#!/bin/sh # # Start a headless game server (and keep it running) # # Using this script, a headless game server is started, waiting for players to # connect (if your firewall configuration permits). Players connect and start a # game. As soon as the game ends, the server will quit, and this script will # start up a new server again. This is a stability measure to rule out # the unlikely case where side effects (such as memory leaks or corruption) # could drain on system resources. # # For this to work, Internet originated traffic must be able to reach the # server on the following ports: # TCP port 61357: game protocol port # TCP port 61358: FTP control port # TCP ports 61359 to 61366: FTP data ports # # Once publishing to the master server succeeded (this can be verified at # master server's site) you may connect to your headless game server # using a copy of game you have installed on a Desktop computer. The first # user connecting to a headless server controls it. If this user disconnects, # the next user who connects (or had already connected) takes control. # # Please read https://docs.megaglest.org/MG/Dedicated_Server for more information # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2013 Written by Tom Reynolds # 2015 Rewritten by filux # Copyright (c) 2013-2017 under GNU GPL v3.0+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LANG=C trap "kill -- -$$" HUP INT QUIT TERM EXIT KERNEL="$(uname -s | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')" if [ "$KERNEL" = "linux" ] || [ "$(echo "$(readlink -f "$0" >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)" | grep '^[0-9]$')" -eq "0" ]; then GAMEDIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" else GAMEDIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)" fi HOME_DIR="$HOME" B_SCRIPT_DIR="$GAMEDIR" # ------- # useful for mods BASIC_SCRIPT="start_megaglest" FAKE_EXC_BINARY_MAC="MegaGlest" EXC_BINARY="megaglest" EXC_BINARY_DISTRO="megaglest" SHORT_GAME_NAME="megaglest" # ------- PORTSTART=62001 NUM_OM_SERVERS=2 NUM_OA_SERVERS=1 SERVER_HARDW_MAX_LOAD_PERC="100" # Log file location (beware, this can grow large) # LOG_SERVER=/dev/null if [ "$(which curl 2>/dev/null)" = "" ]; then echo "WARNING: Downloading tool 'curl' DOES NOT EXIST on this system, please install it." >&2 fi if [ "$KERNEL" = "darwin" ]; then if [ -e "$GAMEDIR/../../MacOS/$FAKE_EXC_BINARY_MAC" ]; then BASIC_SCRIPT="$FAKE_EXC_BINARY_MAC"; B_SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "${GAMEDIR}/../../MacOS/"; pwd)" elif [ -e "$GAMEDIR/$FAKE_EXC_BINARY_MAC.sh" ]; then BASIC_SCRIPT="$FAKE_EXC_BINARY_MAC.sh" fi fi if [ "$(which lscpu 2>/dev/null)" != "" ]; then NUMCORES="$(lscpu -p | grep -cv '^#')" elif [ "$(which sysctl 2>/dev/null)" != "" ]; then NUMCORES="$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)"; fi if [ "$NUMCORES" = "" ]; then NUMCORES=1; fi echo "Notice: Detected processor with $NUMCORES cores." >&2 case $NUMCORES in 1) MAX_LOAD_MULT="0.65";; 2) MAX_LOAD_MULT="0.75";; 3) MAX_LOAD_MULT="0.82";; 