local GAME_INSTALL_SIZE = 700000000; local GAME_VERSION = "3.9.1"; local _ = MojoSetup.translate Setup.Package { vendor = "megaglest.org", id = "megaglest", description = _("MegaGlest v" .. GAME_VERSION), version = GAME_VERSION, splash = "glestforumsheader.bmp", superuser = false, write_manifest = true, support_uninstall = true, recommended_destinations = { MojoSetup.info.homedir, "/opt/games", "/usr/local/games" }, precheck = function(package) -- MojoSetup.msgbox('Test#1', MojoSetup.info.homedir .. '/megaglest/uninstall-megaglest.sh') local previousPath = '' if MojoSetup.platform.exists(MojoSetup.info.homedir .. '/megaglest/uninstall-megaglest.sh') then previousPath = MojoSetup.info.homedir .. '/megaglest/' elseif MojoSetup.platform.exists('/opt/games/megaglest/uninstall-megaglest.sh') then previousPath = '/opt/games/megaglest/' elseif MojoSetup.platform.exists('/usr/local/games/megaglest/uninstall-megaglest.sh') then previousPath = '/usr/local/games/megaglest/' end if previousPath ~= '' then if MojoSetup.promptyn(_("MegaGlest Uninstall Title"), _("MegaGlest Uninstall Prompt") .. '\n\n[' .. previousPath .. ']') then os.execute(previousPath .. 'uninstall-megaglest.sh') end end end, preinstall = function(package) local previousPath = '' if MojoSetup.platform.exists(MojoSetup.info.homedir .. '/megaglest/mydata/') then previousPath = MojoSetup.info.homedir .. '/megaglest/' elseif MojoSetup.platform.exists('/opt/games/megaglest/mydata/') then previousPath = '/opt/games/megaglest/' elseif MojoSetup.platform.exists('/usr/local/games/megaglest/mydata/') then previousPath = '/usr/local/games/megaglest/' end -- Move mod data folder to new location if we find it if previousPath ~= '' then local instPathData = MojoSetup.info.homedir .. '/.megaglest/' local instPath = instPathData -- MojoSetup.msgbox('Moving mod folder','About to move mod folder from [' .. previousPath .. '] to [' .. instPath .. ']') os.execute('mkdir ' .. instPathData) os.execute('mv ' .. previousPath .. 'mydata/* ' .. instPath) os.execute('mv ' .. previousPath .. 'glestuser.ini ' .. instPath .. 'glestuser.ini') end end, postinstall = function(package) if MojoSetup.promptyn(_("MegaGlest Visit Website Title"), _("MegaGlest Visit Website Prompt")) then MojoSetup.launchbrowser("http://megaglest.org/get-started.html") end end, postuninstall = function(package) -- Cleanup additional files if MojoSetup.destination ~= '' then if MojoSetup.platform.exists(MojoSetup.destination .. '/lib/') then os.execute('rm -rf ' .. MojoSetup.destination .. '/lib/') end if MojoSetup.platform.exists(MojoSetup.destination) then os.execute('rm -rf ' .. MojoSetup.destination) end end end, Setup.Eula { description = _("MegaGlest Game License"), source = _("docs/gnu_gpl_3.0.txt") }, Setup.Eula { description = _("MegaGlest Data License"), source = _("docs/cc-by-sa-3.0-unported.txt") }, Setup.Readme { description = _("MegaGlest README"), source = _("docs/README.txt") }, Setup.Option { value = true, required = true, disabled = false, bytes = GAME_INSTALL_SIZE, description = _("MegaGlest v" .. GAME_VERSION), Setup.File { -- Just install everything we see... source = "base:///mgdata.tar.xz", }, Setup.DesktopMenuItem { disabled = false, name = _("MegaGlest v" .. GAME_VERSION), genericname = _("MegaGlest"), tooltip = _("A real time strategy game."), builtin_icon = false, icon = "megaglest.ico", commandline = "%0/start_megaglest", category = "Game;StrategyGame" }, Setup.DesktopMenuItem { disabled = false, name = _("MegaGlest Map Editor v" .. GAME_VERSION), genericname = _("MegaGlest"), tooltip = _("A real time strategy game."), builtin_icon = false, icon = "editor.ico", commandline = "%0/start_megaglest_mapeditor", category = "Game;StrategyGame", --mimetype = {"application/x-gbm", "application/mgm"} }, Setup.DesktopMenuItem { disabled = false, name = _("MegaGlest G3D Model Viewer v" .. GAME_VERSION), genericname = _("MegaGlest"), tooltip = _("A real time strategy game."), builtin_icon = false, icon = "g3dviewer.ico", commandline = "%0/start_megaglest_g3dviewer", category = "Game;StrategyGame", --mimetype = {"application/x-g3d"} }, Setup.DesktopMenuItem { disabled = false, name = _("MegaGlest Uninstall v" .. GAME_VERSION), genericname = _("MegaGlest"), tooltip = _("A real time strategy game."), builtin_icon = false, icon = "megaglest_uninstall.ico", commandline = "%0/uninstall-megaglest.sh", category = "Game;StrategyGame" } } } -- end of config.lua ...