#ifndef GAME_LAUNCH_NAME #define GAME_LAUNCH_NAME "megaglest" #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1 #define UNICODE #include typedef PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessType; typedef HANDLE PipeType; #define NULLPIPE NULL #define LLUFMT "%I64u" #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef pid_t ProcessType; typedef int PipeType; #define NULLPIPE -1 #define LLUFMT "%llu" #endif #include #include "steam/steam_api.h" #ifdef STEAMSHIM_DEBUG #define dbgpipe printf #else static inline void dbgpipe(const char *fmt, ...) {} #endif /* platform-specific mainline calls this. */ static int mainline(void); /* Windows and Unix implementations of this stuff below. */ static void fail(const char *err); static bool writePipe(PipeType fd, const void *buf, const unsigned int _len); static int readPipe(PipeType fd, void *buf, const unsigned int _len); static bool createPipes(PipeType *pPipeParentRead, PipeType *pPipeParentWrite, PipeType *pPipeChildRead, PipeType *pPipeChildWrite); static void closePipe(PipeType fd); static bool setEnvVar(const char *key, const char *val); static bool launchChild(ProcessType *pid); static int closeProcess(ProcessType *pid); #ifdef _WIN32 static void fail(const char *err) { MessageBoxA(NULL, err, "ERROR", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); ExitProcess(1); } // fail static bool writePipe(PipeType fd, const void *buf, const unsigned int _len) { const DWORD len = (DWORD) _len; DWORD bw = 0; return ((WriteFile(fd, buf, len, &bw, NULL) != 0) && (bw == len)); } // writePipe static int readPipe(PipeType fd, void *buf, const unsigned int _len) { const DWORD len = (DWORD) _len; DWORD br = 0; return ReadFile(fd, buf, len, &br, NULL) ? (int) br : -1; } // readPipe static bool createPipes(PipeType *pPipeParentRead, PipeType *pPipeParentWrite, PipeType *pPipeChildRead, PipeType *pPipeChildWrite) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pipeAttr; pipeAttr.nLength = sizeof (pipeAttr); pipeAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; pipeAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE; if (!CreatePipe(pPipeParentRead, pPipeChildWrite, &pipeAttr, 0)) return 0; pipeAttr.nLength = sizeof (pipeAttr); pipeAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; pipeAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE; if (!CreatePipe(pPipeChildRead, pPipeParentWrite, &pipeAttr, 0)) { CloseHandle(*pPipeParentRead); CloseHandle(*pPipeChildWrite); return 0; } // if return 1; } // createPipes static void closePipe(PipeType fd) { CloseHandle(fd); } // closePipe static bool setEnvVar(const char *key, const char *val) { return (SetEnvironmentVariableA(key, val) != 0); } // setEnvVar static LPWSTR genCommandLine() { // Construct a command line with the appropriate filename LPWSTR cmdline = GetCommandLineW(); // Find the index of the first argument after 0 int iFirstArg = -1; bool quote = false; bool whitespace = false; for (int i = 0; cmdline[i]; ++i) { if (cmdline[i] == '"' && (i == 0 || cmdline[i-1] != '\\')) { quote = !quote; whitespace = false; } else if (!quote && (cmdline[i] == ' ' || cmdline[i] == '\t')) { whitespace = true; } else { if (whitespace) { iFirstArg = i; break; } whitespace = false; } } // If it doesn't exist, that must mean there are no arguments, // so just return GAME_LAUNCH_NAME if (iFirstArg == -1) return _wcsdup(TEXT("\".\\" GAME_LAUNCH_NAME ".exe\"")); // Create the new string // (`".