4) MAX_LOAD_MULT="0.88";; 5) MAX_LOAD_MULT="0.92";; *) MAX_LOAD_MULT="0.95";; esac if [ "$SERVER_HARDW_MAX_LOAD_PERC" -gt "100" ]; then SERVER_HARDW_MAX_LOAD_PERC=100; fi MAX_LOAD="$(echo "$NUMCORES $MAX_LOAD_MULT $SERVER_HARDW_MAX_LOAD_PERC" | awk '{print $1*$2*($3/100)}')" if [ "$1" != "" ] && [ "$(echo "$1" | grep '^[0-9]\+$')" != "" ]; then SERVERCOUNT="$1" else SERVERCOUNT=0; fi if [ "$2" != "" ] && [ "$(echo "$2" | grep '[0-9.:]\+' | grep -v '[A-Za-z]')" != "" ]; then SERVER_GREP_IP="$(echo "$2" | sed 's/\./\\./g')"; else SERVER_GREP_IP=""; fi if [ "$3" != "" ] && [ "$(echo "$3" | grep '^[0-9]\+$')" != "" ]; then PORTSTART="$3"; fi if [ "$4" != "" ]; then SERVERTITLE="$4"; fi PORT="$(($PORTSTART + (($SERVERCOUNT - 1) * 11)))"; STATUSPORT="$(($PORT - 1))" PORT_FD="$(echo "$PORT" | cut -c1-2)"; PORT_NLD="$((${#PORT} - ${#PORT_FD}))" PORT_FDX="$PORT_FD"; c=1; while [ "$c" -le "$PORT_NLD" ]; do PORT_FDX="$(echo "${PORT_FDX}X")"; c="$(($c + 1))"; done IDLE_TIME_MOD=12 if [ "$NUM_OA_SERVERS" -ge "$NUM_OM_SERVERS" ]; then NUM_OS_MOD="$NUM_OA_SERVERS" else NUM_OS_MOD="$NUM_OM_SERVERS"; fi if [ "$NUM_OS_MOD" -lt "3" ]; then NUM_OS_SMOD="$(($NUM_OS_MOD + 1))" else NUM_OS_SMOD="$(($NUM_OS_MOD + ($NUM_OS_MOD / 3)))"; fi if [ "$SERVERCOUNT" -ge "1" ]; then IDLE_TIME_MOD="$((18 + ($NUM_OS_MOD * 2) - ($SERVERCOUNT * 2)))" if [ "$IDLE_TIME_MOD" -lt "2" ]; then IDLE_TIME_MOD=2 elif [ "$IDLE_TIME_MOD" -gt "24" ]; then IDLE_TIME_MOD=24; fi fi MAX_IDLE_TIME="$(($IDLE_TIME_MOD * 3600))" SERVER_SCRIPT="$(basename "$0")" if [ -f "$GAMEDIR/glest.ini" ]; then GLEST_INI="$(cat "$GAMEDIR/glest.ini" | sed -e 's:\$HOME:'"$HOME_DIR"':g')" LOG_DIR="$(echo "$GLEST_INI" | grep '^LogPath=' | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')" mkdir -p "$LOG_DIR" # e.g. on macos are problems with more advanced using awk ^ if [ "$LOG_DIR" != "" ] && [ "$(echo "$LOG_DIR" | grep '/$')" ]; then LOG_DIR="${LOG_DIR%?}"; fi MASTER_SERVER="$(echo "$GLEST_INI" | grep '^Masterserver=' | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')" if [ "$(echo "$MASTER_SERVER" | grep '/$')" ]; then CLEAR_M_SERVER="${MASTER_SERVER}showServersForGlest.php" else CLEAR_M_SERVER="$MASTER_SERVER/showServersForGlest.php"; fi if [ "$SERVERCOUNT" -gt "0" ]; then USER_DATA_DIR="$(echo "$GLEST_INI" | grep '^UserData_Root=' | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')" if [ "$USER_DATA_DIR" != "" ] && [ "$(echo "$USER_DATA_DIR" | grep '/$')" ]; then USER_DATA_DIR="${USER_DATA_DIR%?}" fi if [ "$SERVERTITLE" = "" ] && [ -f "$USER_DATA_DIR/glestuser.ini" ]; then GLEST_USER_INI="$(cat "$USER_DATA_DIR/glestuser.ini")" SERVERNAME="$(echo "$GLEST_USER_INI" | grep '^NetPlayerName=' | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')" if [ "$SERVERNAME" = "" ]; then SERVERNAME="Unknown"; fi fi fi elif [ "$SERVER_GREP_IP" != "" ]; then echo "WARNING: file 'glest.ini' not found, maybe '$SERVER_SCRIPT' script is placed in the wrong location." >&2 fi EXC_BINARY_FPID="$EXC_BINARY"; EXC_BINARY_DISTRO_W="$(which "$EXC_BINARY_DISTRO" 