount;
//float progress; //between 0 and 1
int progress; //between 0 and 1
int lastAnimProgress; //between 0 and 1
int animProgress; //between 0 and 1
float highlight;
int progress2;
int kills;
int enemyKills;
bool morphFieldsBlocked;
UnitReference targetRef;
Field currField;
Field targetField;
const Level *level;
Vec2i pos;
Vec2i lastPos;
Vec2i targetPos; //absolute target pos
Vec3f targetVec;
Vec2i meetingPos;
float lastRotation; //in degrees
float targetRotation;
float rotation;
float targetRotationZ;
float targetRotationX;
float rotationZ;
float rotationX;
const UnitType *preMorph_type;
const UnitType *type;
const ResourceType *loadType;
const SkillType *currSkill;
int lastModelIndexForCurrSkillType;
int animationRandomCycleCount;
bool toBeUndertaken;
bool alive;
bool showUnitParticles;
Faction *faction;
ParticleSystem *fire;
TotalUpgrade totalUpgrade;
Map *map;
UnitPathInterface *unitPath;
WaypointPath waypointPath;
Commands commands;
Observers observers;
vector<UnitParticleSystem*> unitParticleSystems;
vector<UnitParticleSystemType*> queuedUnitParticleSystemTypes;
UnitParticleSystems damageParticleSystems;
std::map<int, UnitParticleSystem *> damageParticleSystemsInUse;
vector<ParticleSystem*> fireParticleSystems;
vector<UnitParticleSystem*> smokeParticleSystems;
CardinalDir modelFacing;
std::string lastSynchDataString;
std::string lastFile;
int lastLine;
std::string lastSource;
int lastRenderFrame;
bool visible;
int retryCurrCommandCount;
Vec3f screenPos;
string currentUnitTitle;
bool inBailOutAttempt;
// This buffer stores a list of bad harvest cells, along with the start
// time of when it was detected. Typically this may be due to a unit
// constantly getting blocked from getting to the resource so this
// list may be used to tell areas of the game to ignore those cells for a
// period of time
//std::vector<std::pair<Vec2i,Chrono> > badHarvestPosList;
std::map<Vec2i,int> badHarvestPosList;
//time_t lastBadHarvestListPurge;
std::pair<Vec2i,int> lastHarvestResourceTarget;
//std::pair<Vec2i,std::vector<Vec2i> > currentTargetPathTaken;
static Game *game;
bool ignoreCheckCommand;
uint32 lastStuckFrame;
Vec2i lastStuckPos;
uint32 lastPathfindFailedFrame;
Vec2i lastPathfindFailedPos;
bool usePathfinderExtendedMaxNodes;
int maxQueuedCommandDisplayCount;
UnitAttackBoostEffectOriginator currentAttackBoostOriginatorEffect;
std::vector<UnitAttackBoostEffect *> currentAttackBoostEffects;
Mutex *mutexCommands;
//static Mutex mutexDeletedUnits;
//static std::map<void *,bool> deletedUnits;
bool changedActiveCommand;
int lastAttackerUnitId;
int lastAttackedUnitId;
CauseOfDeathType causeOfDeath;
uint32 pathfindFailedConsecutiveFrameCount;
Vec2i currentPathFinderDesiredFinalPos;
RandomGen random;
int pathFindRefreshCellCount;
FowAlphaCellsLookupItem cachedFow;
Vec2i cachedFowPos;
Vec2i lastHarvestedResourcePos;
Unit(int id, UnitPathInterface *path, const Vec2i &pos, const UnitType *type, Faction *faction, Map *map, CardinalDir placeFacing);
virtual ~Unit();
//static bool isUnitDeleted(void *unit);
static void setGame(Game *value) { game=value;}
inline int getPathFindRefreshCellCount() const { return pathFindRefreshCellCount; }
void setCurrentPathFinderDesiredFinalPos(const Vec2i &finalPos) { currentPathFinderDesiredFinalPos = finalPos; }
Vec2i getCurrentPathFinderDesiredFinalPos() const { return currentPathFinderDesiredFinalPos; }
//const std::pair<const SkillType *,std::vector<Unit *> > & getCurrentAttackBoostUnits() const { return currentAttackBoostUnits; }
const UnitAttackBoostEffectOriginator & getAttackBoostOriginatorEffect() const { return currentAttackBoostOriginatorEffect; }
bool unitHasAttackBoost(const AttackBoost *boost, const Unit *source) const;
inline uint32 getPathfindFailedConsecutiveFrameCount() const { return pathfindFailedConsecutiveFrameCount; }
inline void incrementPathfindFailedConsecutiveFrameCount() { pathfindFailedConsecutiveFrameCount++; }
inline void resetPathfindFailedConsecutiveFrameCount() { pathfindFailedConsecutiveFrameCount=0; }