\.exe" ` == +9 LPWSTR newcmdline = (LPWSTR)malloc(sizeof(TEXT(GAME_LAUNCH_NAME)) + sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(cmdline) - iFirstArg + 9)); wsprintf(newcmdline, TEXT("\".\\" GAME_LAUNCH_NAME ".exe\" %s"), cmdline + iFirstArg); return newcmdline; } static bool launchChild(ProcessType *pid) { STARTUPINFOW si; memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); return CreateProcessW(TEXT(".\\" GAME_LAUNCH_NAME ".exe"), genCommandLine(), NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, pid); } // launchChild static int closeProcess(ProcessType *pid) { CloseHandle(pid->hProcess); CloseHandle(pid->hThread); return 0; } // closeProcess int CALLBACK WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { mainline(); ExitProcess(0); return 0; // just in case. } // WinMain #else // everyone else that isn't Windows. static void fail(const char *err) { // !!! FIXME: zenity or something. fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err); _exit(1); } // fail static bool writePipe(PipeType fd, const void *buf, const unsigned int _len) { const ssize_t len = (ssize_t) _len; ssize_t bw; while (((bw = write(fd, buf, len)) == -1) && (errno == EINTR)) { /*spin*/ } return (bw == len); } // writePipe static int readPipe(PipeType fd, void *buf, const unsigned int _len) { const ssize_t len = (ssize_t) _len; ssize_t br; while (((br = read(fd, buf, len)) == -1) && (errno == EINTR)) { /*spin*/ } return (int) br; } // readPipe static bool createPipes(PipeType *pPipeParentRead, PipeType *pPipeParentWrite, PipeType *pPipeChildRead, PipeType *pPipeChildWrite) { int fds[2]; if (pipe(fds) == -1) return 0; fcntl(fds[0], F_SETFL, 0); fcntl(fds[1], F_SETFL, 0); *pPipeParentRead = fds[0]; *pPipeChildWrite = fds[1]; if (pipe(fds) == -1) { close(*pPipeParentRead); close(*pPipeChildWrite); return 0; } // if fcntl(fds[0], F_SETFL, 0); fcntl(fds[1], F_SETFL, 0); *pPipeChildRead = fds[0]; *pPipeParentWrite = fds[1]; return 1; } // createPipes static void closePipe(PipeType fd) { close(fd); } // closePipe static bool setEnvVar(const char *key, const char *val) { return (setenv(key, val, 1) != -1); } // setEnvVar static int GArgc = 0; static char **GArgv = NULL; static bool launchChild(ProcessType *pid) { dbgpipe("***IN launchChild START.\n"); *pid = fork(); dbgpipe("***IN launchChild pid = %d.\n",*pid); if (*pid == -1) // failed return false; else if (*pid != 0) // we're the parent return true; // we'll let the pipe fail if this didn't work. // we're the child. GArgv[0] = strdup("./" GAME_LAUNCH_NAME); dbgpipe("***IN launchChild [%s].\n",GArgv[0]); int ret = execvp(GArgv[0], GArgv); dbgpipe("***IN launchChild [%s] got ret = %d errorno = %d.\n",GArgv[0],ret,errno); // still here? It failed! Terminate, closing child's ends of the pipes. _exit(1); } // launchChild static int closeProcess(ProcessType *pid) { int rc = 0; while ((waitpid(*pid, &rc, 0) == -1) && (errno == EINTR)) { /*spin*/ } if (!WIFEXITED(rc)) return 1; // oh well. return WEXITSTATUS(rc); } // closeProcess int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("#1 =============> Megaglest Parent starting mainline.