// ============================================================== // This file is part of Glest (www.glest.org) // // Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Marti�o Figueroa // // You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version // ============================================================== #include "faction.h" #include #include #include "resource_type.h" #include "unit.h" #include "util.h" #include "sound_renderer.h" #include "renderer.h" #include "tech_tree.h" #include "game.h" #include "config.h" #include "randomgen.h" #include "leak_dumper.h" using namespace Shared::Util; using Shared::Util::RandomGen; namespace Glest { namespace Game { // ===================================================== // class FactionThread // ===================================================== FactionThread::FactionThread(Faction *faction) : BaseThread() { this->faction = faction; } void FactionThread::setQuitStatus(bool value) { if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s] Line: %d value = %d\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,value); BaseThread::setQuitStatus(value); if(value == true) { signalPathfinder(-1); } if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s] Line: %d\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); } void FactionThread::signalPathfinder(int frameIndex) { if(frameIndex >= 0) { static string mutexOwnerId = string(__FILE__) + string("_") + intToStr(__LINE__); MutexSafeWrapper safeMutex(&triggerIdMutex,mutexOwnerId); this->frameIndex.first = frameIndex; this->frameIndex.second = false; safeMutex.ReleaseLock(); } semTaskSignalled.signal(); } void FactionThread::setTaskCompleted(int frameIndex) { if(frameIndex >= 0) { static string mutexOwnerId = string(__FILE__) + string("_") + intToStr(__LINE__); MutexSafeWrapper safeMutex(&triggerIdMutex,mutexOwnerId); if(this->frameIndex.first == frameIndex) { this->frameIndex.second = true; } safeMutex.ReleaseLock(); } } bool FactionThread::canShutdown(bool deleteSelfIfShutdownDelayed) { bool ret = (getExecutingTask() == false); if(ret == false && deleteSelfIfShutdownDelayed == true) { setDeleteSelfOnExecutionDone(deleteSelfIfShutdownDelayed); signalQuit(); } return ret; } bool FactionThread::isSignalPathfinderCompleted(int frameIndex) { if(getRunningStatus() == false) { return true; } static string mutexOwnerId = string(__FILE__) + string("_") + intToStr(__LINE__); MutexSafeWrapper safeMutex(&triggerIdMutex,mutexOwnerId); //bool result = (event != NULL ? event->eventCompleted : true); bool result = (this->frameIndex.first == frameIndex && this->frameIndex.second == true); //if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("In [%s::%s Line: %d] worker thread this = %p, this->frameIndex.first = %d, this->frameIndex.second = %d\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,this,this->frameIndex.first,this->frameIndex.second); safeMutex.ReleaseLock(); return result; } void FactionThread::execute() { RunningStatusSafeWrapper runningStatus(this); try { //setRunningStatus(true); if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("In [%s::%s Line: %d] ****************** STARTING worker thread this = %p\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,this); unsigned int idx = 0; for(;this->faction != NULL;) { if(getQuitStatus() == true) { if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); break; } semTaskSignalled.waitTillSignalled(); if(getQuitStatus() == true) { if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); break; } static string mutexOwnerId = string(__FILE__) + string("_") + intToStr(__LINE__); MutexSafeWrapper safeMutex(&triggerIdMutex,mutexOwnerId); bool executeTask = (frameIndex.first >= 0); //if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("In [%s::%s Line: %d] frameIndex = %d this = %p executeTask = %d\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,frameIndex.first, this, executeTask); safeMutex.ReleaseLock(); if(executeTask == true) { ExecutingTaskSafeWrapper safeExecutingTaskMutex(this); World *world = faction->getWorld(); int unitCount = faction->getUnitCount(); for(int j = 0; j < unitCount; ++j) { Unit *unit = faction->getUnit(j); if(unit == NULL) { throw runtime_error("unit == NULL"); } bool update = unit->needToUpdate(); //update = true; if(update == true) { world->getUnitUpdater()->updateUnitCommand(unit,frameIndex.first); } } setTaskCompleted(frameIndex.first); } if(getQuitStatus() == true) { if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); break; } } if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("In [%s::%s Line: %d] ****************** ENDING worker thread this = %p\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,this); } catch(const exception &ex) { //setRunningStatus(false); SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugError,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] Error [%s]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,ex.what()); if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); throw runtime_error(ex.what()); } if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s] Line: %d\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); } // ===================================================== // class Faction // ===================================================== Faction::Faction() { texture = NULL; //lastResourceTargettListPurge = 0; cachingDisabled=false; factionDisconnectHandled=false; workerThread = NULL; } Faction::~Faction() { if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); Renderer &renderer= Renderer::getInstance(); if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); //renderer.endTexture(rsGame,texture); //texture->end(); if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); if(workerThread != NULL) { workerThread->signalQuit(); if(workerThread->shutdownAndWait() == true) { delete workerThread; } workerThread = NULL; } //delete texture; texture = NULL; if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); } void Faction::signalWorkerThread(int frameIndex) { if(workerThread != NULL) { workerThread->signalPathfinder(frameIndex); } } bool Faction::isWorkerThreadSignalCompleted(int frameIndex) { if(workerThread != NULL) { return workerThread->isSignalPathfinderCompleted(frameIndex); } return true; } void Faction::init( FactionType *factionType, ControlType control, TechTree *techTree, Game *game, int factionIndex, int teamIndex, int startLocationIndex, bool thisFaction, bool giveResources) { if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); this->control= control; this->factionType= factionType; this->startLocationIndex= startLocationIndex; this->index= factionIndex; this->teamIndex= teamIndex; this->thisFaction= thisFaction; this->world= game->getWorld(); this->scriptManager= game->getScriptManager(); cachingDisabled = (Config::getInstance().getBool("DisableCaching","false") == true); resources.resize(techTree->getResourceTypeCount()); store.resize(techTree->getResourceTypeCount()); for(int i=0; igetResourceTypeCount(); ++i){ const ResourceType *rt= techTree->getResourceType(i); int resourceAmount= giveResources? factionType->getStartingResourceAmount(rt): 0; resources[i].init(rt, resourceAmount); store[i].init(rt, 0); } texture= Renderer::getInstance().newTexture2D(rsGame); string data_path = getGameReadWritePath(GameConstants::path_data_CacheLookupKey); texture->load(data_path + "data/core/faction_textures/faction"+intToStr(startLocationIndex)+".tga"); if( game->getGameSettings()->getPathFinderType() == pfBasic && Config::getInstance().getBool("EnableFactionWorkerThreads","true") == true) { if(workerThread != NULL) { workerThread->signalQuit(); if(workerThread->shutdownAndWait() == true) { delete workerThread; } workerThread = NULL; } this->workerThread = new FactionThread(this); this->workerThread->setUniqueID(__FILE__); this->workerThread->start(); } if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); } void Faction::end() { if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); if(workerThread != NULL) { workerThread->signalQuit(); if(workerThread->shutdownAndWait() == true) { delete workerThread; } workerThread = NULL; } deleteValues(units.begin(), units.end()); if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); } // ================== get ================== const Resource *Faction::getResource(const ResourceType *rt) const{ for(int i=0; iapplyUpgrade(ut); } } // ==================== reqs ==================== //checks if all required units and upgrades are present and maxUnitCount is within limit bool Faction::reqsOk(const RequirableType *rt) const { assert(rt != NULL); //required units for(int i = 0; i < rt->getUnitReqCount(); ++i) { bool found = false; for(int j = 0; j < getUnitCount(); ++j) { Unit *unit= getUnit(j); const UnitType *ut= unit->getType(); if(rt->getUnitReq(i) == ut && unit->isOperative()) { found= true; break; } } if(found == false) { if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugLUA).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugLUA,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } } //required upgrades for(int i = 0; i < rt->getUpgradeReqCount(); ++i) { if(upgradeManager.isUpgraded(rt->getUpgradeReq(i)) == false) { if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugLUA).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugLUA,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } } if(dynamic_cast(rt) != NULL ) { const UnitType *producedUnitType=(UnitType *) rt; if(producedUnitType != NULL && producedUnitType->getMaxUnitCount() > 0) { if(producedUnitType->getMaxUnitCount() <= getCountForMaxUnitCount(producedUnitType)) { if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugLUA).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugLUA,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } } } return true; } int Faction::getCountForMaxUnitCount(const UnitType *unitType) const{ int count=0; //calculate current unit count for(int j=0; jgetType(); if(unitType==currentUt && unit->isOperative()){ count++; } //check if there is any command active which already produces this unit count=count+unit->getCountOfProducedUnits(unitType); } return count; } bool Faction::reqsOk(const CommandType *ct) const { assert(ct != NULL); if(ct == NULL) { throw runtime_error("In [Faction::reqsOk] ct == NULL"); } if(ct->getProduced() != NULL && reqsOk(ct->getProduced()) == false) { if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugLUA).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugLUA,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] reqsOk FAILED\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); return false; } if(ct->getClass() == ccUpgrade) { const UpgradeCommandType *uct= static_cast(ct); if(upgradeManager.isUpgradingOrUpgraded(uct->getProducedUpgrade())) { if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugLUA).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugLUA,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] upgrade check FAILED\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); return false; } } return reqsOk(static_cast(ct)); } // ================== cost application ================== //apply costs except static production (start building/production) bool Faction::applyCosts(const ProducibleType *p){ if(!checkCosts(p)){ return false; } assert(p != NULL); //for each unit cost spend it //pass 2, decrease resources, except negative static costs (ie: farms) for(int i=0; igetCostCount(); ++i) { const ResourceType *rt= p->getCost(i)->getType(); int cost= p->getCost(i)->getAmount(); if((cost > 0 || (rt->getClass() != rcStatic)) && rt->getClass() != rcConsumable) { incResourceAmount(rt, -(cost)); } } return true; } //apply discount (when a morph ends) void Faction::applyDiscount(const ProducibleType *p, int discount) { assert(p != NULL); //increase resources for(int i=0; igetCostCount(); ++i) { const ResourceType *rt= p->getCost(i)->getType(); assert(rt != NULL); int cost= p->getCost(i)->getAmount(); if((cost > 0 || (rt->getClass() != rcStatic)) && rt->getClass() != rcConsumable) { incResourceAmount(rt, cost*discount/100); } } } //apply static production (for starting units) void Faction::applyStaticCosts(const ProducibleType *p) { assert(p != NULL); //decrease static resources for(int i=0; i < p->getCostCount(); ++i) { const ResourceType *rt= p->getCost(i)->getType(); //assert(rt != NULL); if(rt == NULL) { throw runtime_error(string(__FUNCTION__) + " rt == NULL for ProducibleType [" + p->getName() + "] index: " + intToStr(i)); } if(rt->getClass() == rcStatic) { int cost= p->getCost(i)->getAmount(); if(cost > 0) { incResourceAmount(rt, -cost); } } } } //apply static production (when a mana source is done) void Faction::applyStaticProduction(const ProducibleType *p) { assert(p != NULL); //decrease static resources for(int i=0; igetCostCount(); ++i) { const ResourceType *rt= p->getCost(i)->getType(); assert(rt != NULL); if(rt->getClass() == rcStatic) { int cost= p->getCost(i)->getAmount(); if(cost < 0) { incResourceAmount(rt, -cost); } } } } //deapply all costs except static production (usually when a building is cancelled) void Faction::deApplyCosts(const ProducibleType *p) { assert(p != NULL); //increase resources for(int i=0; igetCostCount(); ++i) { const ResourceType *rt= p->getCost(i)->getType(); assert(rt != NULL); int cost= p->getCost(i)->getAmount(); if((cost > 0 || (rt->getClass() != rcStatic)) && rt->getClass() != rcConsumable) { incResourceAmount(rt, cost); } } } //deapply static costs (usually when a unit dies) void Faction::deApplyStaticCosts(const ProducibleType *p) { assert(p != NULL); //decrease resources for(int i=0; igetCostCount(); ++i) { const ResourceType *rt= p->getCost(i)->getType(); assert(rt != NULL); if(rt->getClass() == rcStatic) { if(rt->getRecoup_cost() == true) { int cost= p->getCost(i)->getAmount(); incResourceAmount(rt, cost); } } } } //deapply static costs, but not negative costs, for when building gets killed void Faction::deApplyStaticConsumption(const ProducibleType *p) { assert(p != NULL); //decrease resources for(int i=0; igetCostCount(); ++i) { const ResourceType *rt= p->getCost(i)->getType(); assert(rt != NULL); if(rt->getClass() == rcStatic) { int cost= p->getCost(i)->getAmount(); if(cost>0) { incResourceAmount(rt, cost); } } } } //apply resource on interval (cosumable resouces) void