#!/bin/bash # Use this script to build MegaGlest using coverity analysis tool # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Written by Mark Vejvoda # Copyright (c) 2013 Mark Vejvoda under GNU GPL v3.0+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Requires: # - curl, built with SSL support, in $PATH # - wget, built with SSL support, in $PATH # - tar, in $PATH # - Coverity Scan Build Tool, in $PATH # # Default to English language output so we can understand your bug reports export LANG=C CURRENTDIR="$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))" echo "Script path [${CURRENTDIR}]" # Project title on Coverity Scan (case sensitive) PROJECT=MegaGlest # Coverity Scan project token as listed on the Coverity Scan project page # TOKEN=x # E-Mail address of registered Coverity Scan user with project access # EMAIL=x # Where to store the data gathered by the Coverity Scan Build Tool BUILDTOOL=cov-int # read in config settings if [ ! -f ${CURRENTDIR}/.coverity-scan ] ; then echo "-----------------------------------------" echo "**Missing Config** To use this script please create a config file named [${CURRENTDIR}/.coverity-scan]" echo "Containing: TOKEN=x , EMAIL=x , COVERITY_ANALYSIS_ROOT=x , NUMCORES=x" exit 1 fi . ${CURRENTDIR}/.coverity-scan # echo "Read config values: TOKEN [$TOKEN] EMAIL [$EMAIL] COVERITY_ANALYSIS_ROOT [$COVERITY_ANALYSIS_ROOT] NUMCORES [${NUMCORES}]" # exit 1 GITBRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | tr '/' '-') GITVERSION_SHA1=$(git log -1 --format=%h --abbrev=7) GITVERSION_REV=$(git rev-list HEAD --count) VERSION=${GITBRANCH}.${GITVERSION_REV}.${GITVERSION_SHA1} distribution=$(lsb_release -si | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | tr '[._]' '-') dist_release=$(lsb_release -sr | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | tr '[._]' '-') architecture=$(uname -m | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | tr '[._]' '-') hostname=$(hostname) DESCRIPTION=${GITBRANCH}-${GITVERSION_SHA1}_${distribution}_${architecture}_${hostname} FILENAME=$(echo "${PROJECT}" | tr '/' '_')_${DESCRIPTION} # echo "FILENAME = [${FILENAME}]" # exit 1 # export coverity analysis directory # echo "Adding coverity folder to path: ${COVERITY_ANALYSIS_ROOT}/bin" # exit 1 export PATH="${PATH}:${COVERITY_ANALYSIS_ROOT}/bin" sudo /sbin/sysctl vsyscall=emulate # cleanup old build files cd $CURRENTDIR rm -rf build ./build-mg.sh -m 1 # Build using Coverity Scan build tool echo "About to use cov-build to analyse code..." cd build/ # cov-build --dir ${BUILDTOOL} make -j ${NUMCORES} cov-build --dir ${BUILDTOOL} make -j ${NUMCORES} # Create archive to upload to coverity echo "About to send analyzed code to coverity website..." tar czf ${FILENAME}.tar.gz ${BUILDTOOL}/ ls -la ${FILENAME}.tar.gz # exit 1 echo "Running curl to upload analysis file..." curl --progress-bar --insecure --form "token=${TOKEN}" --form "email=${EMAIL}" --form "version=${VERSION}" --form "description=${DESCRIPTION}" --form "file=@${FILENAME}.tar.gz" "https://scan.coverity.com/builds?project=${PROJECT}" | tee -a "coverity-scan.log" if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]]; then echo "An error occurred trying to send the archive to coverity. Error: $?" else echo "CURL was SUCCESSFUL!" rm -rf ${FILENAME}.tar.gz rm -rf ${BUILDTOOL}/ fi # This currently fails to detect the following error situation, as reported in the HTML of the HTTP response (to the upload request): # ERROR: Too many build submitted. Wait for few days before submitting next build: Refer build frequency at https://scan.coverity.com/faq#frequency