#!/bin/bash # Use this script to build MegaGlest using cmake # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Written by Mark Vejvoda # Copyright (c) 2011 Mark Vejvoda under GNU GPL v3.0+ LANG=C NUMCORES=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -cE '^processor'` mkdir -p build cd build if [ -f 'CMakeCache.txt' ]; then rm -f 'CMakeCache.txt'; fi # This is for regular developers and used by our installer # For more cmake/build options refer to # http://wiki.megaglest.org/Linux_Compiling#Building_using_CMake_by_Hand cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX='' -DWANT_DEV_OUTPATH=ON -DWANT_STATIC_LIBS=ON .. if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo 'ERROR: CMAKE failed.' >&2; exit 1 fi make -j$NUMCORES if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo 'ERROR: MAKE failed.' >&2; exit 2 fi cd .. echo '' echo 'BUILD COMPLETE.' echo '' echo 'To launch MegaGlest from the current directory, use:' echo ' mk/linux/megaglest --ini-path=mk/linux/ --data-path=mk/linux/' echo 'Or change into mk/linux and run it from there:' echo ' ./megaglest --ini-path=./ --data-path=./'