Faction::applyCostsOnInterval(const ResourceType *rtApply) { // For each Resource type we store in the int a total consumed value, then // a vector of units that consume the resource type std::map > > resourceIntervalUsage; // count up consumables usage for the interval for(int j = 0; j < getUnitCount(); ++j) { Unit *unit = getUnit(j); if(unit->isOperative() == true) { for(int k = 0; k < unit->getType()->getCostCount(); ++k) { const Resource *resource = unit->getType()->getCost(k); if(resource->getType() == rtApply && resource->getType()->getClass() == rcConsumable && resource->getAmount() != 0) { if(resourceIntervalUsage.find(resource->getType()) == resourceIntervalUsage.end()) { resourceIntervalUsage[resource->getType()] = make_pair >(0,std::vector()); } // Negative cost means accumulate the resource type resourceIntervalUsage[resource->getType()].first += -resource->getAmount(); // If the cost > 0 then the unit is a consumer if(resource->getAmount() > 0) { resourceIntervalUsage[resource->getType()].second.push_back(unit); } } } } } // Apply consumable resource usage if(resourceIntervalUsage.size() > 0) { for(std::map > >::iterator iter = resourceIntervalUsage.begin(); iter != resourceIntervalUsage.end(); ++iter) { // Apply resource type usage to faction resource store const ResourceType *rt = iter->first; int resourceTypeUsage = iter->second.first; incResourceAmount(rt, resourceTypeUsage); // Check if we have any unit consumers if(getResource(rt)->getAmount() < 0) { resetResourceAmount(rt); // Apply consequences to consumer units of this resource type std::vector &resourceConsumers = iter->second.second; for(int i = 0; i < resourceConsumers.size(); ++i) { Unit *unit = resourceConsumers[i]; //decrease unit hp if(scriptManager->getPlayerModifiers(this->index)->getConsumeEnabled() == true) { bool decHpResult = unit->decHp(unit->getType()->getMaxHp() / 3); if(decHpResult) { world->getStats()->die(unit->getFactionIndex()); scriptManager->onUnitDied(unit); } StaticSound *sound= unit->getType()->getFirstStOfClass(scDie)->getSound(); if(sound != NULL && (thisFaction == true || (world->getThisTeamIndex() == GameConstants::maxPlayers -1 + fpt_Observer))) { SoundRenderer::getInstance().playFx(sound); } } } } } } } bool Faction::checkCosts(const ProducibleType *pt){ assert(pt != NULL); //for each unit cost check if enough resources for(int i=0; igetCostCount(); ++i){ const ResourceType *rt= pt->getCost(i)->getType(); int cost= pt->getCost(i)->getAmount(); if(cost > 0) { int available= getResource(rt)->getAmount(); if(cost > available){ return false; } } } return true; } // ================== diplomacy ================== bool Faction::isAlly(const Faction *faction) { assert(faction != NULL); return teamIndex==faction->getTeam(); } // ================== misc ================== void Faction::incResourceAmount(const ResourceType *rt, int amount) { for(int i=0; igetType()==rt) { r->setAmount(r->getAmount()+amount); if(r->getType()->getClass() != rcStatic && r->getAmount()>getStoreAmount(rt)) { r->setAmount(getStoreAmount(rt)); } return; } } assert(false); } void Faction::setResourceBalance(const ResourceType *rt, int balance){ for(int i=0; igetType()==rt){ r->setBalance(balance); return; } } assert(false); } Unit *Faction::findUnit(int id) const { UnitMap::const_iterator itFound = unitMap.find(id); if(itFound == unitMap.end()) { return NULL; } return itFound->second; } void Faction::addUnit(Unit *unit){ units.push_back(unit); unitMap[unit->getId()] = unit; } void Faction::removeUnit(Unit *unit){ assert(units.size()==unitMap.size()); int unitId = unit->getId(); for(int i=0; igetId() == unitId) { units.erase(units.begin()+i); unitMap.erase(unitId); assert(units.size() == unitMap.size()); return; } } throw runtime_error("Could not remove unit from faction!"); assert(false); } void Faction::addStore(const UnitType *unitType){ assert(unitType != NULL); for(int i=0; igetStoredResourceCount(); ++i){ const Resource *r= unitType->getStoredResource(i); for(int j=0; jgetType() == r->getType()){ storedResource->setAmount(storedResource->getAmount() + r->getAmount()); } } } } void Faction::removeStore(const UnitType *unitType){ assert(unitType != NULL); for(int i=0; igetStoredResourceCount(); ++i){ const Resource *r= unitType->getStoredResource(i); for(int j=0; jgetType() == r->getType()){ storedResource->setAmount(storedResource->getAmount() - r->getAmount()); } } } limitResourcesToStore(); } void Faction::limitResourcesToStore() { for(int i=0; igetType()->getClass() != rcStatic && r->getAmount()>s->getAmount()) { r->setAmount(s->getAmount()); } } } void Faction::resetResourceAmount(const ResourceType *rt){ for(int i=0; i 0) { std::map::iterator iter = cacheResourceTargetList.find(pos); result = (iter != cacheResourceTargetList.end()); if(result == true && incrementUseCounter == true) { iter->second++; } } } return result; } void Faction::addResourceTargetToCache(const Vec2i &pos,bool incrementUseCounter) { if(cachingDisabled == false) { bool duplicateEntry = isResourceTargetInCache(pos,incrementUseCounter); //bool duplicateEntry = false; if(duplicateEntry == false) { cacheResourceTargetList[pos] = 1; if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch).enabled == true) { char szBuf[4096]=""; sprintf(szBuf,"[addResourceTargetToCache] pos [%s]cacheResourceTargetList.size() [%ld]", pos.getString().c_str(),cacheResourceTargetList.size()); //unit->logSynchData(szBuf); SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch,"----------------------------------- START [%d] ------------------------------------------------\n",getFrameCount()); SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch,"[%s::%d]\n",extractFileFromDirectoryPath(__FILE__).c_str(),__LINE__); SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch,"%s\n",szBuf); SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch,"------------------------------------ END [%d] -------------------------------------------------\n",getFrameCount()); } } } } void Faction::removeResourceTargetFromCache(const Vec2i &pos) { if(cachingDisabled == false) { if(cacheResourceTargetList.size() > 0) { std::map::iterator iter = cacheResourceTargetList.find(pos); if(iter != cacheResourceTargetList.end()) { cacheResourceTargetList.erase(pos); if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch).enabled == true) { char szBuf[4096]=""; sprintf(szBuf,"[removeResourceTargetFromCache] pos [%s]cacheResourceTargetList.size() [%ld]", pos.getString().c_str(),cacheResourceTargetList.size()); //unit->logSynchData(szBuf); SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch,"----------------------------------- START [%d] ------------------------------------------------\n",getFrameCount()); SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch,"[%s::%d]\n",extractFileFromDirectoryPath(__FILE__).c_str(),__LINE__); SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch,"%s\n",szBuf); SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch,"------------------------------------ END [%d] -------------------------------------------------\n",getFrameCount()); } } } } } void Faction::addCloseResourceTargetToCache(const Vec2i &pos) { if(cachingDisabled == false) { if(cachedCloseResourceTargetLookupList.find(pos) == cachedCloseResourceTargetLookupList.end()) { const Map *map = world->getMap(); const int harvestDistance = 5; for(int j = -harvestDistance; j <= harvestDistance; ++j) { for(int k = -harvestDistance; k <= harvestDistance; ++k) { Vec2i newPos = pos + Vec2i(j,k); if(isResourceTargetInCache(newPos) == false) { if(map->isInside(newPos.x, newPos.y)) { Resource *r = map->getSurfaceCell(map->toSurfCoords(newPos))->getResource(); if(r != NULL) { addResourceTargetToCache(newPos); //cacheResourceTargetList[newPos] = 1; } } } } } cachedCloseResourceTargetLookupList[pos] = true; } } } Vec2i Faction::getClosestResourceTypeTargetFromCache(Unit *unit, const ResourceType *type) { Vec2i result(-1); if(cachingDisabled == false) { if(cacheResourceTargetList.size() > 0) { std::vector deleteList; const int harvestDistance = 5; const Map *map = world->getMap(); Vec2i pos = unit->getPos(); bool foundCloseResource = false; // First look immediately around the unit's position // 0 means start looking leftbottom to top right int tryRadius = random.randRange(0,1); if(tryRadius == 0) { for(int j = -harvestDistance; j <= harvestDistance && foundCloseResource == false; ++j) { for(int k = -harvestDistance; k <= harvestDistance && foundCloseResource == false; ++k) { Vec2i newPos = pos + Vec2i(j,k); if(map->isInside(newPos) == true && isResourceTargetInCache(newPos) == false) { const SurfaceCell *sc = map->getSurfaceCell(map->toSurfCoords(newPos)); if( sc != NULL && sc->getResource() != NULL) { const Resource *resource = sc->getResource(); if(resource->getType() != NULL && resource->getType() == type) { if(result.x < 0 || unit->getPos().dist(newPos) < unit->getPos().dist(result)) { if(unit->isBadHarvestPos(newPos) == false) { result = newPos; foundCloseResource = true; break; } } } } else { deleteList.push_back(newPos); } } } } } // start looking topright to leftbottom else { for(int j = harvestDistance; j >= -harvestDistance && foundCloseResource == false; --j) { for(int k = harvestDistance; k >= -harvestDistance && foundCloseResource == false; --k) { Vec2i newPos = pos + Vec2i(j,k); if(map->isInside(newPos) == true && isResourceTargetInCache(newPos) == false) { const SurfaceCell *sc = map->getSurfaceCell(map->toSurfCoords(newPos)); if( sc != NULL && sc->getResource() != NULL) { const Resource *resource = sc->getResource(); if(resource->getType() != NULL && resource->getType() == type) { if(result.x < 0 || unit->getPos().dist(newPos) < unit->getPos().dist(result)) { if(unit->isBadHarvestPos(newPos) == false) { result = newPos; foundCloseResource = true; break; } } } } else { deleteList.push_back(newPos); } } } } } if(foundCloseResource == false) { // Now check the whole cache for(std::map::iterator iter = cacheResourceTargetList.begin(); iter != cacheResourceTargetList.end() && foundCloseResource == false; ++iter) { const Vec2i &cache = iter->first; if(map->isInside(cache) == true) { const SurfaceCell *sc = map->getSurfaceCell(map->toSurfCoords(cache)); if( sc != NULL && sc->getResource() != NULL) { const Resource *resource = sc->getResource(); if(resource->getType() != NULL && resource->getType() == type) { if(result.x < 0 || unit->getPos().dist(cache) < unit->getPos().dist(result)) { if(unit->isBadHarvestPos(cache) == false) { result = cache; // Close enough to our position, no more looking if(unit->getPos().dist(result) <= (harvestDistance * 2)) { foundCloseResource = true; break; } } } } } else { deleteList.push_back(cache); } } else { deleteList.push_back(cache); } } } if(deleteList.size() > 0) { if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch).enabled == true) { char szBuf[4096]=""; sprintf(szBuf,"[cleaning old resource targets] deleteList.size() [%ld] cacheResourceTargetList.size() [%ld] result [%s]", deleteList.size(),cacheResourceTargetList.size(),result.getString().c_str()); unit->logSynchData(__FILE__,__LINE__,szBuf); } cleanupResourceTypeTargetCache(&deleteList); } } } return result; } // CANNOT MODIFY the cache here since the AI calls this method and the AI is only controlled // by the server for network games and it would cause out of synch since clients do not call // this method so DO NOT modify the cache here! Vec2i Faction::getClosestResourceTypeTargetFromCache(const Vec2i &pos, const ResourceType *type) { Vec2i result(-1); if(cachingDisabled == false) { if(cacheResourceTargetList.size() > 0) { //std::vector deleteList; const int harvestDistance = 5; const Map *map = world->getMap(); bool foundCloseResource = false; // 0 means start looking leftbottom to top right int tryRadius = random.randRange(0,1); if(tryRadius == 0) { // First look immediately around the given position for(int j = -harvestDistance; j <= harvestDistance && foundCloseResource == false; ++j) { for(int k = -harvestDistance; k <= harvestDistance && foundCloseResource == false; ++k) { Vec2i newPos = pos + Vec2i(j,k); if(map->isInside(newPos) == true && isResourceTargetInCache(newPos) == false) { const SurfaceCell *sc = map->getSurfaceCell(map->toSurfCoords(newPos)); if( sc != NULL && sc->getResource() != NULL) { const Resource *resource = sc->getResource(); if(resource->getType() != NULL && resource->getType() == type) { if(result.x < 0 || pos.dist(newPos) < pos.dist(result)) { result = newPos; foundCloseResource = true; break; } } } //else { // deleteList.push_back(newPos); //} } } } } else { // First look immediately around the given position for(int j = harvestDistance; j >= -harvestDistance && foundCloseResource == false; --j) { for(int k = harvestDistance; k >= -harvestDistance && foundCloseResource == false; --k) { Vec2i newPos = pos + Vec2i(j,k); if(map->isInside(newPos) == true && isResourceTargetInCache(newPos) == false) { const SurfaceCell *sc = map->getSurfaceCell(map->toSurfCoords(newPos)); if( sc != NULL && sc->getResource() != NULL) { const Resource *resource = sc->getResource(); if(resource->getType() != NULL && resource->getType() == type) { if(result.x < 0 || pos.dist(newPos) < pos.dist(result)) { result = newPos; foundCloseResource = true; break; } } } //else { // deleteList.push_back(newPos); //} } } } } if(foundCloseResource == false) { // Now check the whole cache for(std::map::iterator iter = cacheResourceTargetList.begin(); iter != cacheResourceTargetList.end() && foundCloseResource == false; ++iter) { const Vec2i &cache = iter->first; if(map->isInside(cache) == true) { const SurfaceCell *sc = map->getSurfaceCell(map->toSurfCoords(cache)); if( sc != NULL && sc->getResource() != NULL) { const Resource *resource = sc->getResource(); if(resource->getType() != NULL && resource->getType() == type) { if(result.x < 0 || pos.dist(cache) < pos.dist(result)) { result = cache; // Close enough to our position, no more looking if(pos.dist(result) <= (harvestDistance * 2)) { foundCloseResource = true; break; } } } } //else { // deleteList.push_back(cache); //} } //else { // deleteList.push_back(cache); //} } } //char szBuf[4096]=""; //sprintf(szBuf,"[%s::%s Line: %d] [looking for resource targets] result [%s] deleteList.size() [%ld] cacheResourceTargetList.size() [%ld] foundCloseResource [%d]", // __FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,result.getString().c_str(),deleteList.size(),cacheResourceTargetList.size(),foundCloseResource); //unit->logSynchData(szBuf); //SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch,"----------------------------------- START [%d] ------------------------------------------------\n",getFrameCount()); //SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch,"%s",szBuf); //SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch,"------------------------------------ END [%d] -------------------------------------------------\n",getFrameCount()); //if(deleteList.size() > 0) { // cleanupResourceTypeTargetCache(&deleteList); //} } } return result; } void Faction::cleanupResourceTypeTargetCache(std::vector *deleteListPtr) { if(cachingDisabled == false) { if(cacheResourceTargetList.size() > 0) { const int cleanupInterval = (GameConstants::updateFps * 5); bool needToCleanup = (getFrameCount() % cleanupInterval == 0); if(deleteListPtr != NULL || needToCleanup == true) { std::vector deleteList; if(deleteListPtr != NULL) { deleteList = *deleteListPtr; } else { for(std::map::iterator iter = cacheResourceTargetList.begin(); iter != cacheResourceTargetList.end(); ++iter) { const Vec2i &cache = iter->first; if(world->getMap()->getSurfaceCell(world->getMap()->toSurfCoords(cache)) != NULL) { Resource *resource = world->getMap()->getSurfaceCell(world->getMap()->toSurfCoords(cache))->getResource(); if(resource == NULL) { deleteList.push_back(cache); } } else { deleteList.push_back(cache); } } } if(deleteList.size() > 0) { if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch).enabled == true) { char szBuf[4096]=""; sprintf(szBuf,"[cleaning old resource targets] deleteList.size() [%ld] cacheResourceTargetList.size() [%ld], needToCleanup [%d]", deleteList.size(),cacheResourceTargetList.size(),needToCleanup); //unit->logSynchData(szBuf); SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch,"----------------------------------- START [%d] ------------------------------------------------\n",getFrameCount()); SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch,"[%s::%d]\n",extractFileFromDirectoryPath(__FILE__).c_str(),__LINE__); SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch,"%s\n",szBuf); SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugWorldSynch,"------------------------------------ END [%d] -------------------------------------------------\n",getFrameCount()); } for(int i = 0; i < deleteList.size(); ++i) { Vec2i &cache = deleteList[i]; cacheResourceTargetList.erase(cache); } } } } } } //std::vector Faction::findCachedPath(const Vec2i &target, Unit *unit) { // std::vector result; // if(cachingDisabled == false) { // if(successfulPathFinderTargetList.find(target) == successfulPathFinderTargetList.end()) { // // Lets find the shortest and most successful path already taken by a // // similar sized unit // // bool foundCachedPath = false; // std::vector &cacheList = successfulPathFinderTargetList[target]; // int unitSize = unit->getType()->getSize(); // for(int i = 0; i < cacheList.size(); ++i) { // FactionPathSuccessCache &cache = cacheList[i]; // if(cache.unitSize <= unitSize) { // vector, int> > &pathQueue = cache.pathQueue; // // for(int j = 0; j < pathQueue.size(); ++j) { // // Now start at the end of the path and see how many nodes // // until we reach a cell near the unit's current position // std::pair, int> &path = pathQueue[j]; // // for(int k = path.first.size() - 1; k >= 0; --k) { // if(world->getMap()->canMove(unit, unit->getPos(), path.first[k]) == true) { // if(foundCachedPath == false) { // for(int l = k; l < path.first.size(); ++l) { // result.push_back(path.first[l]); // } // } // else { // if(result.size() > (path.first.size() - k)) { // for(int l = k; l < path.first.size(); ++l) { // result.push_back(path.first[l]); // } // } // } // foundCachedPath = true; // // break; // } // } // } // } // } // } // } // // return result; //} //void Faction::addCachedPath(const Vec2i &target, Unit *unit) { // if(cachingDisabled == false) { // if(successfulPathFinderTargetList.find(target) == successfulPathFinderTargetList.end()) { // FactionPathSuccessCache cache; // cache.unitSize = unit->getType()->getSize(); // cache.pathQueue.push_back(make_pair, int>(unit->getCurrentTargetPathTaken().second,1)); // successfulPathFinderTargetList[target].push_back(cache); // } // else { // bool finishedAdd = false; // std::pair > currentTargetPathTaken = unit->getCurrentTargetPathTaken(); // std::vector &cacheList = successfulPathFinderTargetList[target]; // int unitSize = unit->getType()->getSize(); // // for(int i = 0; i < cacheList.size() && finishedAdd == false; ++i) { // FactionPathSuccessCache &cache = cacheList[i]; // if(cache.unitSize <= unitSize) { // vector, int> > &pathQueue = cache.pathQueue; // // for(int j = 0; j < pathQueue.size() && finishedAdd == false; ++j) { // // Now start at the end of the path and see how many nodes are the same // std::pair, int> &path = pathQueue[j]; // int minPathSize = std::min(path.first.size(),currentTargetPathTaken.second.size()); // int intersectIndex = -1; // // for(int k = 0; k < minPathSize; ++k) { // if(path.first[path.first.size() - k - 1] != currentTargetPathTaken.second[currentTargetPathTaken.second.size() - k - 1]) { // intersectIndex = k; // break; // } // } // // // New path is same or longer than old path so replace // // old path with new // if(intersectIndex + 1 == path.first.size()) { // path.first = currentTargetPathTaken.second; // path.second++; // finishedAdd = true; // } // // Old path is same or longer than new path so // // do nothing // else if(intersectIndex + 1 == currentTargetPathTaken.second.size()) { // path.second++; // finishedAdd = true; // } // } // // // If new path is >= 10 cells add it // if(finishedAdd == false && currentTargetPathTaken.second.size() >= 10) { // pathQueue.push_back(make_pair, int>(currentTargetPathTaken.second,1)); // } // } // } // } // } //} void Faction::deletePixels() { if(factionType != NULL) { factionType->deletePixels(); } } Unit * Faction::findClosestUnitWithSkillClass( const Vec2i &pos,const CommandClass &cmdClass, const std::vector &skillClassList, const UnitType *unitType) { Unit *result = NULL; /* std::map >::iterator iterFind = cacheUnitCommandClassList.find(cmdClass); if(iterFind != cacheUnitCommandClassList.end()) { for(std::map::iterator iter = iterFind->second.begin(); iter != iterFind->second.end(); ++iter) { Unit *curUnit = findUnit(iter->second); if(curUnit != NULL) { const CommandType *cmdType = curUnit->getType()->getFirstCtOfClass(cmdClass); bool isUnitPossibleCandidate = (cmdType != NULL); if(skillClassList.size() > 0) { isUnitPossibleCandidate = false; for(int j = 0; j < skillClassList.size(); ++j) { SkillClass skValue = skillClassList[j]; if(curUnit->getCurrSkill()->getClass() == skValue) { isUnitPossibleCandidate = true; break; } } } if(isUnitPossibleCandidate == true) { if(result == NULL || curUnit->getPos().dist(pos) < result->getPos().dist(pos)) { result = curUnit; } } } } } */ if(result == NULL) { for(int i = 0; i < getUnitCount(); ++i) { Unit *curUnit = getUnit(i); bool isUnitPossibleCandidate = false; const CommandType *cmdType = curUnit->getType()->getFirstCtOfClass(cmdClass); if(cmdType != NULL) { const RepairCommandType *rct = dynamic_cast(cmdType); if(rct != NULL && rct->isRepairableUnitType(unitType)) { isUnitPossibleCandidate = true; } } else { isUnitPossibleCandidate = false; } if(isUnitPossibleCandidate == true && skillClassList.size() > 0) { isUnitPossibleCandidate = false; for(int j = 0; j < skillClassList.size(); ++j) { SkillClass skValue = skillClassList[j]; if(curUnit->getCurrSkill()->getClass() == skValue) { isUnitPossibleCandidate = true; break; } } } if(isUnitPossibleCandidate == true) { //cacheUnitCommandClassList[cmdClass][curUnit->getId()] = curUnit->getId(); if(result == NULL || curUnit->getPos().dist(pos) < result->getPos().dist(pos)) { result = curUnit; } } } } return result; } int Faction::getFrameCount() { int frameCount = 0; const Game *game = Renderer::getInstance().getGame(); if(game != NULL && game->getWorld() != NULL) { frameCount = game->getWorld()->getFrameCount(); } return frameCount; } std::string Faction::toString() const { std::string result = ""; result = "FactionIndex = " + intToStr(this->index) + "\n"; result += "teamIndex = " + intToStr(this->teamIndex) + "\n"; result += "startLocationIndex = " + intToStr(this->startLocationIndex) + "\n"; result += "thisFaction = " + intToStr(this->thisFaction) + "\n"; result += "control = " + intToStr(this->control) + "\n"; if(this->factionType != NULL) { result += this->factionType->toString() + "\n"; } result += this->upgradeManager.toString() + "\n"; result += "ResourceCount = " + intToStr(resources.size()) + "\n"; for(int idx = 0; idx < resources.size(); idx ++) { result += "index = " + intToStr(idx) + " " + resources[idx].getDescription() + "\n"; } result += "StoreCount = " + intToStr(store.size()) + "\n"; for(int idx = 0; idx < store.size(); idx ++) { result += "index = " + intToStr(idx) + " " + store[idx].getDescription() + "\n"; } result += "Allies = " + intToStr(allies.size()) + "\n"; for(int idx = 0; idx < allies.size(); idx ++) { result += "index = " + intToStr(idx) + " name: " + allies[idx]->factionType->getName() + " factionindex = " + intToStr(allies[idx]->index) + "\n"; } result += "Units = " + intToStr(units.size()) + "\n"; for(int idx = 0; idx < units.size(); idx ++) { result += units[idx]->toString() + "\n"; } return result; } }}//end namespace