\n"); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); GArgc = argc; GArgv = argv; return mainline(); } // main #endif // THE ACTUAL PROGRAM. class SteamBridge; static ISteamUserStats *GSteamStats = NULL; static ISteamUtils *GSteamUtils = NULL; static ISteamUser *GSteamUser = NULL; static ISteamFriends *GSteamFriends = NULL; static ISteamApps *GSteamApps = NULL; static AppId_t GAppID = 0; static uint64 GUserID = 0; static SteamBridge *GSteamBridge = NULL; class SteamBridge { public: SteamBridge(PipeType _fd); STEAM_CALLBACK(SteamBridge, OnUserStatsReceived, UserStatsReceived_t, m_CallbackUserStatsReceived); STEAM_CALLBACK(SteamBridge, OnUserStatsStored, UserStatsStored_t, m_CallbackUserStatsStored); private: PipeType fd; }; typedef enum ShimCmd { SHIMCMD_BYE, SHIMCMD_PUMP, SHIMCMD_REQUESTSTATS, SHIMCMD_STORESTATS, SHIMCMD_SETACHIEVEMENT, SHIMCMD_GETACHIEVEMENT, SHIMCMD_RESETSTATS, SHIMCMD_SETSTATI, SHIMCMD_GETSTATI, SHIMCMD_SETSTATF, SHIMCMD_GETSTATF, SHIMCMD_GETPERSONANAME, SHIMCMD_GETCURRENTGAMELANGUAGE, } ShimCmd; typedef enum ShimEvent { SHIMEVENT_BYE, SHIMEVENT_STATSRECEIVED, SHIMEVENT_STATSSTORED, SHIMEVENT_SETACHIEVEMENT, SHIMEVENT_GETACHIEVEMENT, SHIMEVENT_RESETSTATS, SHIMEVENT_SETSTATI, SHIMEVENT_GETSTATI, SHIMEVENT_SETSTATF, SHIMEVENT_GETSTATF, SHIMEVENT_GETPERSONANAME, SHIMEVENT_GETCURRENTGAMELANGUAGE, } ShimEvent; static bool write1ByteCmd(PipeType fd, const uint8 b1) { const uint8 buf[] = { 1, b1 }; return writePipe(fd, buf, sizeof (buf)); } // write1ByteCmd static bool write2ByteCmd(PipeType fd, const uint8 b1, const uint8 b2) { const uint8 buf[] = { 2, b1, b2 }; return writePipe(fd, buf, sizeof (buf)); } // write2ByteCmd static bool write3ByteCmd(PipeType fd, const uint8 b1, const uint8 b2, const uint8 b3) { const uint8 buf[] = { 3, b1, b2, b3 }; return writePipe(fd, buf, sizeof (buf)); } // write3ByteCmd static bool writeString(PipeType fd, ShimEvent event, const char *str) { uint8 buf[256]; buf[0] = strlen(str) + 2; buf[1] = (uint8) event; strcpy((char *) buf + 2, str); return writePipe(fd, buf, buf[0] + 1); } // writeString static inline bool writeBye(PipeType fd) { dbgpipe("Parent sending SHIMEVENT_BYE().\n"); return write1ByteCmd(fd, SHIMEVENT_BYE); } // writeBye static inline bool writeStatsReceived(PipeType fd, const bool okay) { dbgpipe("Parent sending SHIMEVENT_STATSRECEIVED(%sokay).\n", okay ? "" : "!"); return write2ByteCmd(fd, SHIMEVENT_STATSRECEIVED, okay ? 1 : 0); } // writeStatsReceived static inline bool writeStatsStored(PipeType fd, const bool okay) { dbgpipe("Parent sending SHIMEVENT_STATSSTORED(%sokay).\n", okay ? "" : "!"); return write2ByteCmd(fd, SHIMEVENT_STATSSTORED, okay ? 1 : 0); } // writeStatsStored static bool writeAchievementSet(PipeType fd, const char *name, const bool enable, const bool okay) { uint8 buf[256]; uint8 *ptr = buf+1; dbgpipe("Parent sending SHIMEVENT_SETACHIEVEMENT('%s', %senable, %sokay).\n", name, enable ? "" : "!", okay ? "" : "!"); *(ptr++) = (uint8) SHIMEVENT_SETACHIEVEMENT; *(ptr++) = enable ? 1 : 0; *(ptr++) = okay ? 1 : 0; strcpy((char *) ptr, name); ptr += strlen(name) + 1; buf[0] = (uint8) ((ptr-1) - buf); return writePipe(fd, buf, buf[0] + 1); } // writeAchievementSet static bool writeAchievementGet(PipeType fd, const char *name, const int status, const uint64 time) { uint8 buf[256]; uint8 *ptr = buf+1; dbgpipe("Parent sending SHIMEVENT_GETACHIEVEMENT('%s', status %d, time " LLUFMT ").\n", name, status, (unsigned long long) time); *(ptr++) = (uint8) SHIMEVENT_GETACHIEVEMENT; *(ptr++) = (uint8) status; memcpy(ptr, &time, sizeof (time)); ptr += sizeof (time); strcpy((char *) ptr, name); ptr += strlen(name) + 1; buf[0] = (uint8) ((ptr-1) - buf); return writePipe(fd, buf, buf[0] + 1); } // writeAchievementGet static inline bool writeResetStats(PipeType fd, const bool alsoAch, const bool okay) { dbgpipe("Parent sending SHIMEVENT_RESETSTATS(%salsoAchievements, %sokay).