const FowAlphaCellsLookupItem & getCachedFow() const { return cachedFow; }
FowAlphaCellsLookupItem getFogOfWarRadius(bool useCache) const;
void calculateFogOfWarRadius();
Command *getCurrrentCommandThreadSafe();
void setIgnoreCheckCommand(bool value) { ignoreCheckCommand=value;}
inline bool getIgnoreCheckCommand() const {return ignoreCheckCommand;}
inline int getId() const {return id;}
inline Field getCurrField() const {return currField;}
inline int getLoadCount() const {return loadCount;}
//inline int getLastAnimProgress() const {return lastAnimProgress;}
//inline int getAnimProgress() const {return animProgress;}
inline float getLastAnimProgressAsFloat() const {return static_cast<float>(lastAnimProgress) / ANIMATION_SPEED_MULTIPLIER;}
inline float getAnimProgressAsFloat() const {return static_cast<float>(animProgress) / ANIMATION_SPEED_MULTIPLIER;}
inline float getHightlight() const {return highlight;}
inline int getProgress2() const {return progress2;}
inline int getFactionIndex() const {
return faction->getIndex();
inline int getTeam() const {
return faction->getTeam();
inline int getHp() const {return hp;}
inline int getEp() const {return ep;}
int getProductionPercent() const;
float getProgressRatio() const;
float getHpRatio() const;
float getEpRatio() const;
inline bool getToBeUndertaken() const {return toBeUndertaken;}
inline Vec2i getTargetPos() const {return targetPos;}
inline Vec3f getTargetVec() const {return targetVec;}
inline Field getTargetField() const {return targetField;}
inline Vec2i getMeetingPos() const {return meetingPos;}
inline Faction *getFaction() const {return faction;}
inline const ResourceType *getLoadType() const {return loadType;}
inline const UnitType *getType() const {return type;}
inline const UnitType *getPreMorphType() const {return preMorph_type;}
inline const SkillType *getCurrSkill() const {return currSkill;}
inline const TotalUpgrade *getTotalUpgrade() const {return &totalUpgrade;}
inline float getRotation() const {return rotation;}
float getRotationX() const;
float getRotationZ() const;
ParticleSystem *getFire() const;
inline int getKills() const {return kills;}
inline int getEnemyKills() const {return enemyKills;}
inline const Level *getLevel() const {return level;}
const Level *getNextLevel() const;
string getFullName() const;
inline const UnitPathInterface *getPath() const {return unitPath;}
inline UnitPathInterface *getPath() {return unitPath;}
inline WaypointPath *getWaypointPath() {return &waypointPath;}
inline int getLastAttackerUnitId() const { return lastAttackerUnitId; }
inline void setLastAttackerUnitId(int unitId) { lastAttackerUnitId = unitId; }
inline int getLastAttackedUnitId() const { return lastAttackedUnitId; }
inline void setLastAttackedUnitId(int unitId) { lastAttackedUnitId = unitId; }
inline CauseOfDeathType getCauseOfDeath() const { return causeOfDeath; }
inline void setCauseOfDeath(CauseOfDeathType cause) { causeOfDeath = cause; }
inline Vec2i getPosNotThreadSafe() const {return pos;}
Vec2i getPos();
Vec2i getPosWithCellMapSet() const;
inline Vec2i getLastPos() const {return lastPos;}
Vec2i getCenteredPos() const;
Vec2f getFloatCenteredPos() const;
Vec2i getCellPos() const;
inline bool isHighlighted() const {return highlight>0.f;}
inline bool isDead() const {return !alive;}
inline bool isAlive() const {return alive;}
bool isOperative() const;
bool isBeingBuilt() const;
bool isBuilt() const;
bool isBuildCommandPending() const;
UnitBuildInfo getBuildCommandPendingInfo() const;
bool isAnimProgressBound() const;
bool isPutrefacting() const {
return deadCount!=0;
bool isAlly(const Unit *unit) const;
bool isDamaged() const;
bool isInteresting(InterestingUnitType iut) const;
void setCurrField(Field currField);
void setCurrSkill(const SkillType *currSkill);
void setCurrSkill(SkillClass sc);
void setMorphFieldsBlocked ( bool value ) {this->morphFieldsBlocked=value;}
bool getMorphFieldsBlocked() const { return morphFieldsBlocked; }
