// ============================================================== // This file is part of Glest (www.glest.org) // // Copyright (C) 2001-2008 MartiƱo Figueroa // // You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version // ============================================================== #ifndef _MAPEDITOR_MAIN_H_ #define _MAPEDITOR_MAIN_H_ #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "program.h" #include "util.h" #include "platform_common.h" using std::string; using std::vector; using std::pair; using namespace Shared::PlatformCommon; namespace MapEditor { class GlCanvas; enum BrushType { btHeight, btGradient, btSurface, btObject, btResource, btStartLocation }; enum StatusItems { siNULL_ENTRY, siFILE_NAME, siFILE_TYPE, siCURR_OBJECT, siBRUSH_TYPE, siBRUSH_VALUE, siBRUSH_RADIUS, siPOS_VALUE, siCOUNT }; const char *object_descs[] = { "None (Erase)", "Tree", "Dead tree", "Stone (non harvest)", "Bush", "Water object", "Big tree", "Hanged/Impaled", "Statues", "Mountain", "Invisible blocking" }; const char *resource_descs[] = { "None (Erase)", "Gold", "Stone", "Custom 4", "Custom 5", "Custom 6" }; const char *surface_descs[] = { "Grass", "Sec. grass", "Road", "Stone", "Ground" }; class MainToolBar : public wxToolBar { private: DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() public: MainToolBar(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id) : wxToolBar(parent,id) {} void onMouseMove(wxMouseEvent &event); }; // ===================================================== // class MainWindow // ===================================================== class MainWindow: public wxFrame { private: DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() private: static const string versionString; static const string winHeader; static const int heightCount = 11; static const int surfaceCount = 5; static const int objectCount = 11; static const int resourceCount = 6; static const int startLocationCount = 8; static const int radiusCount = 9; private: enum MenuId { miFileLoad, miFileSave, miFileSaveAs, miFileExit, miEditUndo, miEditRedo, miEditReset, miEditResetPlayers, miEditResize, miEditFlipDiagonal, miEditFlipX, miEditFlipY, miEditMirrorX, miEditMirrorY, miEditMirrorXY, miEditRotatecopyX, miEditRotatecopyY, miEditRotatecopyXY, miEditRotatecopyCorner, miEditMirror, miEditRandomizeHeights, miEditRandomize, miEditSwitchSurfaces, miEditInfo, miEditAdvanced, miViewResetZoomAndPos, miViewGrid, miViewHeightMap, miHideWater, miViewAbout, miViewHelp, toolPlayer, miBrushHeight, miBrushGradient = miBrushHeight + heightCount + 1, miBrushSurface = miBrushGradient + heightCount + 1, miBrushObject = miBrushSurface + surfaceCount + 1, miBrushResource = miBrushObject + objectCount + 1, miBrushStartLocation = miBrushResource + resourceCount + 1, miRadius = miBrushStartLocation + startLocationCount + 1 }; private: GlCanvas *glCanvas; Program *program; int lastX, lastY; wxPanel *panel; wxMenuBar *menuBar; wxMenu *menuFile; wxMenu *menuEdit; wxMenu *menuEditMirror; wxMenu *menuView; wxMenu *menuBrush; wxMenu *menuBrushHeight; wxMenu *menuBrushGradient; wxMenu *menuBrushSurface; wxMenu *menuBrushObject; wxMenu *menuBrushResource; wxMenu *menuBrushStartLocation; wxMenu *menuRadius; wxFileDialog *fileDialog; string currentFile; BrushType currentBrush; int height; int surface; int radius; int object; int resource; int startLocation; int resourceUnderMouse; int objectUnderMouse; bool randomWithReset; int randomMinimumHeight; int randomMaximumHeight; int randomChanceDivider; int randomRecursions; ChangeType enabledGroup; string fileName; bool fileModified; Chrono lastPaintEvent; wxBoxSizer *boxsizer; bool startupSettingsInited; string appPath; public: MainWindow(string appPath); ~MainWindow(); void refreshMapRender(); void init(string fname); void onClose(wxCloseEvent &event); void onMouseDown(wxMouseEvent &event, int x, int y); void onMouseMove(wxMouseEvent &event, int x, int y); void onMouseWheelDown(wxMouseEvent &event); void onMouseWheelUp(wxMouseEvent &event); void onPaint(wxPaintEvent &event); void onKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &e); void onMenuFileLoad(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuFileSave(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuFileSaveAs(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuFileExit(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuEditUndo(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuEditRedo(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuEditReset(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuEditResetPlayers(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuEditResize(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuEditFlipDiagonal(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuEditFlipX(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuEditFlipY(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuEditMirrorX(wxCommandEvent &event); // copy left to right void onMenuEditMirrorY(wxCommandEvent &event); // copy top to bottom void onMenuEditMirrorXY(wxCommandEvent &event); // copy bottomleft to topright void onMenuEditRotatecopyX(wxCommandEvent &event); // copy left to right, rotated void onMenuEditRotatecopyY(wxCommandEvent &event); // copy top to bottom, rotated void onMenuEditRotatecopyXY(wxCommandEvent &event); // copy bottomleft to topright, rotated void onMenuEditRotatecopyCorner(wxCommandEvent &event); // copy top left 1/4 to top right 1/4, rotated void onMenuEditRandomizeHeights(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuEditRandomize(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuEditSwitchSurfaces(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuEditInfo(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuEditAdvanced(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuViewResetZoomAndPos(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuViewGrid(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuViewHeightMap(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuHideWater(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuViewAbout(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuViewHelp(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuBrushHeight(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuBrushGradient(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuBrushSurface(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuBrushObject(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuBrushResource(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuBrushStartLocation(wxCommandEvent &event); void onMenuRadius(wxCommandEvent &event); void onToolPlayer(wxCommandEvent &event); void change(int x, int y); void uncheckBrush(); void uncheckRadius(); private: bool isDirty() const { return fileModified; } void setDirty(bool val=true); void setExtension(); void setupStartupSettings(); void initGlCanvas(); }; // ===================================================== // class GlCanvas // ===================================================== class GlCanvas: public wxGLCanvas { private: DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() public: GlCanvas(MainWindow *mainWindow, wxWindow *parent, int *args); ~GlCanvas(); void onMouseDown(wxMouseEvent &event); void onMouseMove(wxMouseEvent &event); void onMouseWheel(wxMouseEvent &event); void onKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &event); void onPaint(wxPaintEvent &event); void setCurrentGLContext(); private: MainWindow *mainWindow; wxGLContext *context; }; // ===================================================== // class SimpleDialog // ===================================================== class SimpleDialog: public wxDialog { private: typedef vector > Values; private: Values values; public: void addValue(const string &key, const string &value, const string &help=""); string getValue(const string &key); bool show(const string &title="Edit values", bool wide=false); }; // ===================================================== // class SimpleDialog // ===================================================== class MsgDialog: public wxDialog { private: wxSizer *m_sizerText; public: MsgDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& message, const wxString& caption, long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxOK | wxCENTRE, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition); virtual ~MsgDialog(); }; // ===================================================== // class App // ===================================================== // ===================================================== // class App // ===================================================== class App: public wxApp { private: MainWindow *mainWindow; public: App() : wxApp() { mainWindow = NULL; } virtual ~App() {} virtual bool OnInit(); virtual int MainLoop(); virtual int OnExit(); }; }// end namespace DECLARE_APP(MapEditor::App) #endif