\n", alsoAch ? "" : "!", okay ? "" : "!"); return write3ByteCmd(fd, SHIMEVENT_RESETSTATS, alsoAch ? 1 : 0, okay ? 1 : 0); } // writeResetStats static bool writeStatThing(PipeType fd, const ShimEvent ev, const char *name, const void *val, const size_t vallen, const bool okay) { uint8 buf[256]; uint8 *ptr = buf+1; *(ptr++) = (uint8) ev; *(ptr++) = okay ? 1 : 0; memcpy(ptr, val, vallen); ptr += vallen; strcpy((char *) ptr, name); ptr += strlen(name) + 1; buf[0] = (uint8) ((ptr-1) - buf); return writePipe(fd, buf, buf[0] + 1); } // writeStatThing static inline bool writeSetStatI(PipeType fd, const char *name, const int32 val, const bool okay) { dbgpipe("Parent sending SHIMEVENT_SETSTATI('%s', val %d, %sokay).\n", name, (int) val, okay ? "" : "!"); return writeStatThing(fd, SHIMEVENT_SETSTATI, name, &val, sizeof (val), okay); } // writeSetStatI static inline bool writeSetStatF(PipeType fd, const char *name, const float val, const bool okay) { dbgpipe("Parent sending SHIMEVENT_SETSTATF('%s', val %f, %sokay).\n", name, val, okay ? "" : "!"); return writeStatThing(fd, SHIMEVENT_SETSTATF, name, &val, sizeof (val), okay); } // writeSetStatF static inline bool writeGetStatI(PipeType fd, const char *name, const int32 val, const bool okay) { dbgpipe("Parent sending SHIMEVENT_GETSTATI('%s', val %d, %sokay).\n", name, (int) val, okay ? "" : "!"); return writeStatThing(fd, SHIMEVENT_GETSTATI, name, &val, sizeof (val), okay); } // writeGetStatI static inline bool writeGetStatF(PipeType fd, const char *name, const float val, const bool okay) { dbgpipe("Parent sending SHIMEVENT_GETSTATF('%s', val %f, %sokay).\n", name, val, okay ? "" : "!"); return writeStatThing(fd, SHIMEVENT_GETSTATF, name, &val, sizeof (val), okay); } // writeGetStatF SteamBridge::SteamBridge(PipeType _fd) : m_CallbackUserStatsReceived( this, &SteamBridge::OnUserStatsReceived ) , m_CallbackUserStatsStored( this, &SteamBridge::OnUserStatsStored ) , fd(_fd) { } // SteamBridge::SteamBridge void SteamBridge::OnUserStatsReceived(UserStatsReceived_t *pCallback) { dbgpipe("***IN OnUserStatsReceived GAppID = %d, GUserID = %lld\n",GAppID,GUserID); if (GAppID != pCallback->m_nGameID) return; if (GUserID != pCallback->m_steamIDUser.ConvertToUint64()) return; writeStatsReceived(fd, pCallback->m_eResult == k_EResultOK); } // SteamBridge::OnUserStatsReceived void SteamBridge::OnUserStatsStored(UserStatsStored_t *pCallback) { dbgpipe("***IN OnUserStatsStored GAppID = %d, GUserID = %lld\n",GAppID,GUserID); if (GAppID != pCallback->m_nGameID) return; writeStatsStored(fd, pCallback->m_eResult == k_EResultOK); } // SteamBridge::OnUserStatsStored static bool processCommand(const uint8 *buf, unsigned int buflen, PipeType fd) { dbgpipe("***IN processCommand GAppID = %d, GUserID = %lld\n",GAppID,GUserID); if (buflen == 0) return true; const ShimCmd cmd = (ShimCmd) *(buf++); buflen--; #if STEAMSHIM_DEBUG if (false) {} #define PRINTGOTCMD(x) else if (cmd == x) printf("Parent got " #x ".\n") PRINTGOTCMD(SHIMCMD_BYE); PRINTGOTCMD(SHIMCMD_PUMP); PRINTGOTCMD(SHIMCMD_REQUESTSTATS); PRINTGOTCMD(SHIMCMD_STORESTATS); PRINTGOTCMD(SHIMCMD_SETACHIEVEMENT); PRINTGOTCMD(SHIMCMD_GETACHIEVEMENT); PRINTGOTCMD(SHIMCMD_RESETSTATS); PRINTGOTCMD(SHIMCMD_SETSTATI); PRINTGOTCMD(SHIMCMD_GETSTATI); PRINTGOTCMD(SHIMCMD_SETSTATF); PRINTGOTCMD(SHIMCMD_GETSTATF); PRINTGOTCMD(SHIMCMD_GETPERSONANAME); PRINTGOTCMD(SHIMCMD_GETCURRENTGAMELANGUAGE); #undef PRINTGOTCMD else printf("Parent got unknown shimcmd %d.