inline void setLastHarvestedResourcePos(Vec2i pos) { this->lastHarvestedResourcePos = pos; }
inline Vec2i getLastHarvestedResourcePos() const { return this->lastHarvestedResourcePos; }
inline void setLoadCount(int loadCount) {this->loadCount= loadCount;}
inline void setLoadType(const ResourceType *loadType) {this->loadType= loadType;}
inline void setProgress2(int progress2) {this->progress2= progress2;}
void setPos(const Vec2i &pos,bool clearPathFinder=false);
void refreshPos();
void setTargetPos(const Vec2i &targetPos);
void setTarget(const Unit *unit);
void setTargetVec(const Vec3f &targetVec);
void setMeetingPos(const Vec2i &meetingPos);
void setVisible(const bool visible);
inline bool getVisible() const { return visible; }
//render related
const Model *getCurrentModel();
Model *getCurrentModelPtr();
Vec3f getCurrVector() const;
Vec3f getCurrVectorFlat() const;
Vec3f getVectorFlat(const Vec2i &lastPosValue, const Vec2i &curPosValue) const;
//command related
bool anyCommand(bool validateCommandtype=false) const;
inline Command *getCurrCommand() const {
if(commands.empty() == false) {
return commands.front();
return NULL;
void replaceCurrCommand(Command *cmd);
int getCountOfProducedUnits(const UnitType *ut) const;
unsigned int getCommandSize() const;
std::pair<CommandResult,string> giveCommand(Command *command, bool tryQueue = false); //give a command
CommandResult finishCommand(); //command finished
CommandResult cancelCommand(); //cancel canceled
void create(bool startingUnit= false);
void born(const CommandType *ct);
void kill();
void undertake();
void addObserver(UnitObserver *unitObserver) ;
void removeObserver(UnitObserver *unitObserver);
void notifyObservers(UnitObserver::Event event);
void resetHighlight();
const CommandType *computeCommandType(const Vec2i &pos, const Unit *targetUnit= NULL) const;
string getDesc() const;
string getDescExtension() const;
bool computeEp();
//bool computeHp();
bool repair();
bool decHp(int i);
int update2();
bool update();
void tick();
RandomGen* getRandom() { return &random; }
bool applyAttackBoost(const AttackBoost *boost, const Unit *source);
void deapplyAttackBoost(const AttackBoost *boost, const Unit *source);
void applyUpgrade(const UpgradeType *upgradeType);
void computeTotalUpgrade();
void incKills(int team);
bool morph(const MorphCommandType *mct);
std::pair<CommandResult,string> checkCommand(Command *command) const;
void applyCommand(Command *command);
void setModelFacing(CardinalDir value);
inline CardinalDir getModelFacing() const { return modelFacing; }
bool isMeetingPointSettable() const;
inline int getLastRenderFrame() const { return lastRenderFrame; }
inline void setLastRenderFrame(int value) { lastRenderFrame = value; }
inline int getRetryCurrCommandCount() const { return retryCurrCommandCount; }
inline void setRetryCurrCommandCount(int value) { retryCurrCommandCount = value; }
inline Vec3f getScreenPos() const { return screenPos; }
void setScreenPos(Vec3f value) { screenPos = value; }
inline string getCurrentUnitTitle() const {return currentUnitTitle;}
void setCurrentUnitTitle(string value) { currentUnitTitle = value;}
void exploreCells();
inline bool getInBailOutAttempt() const { return inBailOutAttempt; }
inline void setInBailOutAttempt(bool value) { inBailOutAttempt = value; }
//std::vector<std::pair<Vec2i,Chrono> > getBadHarvestPosList() const { return badHarvestPosList; }
//void setBadHarvestPosList(std::vector<std::pair<Vec2i,Chrono> > value) { badHarvestPosList = value; }
void addBadHarvestPos(const Vec2i &value);
void removeBadHarvestPos(const Vec2i &value);
inline bool isBadHarvestPos(const Vec2i &value,bool checkPeerUnits=true) const {
bool result = false;
if(badHarvestPosList.empty() == true) {
return result;
std::map<Vec2i,int>::const_iterator iter = badHarvestPosList.find(value);
if(iter != badHarvestPosList.end()) {
result = true;
else if(checkPeerUnits == true) {
// Check if any other units of similar type have this position tagged
// as bad?