\n", (int) cmd); #endif switch (cmd) { case SHIMCMD_PUMP: SteamAPI_RunCallbacks(); break; case SHIMCMD_BYE: writeBye(fd); return false; case SHIMCMD_REQUESTSTATS: if ((!GSteamStats) || (!GSteamStats->RequestCurrentStats())) writeStatsReceived(fd, false); // callback later. break; case SHIMCMD_STORESTATS: if ((!GSteamStats) || (!GSteamStats->StoreStats())) writeStatsStored(fd, false); // callback later. break; case SHIMCMD_SETACHIEVEMENT: if (buflen >= 2) { const bool enable = (*(buf++) != 0); const char *name = (const char *) buf; // !!! FIXME: buffer overflow possible. if (!GSteamStats) writeAchievementSet(fd, name, enable, false); else if (enable && !GSteamStats->SetAchievement(name)) writeAchievementSet(fd, name, enable, false); else if (!enable && !GSteamStats->ClearAchievement(name)) writeAchievementSet(fd, name, enable, false); else writeAchievementSet(fd, name, enable, true); } // if break; case SHIMCMD_GETACHIEVEMENT: if (buflen) { const char *name = (const char *) buf; // !!! FIXME: buffer overflow possible. bool ach = false; uint32 t = 0; if ((GSteamStats) && (GSteamStats->GetAchievementAndUnlockTime(name, &ach, &t))) writeAchievementGet(fd, name, ach ? 1 : 0, t); else writeAchievementGet(fd, name, 2, 0); } // if break; case SHIMCMD_RESETSTATS: if (buflen) { const bool alsoAch = (*(buf++) != 0); writeResetStats(fd, alsoAch, (GSteamStats) && (GSteamStats->ResetAllStats(alsoAch))); } // if break; case SHIMCMD_SETSTATI: if (buflen >= 5) { const int32 val = *((int32 *) buf); buf += sizeof (int32); const char *name = (const char *) buf; // !!! FIXME: buffer overflow possible. writeSetStatI(fd, name, val, (GSteamStats) && (GSteamStats->SetStat(name, val))); } // if break; case SHIMCMD_GETSTATI: if (buflen) { const char *name = (const char *) buf; // !!! FIXME: buffer overflow possible. int32 val = 0; if ((GSteamStats) && (GSteamStats->GetStat(name, &val))) writeGetStatI(fd, name, val, true); else writeGetStatI(fd, name, 0, false); } // if break; case SHIMCMD_SETSTATF: if (buflen >= 5) { const float val = *((float *) buf); buf += sizeof (float); const char *name = (const char *) buf; // !!! FIXME: buffer overflow possible. writeSetStatF(fd, name, val, (GSteamStats) && (GSteamStats->SetStat(name, val))); } // if break; case SHIMCMD_GETSTATF: if (buflen) { const char *name = (const char *) buf; // !!! FIXME: buffer overflow possible. float val = 0; if ((GSteamStats) && (GSteamStats->GetStat(name, &val))) writeGetStatF(fd, name, val, true); else writeGetStatF(fd, name, 0.0f, false); } // if break; case SHIMCMD_GETPERSONANAME: dbgpipe("Parent sending SHIMEVENT_GETPERSONANAME.\n"); writeString(fd, SHIMEVENT_GETPERSONANAME, GSteamFriends->GetPersonaName()); break; case SHIMCMD_GETCURRENTGAMELANGUAGE: dbgpipe("Parent sending SHIMEVENT_GETCURRENTGAMELANGUAGE.\n"); writeString(fd, SHIMEVENT_GETCURRENTGAMELANGUAGE, GSteamApps->GetCurrentGameLanguage()); break; } // switch return true; // keep going. } // processCommand static void processCommands(PipeType pipeParentRead, PipeType pipeParentWrite) { bool quit = false; uint8 buf[256]; int br; dbgpipe("***START processCommands.\n"); // this read blocks. while (!quit && ((br = readPipe(pipeParentRead, buf, sizeof (buf))) > 0)) { dbgpipe("***IN processCommands readPipe found something.\n"); while (br > 0) { const int cmdlen = (int) buf[0]; if ((br-1) >= cmdlen) { dbgpipe("***IN processCommands processCommand.