for(int i = 0; i < this->getFaction()->getUnitCount(); ++i) {
Unit *peerUnit = this->getFaction()->getUnit(i);
if( peerUnit != NULL && peerUnit->getId() != this->getId() &&
peerUnit->getType()->hasCommandClass(ccHarvest) == true &&
peerUnit->getType()->getSize() <= this->getType()->getSize()) {
if(peerUnit->isBadHarvestPos(value,false) == true) {
result = true;
return result;
void cleanupOldBadHarvestPos();
void setLastHarvestResourceTarget(const Vec2i *pos);
inline std::pair<Vec2i,int> getLastHarvestResourceTarget() const { return lastHarvestResourceTarget;}
//std::pair<Vec2i,std::vector<Vec2i> > getCurrentTargetPathTaken() const { return currentTargetPathTaken; }
//void addCurrentTargetPathTakenCell(const Vec2i &target,const Vec2i &cell);
void logSynchData(string file,int line,string source="");
void logSynchDataThreaded(string file,int line,string source="");
std::string toString() const;
bool needToUpdate();
float getProgressAsFloat() const;
int getUpdateProgress();
int getDiagonalFactor();
int getHeightFactor(float speedMultiplier=PROGRESS_SPEED_MULTIPLIER);
int getSpeedDenominator(int updateFPS);
bool isChangedActiveCommand() const { return changedActiveCommand; }
bool isLastStuckFrameWithinCurrentFrameTolerance();
inline uint32 getLastStuckFrame() const { return lastStuckFrame; }
inline void setLastStuckFrame(uint32 value) { lastStuckFrame = value; }
void setLastStuckFrameToCurrentFrame();
inline Vec2i getLastStuckPos() const { return lastStuckPos; }
inline void setLastStuckPos(Vec2i pos) { lastStuckPos = pos; }
bool isLastPathfindFailedFrameWithinCurrentFrameTolerance() const;
inline uint32 getLastPathfindFailedFrame() const { return lastPathfindFailedFrame; }
inline void setLastPathfindFailedFrame(uint32 value) { lastPathfindFailedFrame = value; }
void setLastPathfindFailedFrameToCurrentFrame();
inline Vec2i getLastPathfindFailedPos() const { return lastPathfindFailedPos; }
inline void setLastPathfindFailedPos(Vec2i pos) { lastPathfindFailedPos = pos; }
inline bool getUsePathfinderExtendedMaxNodes() const { return usePathfinderExtendedMaxNodes; }
inline void setUsePathfinderExtendedMaxNodes(bool value) { usePathfinderExtendedMaxNodes = value; }
void updateTimedParticles();
virtual string getUniquePickName() const;
void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode);
static Unit * loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode,GameSettings *settings,Faction *faction, World *world);
void clearCaches();
float computeHeight(const Vec2i &pos) const;
void calculateXZRotation();
void updateTarget();
void clearCommands();
void deleteQueuedCommand(Command *command);
CommandResult undoCommand(Command *command);
void stopDamageParticles(bool force);
void startDamageParticles();
int getFrameCount() const;
void checkCustomizedParticleTriggers(bool force);
bool checkModelStateInfoForNewHpValue();
void checkUnitLevel();
void morphAttackBoosts(Unit *unit);
int getUpdatedProgress(int currentProgress, int updateFPS, int speed, int diagonalFactor, int heightFactor);
void logSynchDataCommon(string file,int line,string source="",bool threadedMode=false);
void updateAttackBoostProgress(const Game* game);
}}// end namespace