\n"); if (!processCommand(buf+1, cmdlen, pipeParentWrite)) { quit = true; break; } // if br -= cmdlen + 1; if (br > 0) memmove(buf, buf+cmdlen+1, br); } // if else // get more data. { dbgpipe("***IN processCommands readPipe#2....\n"); const int morebr = readPipe(pipeParentRead, buf+br, sizeof (buf) - br); if (morebr <= 0) { quit = true; // uhoh. break; } // if br += morebr; } // else } // while } // while dbgpipe("***END processCommands.\n"); } // processCommands static bool setEnvironmentVars(PipeType pipeChildRead, PipeType pipeChildWrite) { char buf[64]; snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), LLUFMT, (unsigned long long) pipeChildRead); if (!setEnvVar("STEAMSHIM_READHANDLE", buf)) return false; snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), LLUFMT, (unsigned long long) pipeChildWrite); if (!setEnvVar("STEAMSHIM_WRITEHANDLE", buf)) return false; return true; } // setEnvironmentVars static bool initSteamworks(PipeType fd) { dbgpipe("***IN initSteamworks Start\n"); // this can fail for many reasons: // - you forgot a steam_appid.txt in the current working directory. // - you don't have Steam running // - you don't own the game listed in steam_appid.txt if (!SteamAPI_Init()) return 0; GSteamStats = SteamUserStats(); GSteamUtils = SteamUtils(); GSteamUser = SteamUser(); GSteamFriends = SteamFriends(); GSteamApps = SteamApps(); GAppID = GSteamUtils ? GSteamUtils->GetAppID() : 0; GUserID = GSteamUser ? GSteamUser->GetSteamID().ConvertToUint64() : 0; dbgpipe("***IN initSteamworks GAppID = %d, GUserID = %lld\n",GAppID,GUserID); GSteamBridge = new SteamBridge(fd); return 1; } // initSteamworks static void deinitSteamworks(void) { dbgpipe("***IN deinitSteamworks GAppID = %d, GUserID = %lld\n",GAppID,GUserID); SteamAPI_Shutdown(); delete GSteamBridge; GSteamBridge = NULL; GSteamStats = NULL; GSteamUtils= NULL; GSteamUser = NULL; } // deinitSteamworks static int mainline(void) { PipeType pipeParentRead = NULLPIPE; PipeType pipeParentWrite = NULLPIPE; PipeType pipeChildRead = NULLPIPE; PipeType pipeChildWrite = NULLPIPE; ProcessType childPid; printf("#2 =============> Megaglest Parent starting mainline.\n"); #ifdef STEAMSHIM_DEBUG printf("=============> Megaglest Parent starting mainline.\n"); #endif dbgpipe("Parent starting mainline.\n"); if (!createPipes(&pipeParentRead, &pipeParentWrite, &pipeChildRead, &pipeChildWrite)) fail("Failed to create application pipes"); else if (!initSteamworks(pipeParentWrite)) fail("Failed to initialize Steamworks"); else if (!setEnvironmentVars(pipeChildRead, pipeChildWrite)) fail("Failed to set environment variables"); else if (!launchChild(&childPid)) fail("Failed to launch application"); dbgpipe("Parent ending mainline\n"); // Close the ends of the pipes that the child will use; we don't need them. closePipe(pipeChildRead); closePipe(pipeChildWrite); pipeChildRead = pipeChildWrite = NULLPIPE; dbgpipe("Parent in command processing loop.\n"); // Now, we block for instructions until the pipe fails (child closed it or // terminated/crashed). processCommands(pipeParentRead, pipeParentWrite); dbgpipe("Parent shutting down.\n"); // Close our ends of the pipes. writeBye(pipeParentWrite); closePipe(pipeParentRead); closePipe(pipeParentWrite); deinitSteamworks(); dbgpipe("Parent waiting on child process.\n"); // Wait for the child to terminate, close the child process handles. const int retval = closeProcess(&childPid); dbgpipe("Parent exiting mainline (child exit code %d).\n", retval); return retval; } // mainline // end of steamshim_parent.cpp ...