2>/dev/null)" if [ -e "$B_SCRIPT_DIR/$BASIC_SCRIPT" ]; then SERVER_EXEC="$B_SCRIPT_DIR/$BASIC_SCRIPT" elif [ -e "$GAMEDIR/$EXC_BINARY" ]; then SERVER_EXEC="$GAMEDIR/$EXC_BINARY" else SERVER_EXEC="$EXC_BINARY_DISTRO_W"; EXC_BINARY_FPID="$EXC_BINARY_DISTRO"; fi if [ "$SERVERCOUNT" -eq "0" ]; then #if [ "$SERVER_EXEC" != "$EXC_BINARY_DISTRO_W" ]; then ulimit -c unlimited; fi USED_PORTS=""; LOG_FILE="server.log" RestartMarker="${SHORT_GAME_NAME}-server-restart.log" else USED_PORTS="--use-ports=$PORT,$PORT,$STATUSPORT " RestartMarker="${SHORT_GAME_NAME}-server-restart-${PORT}.log" WaitMarker="${SHORT_GAME_NAME}-server-wait-${PORT_FDX}.log" LOG_FILE="server_${SERVERCOUNT}.log" SERVERNAME="$SERVERNAME-${SERVERCOUNT}" fi SingleSMarker=".${SHORT_GAME_NAME}-server-single.log" if [ "$LOG_DIR" != "" ]; then if [ ! -f "$LOG_DIR/$SingleSMarker" ] && [ "$SERVERCOUNT" -le "1" ]; then echo "#" > "$LOG_DIR/$SingleSMarker"; sleep 1s elif [ -f "$LOG_DIR/$SingleSMarker" ] && [ "$SERVERCOUNT" -gt "1" ]; then sleep 1s; rm -f "$LOG_DIR/$SingleSMarker" fi fi if [ "$SERVERTITLE" = "" ] && [ "$SERVERNAME" != "" ]; then SERVERTITLE="$SERVERNAME"; fi if [ "$SERVERCOUNT" -gt "0" ]; then echo "Info: Server '$SERVERTITLE' nr. $SERVERCOUNT ($2 ; $PORT)." >&2 sleep "$(($SERVERCOUNT * 5))"s fi SER_PARAMETERS="--headless-server-mode=vps,exit" #^ parameters without spaces and numbers inside SER_GREP_PARAMETERS="$(echo "${USED_PORTS}$SER_PARAMETERS" | sed 's/--/\\--/g')" if [ "$LOG_SERVER" != "" ]; then : elif [ "$LOG_DIR" != "" ]; then mkdir -p "$LOG_DIR" LOG_SERVER="$LOG_DIR/$LOG_FILE" else LOG_SERVER=/dev/null fi cd "$GAMEDIR" AVG_LOAD="unknown"; SER_SITUATION="unknown"; CHECK_AVG_LOAD_M=0 if [ -e "/proc/loadavg" ]; then CHECK_AVG_LOAD_M=1 elif [ "$(which sysctl 2>/dev/null)" != "" ]; then CHECK_AVG_LOAD_M=2; fi while true; do if [ "$LOG_SERVER" != "/dev/null" ] && [ -f "$LOG_SERVER" ] && [ "$(wc -c < "$LOG_SERVER")" -gt "250000" ]; then mv -f "$LOG_SERVER" "$LOG_SERVER.1"; fi if [ -e "core" ]; then mv -f "core" "core.1"; fi date >> "$LOG_SERVER" while true; do if [ "$CHECK_AVG_LOAD_M" -eq "1" ]; then AVG_LOAD="$(awk '{print $2}' /proc/loadavg)" elif [ "$CHECK_AVG_LOAD_M" -eq "2" ]; then AVG_LOAD="$(sysctl -n vm.loadavg | awk -F '{' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $2}')" fi if [ "$AVG_LOAD" != "unknown" ]; then SER_SITUATION="$(echo "$AVG_LOAD $MAX_LOAD" | awk '{if ($1 > $2) print "highload"}')" fi if [ "$SER_SITUATION" = "highload" ]; then if [ "$OLD_SER_SITUATION_STATUS" = "" ]; then echo "WARNING: Detected high load on the server." >&2 OLD_SER_SITUATION_STATUS="yes" fi sleep 2.5m; sleep "$((RANDOM % 30))"s else OLD_SER_SITUATION_STATUS=""; NUM_O_FREE_SER="" if [ "$LOG_DIR" != "" ] && [ ! -f "$LOG_DIR/$SingleSMarker" ]; then if [ "$MASTER_SERVER" != "" ] && [ "$SERVER_GREP_IP" != "" ]; then if [ "$WaitMarker" != "" ] && [ ! -f "$LOG_DIR/$WaitMarker" ]; then echo "#" > "$LOG_DIR/$WaitMarker"; sleep 1s fi if [ -f "$LOG_DIR/$WaitMarker" ]; then InWaitMarker="$(cat "$LOG_DIR/$WaitMarker" | tail -1 | grep '^[0-9]*$')" if [ "$InWaitMarker" = "" ] || \ [ "$(find "$LOG_DIR/" -maxdepth 1 -name "$WaitMarker" -mmin +30)" ]; then InWaitMarker=100; NUM_O_FREE_SER=103 fi if [ "$SERVERCOUNT" -lt "$InWaitMarker" ]; then echo "$SERVERCOUNT" >> "$LOG_DIR/$WaitMarker"; InWaitMarker="$SERVERCOUNT" fi fi fi if [ -f "$LOG_DIR/$WaitMarker" ] && [ "$NUM_O_FREE_SER" != "103" ] && \ [ "$(($(date +%s)-$(date +%s -r "$LOG_DIR/$WaitMarker")))" -le "30" ]; then NUM_O_FREE_SER=102 elif [ "$MASTER_SERVER" != "" ] && [ "$SERVER_GREP_IP" != "" ]; then if [ "$SERVERCOUNT" -ne "$InWaitMarker" ]; then NUM_O_FREE_SER=101 elif [ "$OLD_InWaitMarker" = "" ] || [ "$InWaitMarker" -ne "$OLD_InWaitMarker" ]; then NUM_O_FREE_SER=100; OLD_InWaitMarker="$InWaitMarker" fi if [ "$NUM_O_FREE_SER" = "" ]; then FIND_ALL_SER="$(curl -s -L "$CLEAR_M_SERVER")"; M_SERVER_STATUS="$?" FIND_OUR_SER="$(echo "$FIND_ALL_SER" | grep '^\([^|]*|\)\{4\}'"$SERVER_GREP_IP"'|' \ | grep '^\([^|]*|\)\{11\}'"$PORT_FD"'[0-9]\{'"$PORT_NLD"'\}|')" NUM_O_O_SER="$(echo "$FIND_OUR_SER" | wc -l)" if [ "$NUM_O_O_SER" -eq "0" ]; then M_SERVER_STATUS=111; fi if [ "$NUM_O_O_SER" != "" ] && [ "$NUM_O_O_SER" -lt "$NUM_OM_SERVERS" ]; then : elif [ "$SERVERCOUNT" -le "$NUM_OS_SMOD" ]; then NUM_O_FREE_SER="$(echo "$FIND_OUR_SER" | grep '^\([^|]*|\)\{10\}0|' -c)" else NUM_O_FREE_SER="$(echo "$FIND_OUR_SER" | grep '^\([^|]*|\)\{13\}0|' -c)" fi fi fi fi if [ "$NUM_O_FREE_SER" != "" ] && [ "$NUM_O_FREE_SER" -ge "$NUM_OA_SERVERS" ]; then if [ "$OLD_NUM_OFS_STATUS" = "" ] && [ "$NUM_O_FREE_SER" -ne "100" ]; then echo "Notice: Waiting for situation when server may be really needed." >&2 OLD_NUM_OFS_STATUS="yes" fi else if [ "$M_SERVER_STATUS" = "" ] || [ "$M_SERVER_STATUS" -eq "0" ] || [ "$SERVERCOUNT" -le "1" ]; then OLD_NUM_OFS_STATUS="" if [ -f "$LOG_DIR/$WaitMarker" ]; then echo "#" > "$LOG_DIR/$WaitMarker"; fi break else echo "WARNING: Detected some problems with connection to master server." >&2 M_SERVER_STATUS="" fi fi sleep 32s fi done if [ "$SERVERCOUNT" -eq "1" ] && [ ! -e "$GAMEDIR/${SHORT_GAME_NAME}-mini-update.sh" ] && \ [ -e "$GAMEDIR/../${SHORT_GAME_NAME}-dev_version-update.sh" ]; then if [ ! -f "$GAMEDIR/${SHORT_GAME_NAME}-dev_version-update-done.log" ]; then echo "... dev_version update:" >&2 "$GAMEDIR/../${SHORT_GAME_NAME}-dev_version-update.sh" "$GAMEDIR"; sleep 1s echo "#" > "$GAMEDIR/${SHORT_GAME_NAME}-dev_version-update-done.log"; sleep 1s #"$GAMEDIR/$SERVER_SCRIPT" "$@" & #break else rm -f "$GAMEDIR/${SHORT_GAME_NAME}-dev_version-update-done.log" fi fi echo 'Starting server...' | tee -a "$LOG_SERVER" if [ "$MASTER_SERVER" != "" ] && [ "$SERVER_GREP_IP" != "" ]; then ( check_nr=0; force_restart=0; loop_start="yes"; BeginTime="$(date +"%s")"; sleep 4m while true; do SER_PID="$(ps -ef | grep "[ \t/]$EXC_BINARY_FPID $SER_GREP_PARAMETERS" | grep -v 'grep' | awk '{print $2}')" if [ "$loop_start" = "yes" ]; then SER_PID_S="$SER_PID"; loop_start="no"; fi CheckTime="$(date +"%s")"; DiffTime="$(($CheckTime-$BeginTime))" if [ "$SER_PID" != "" ] && [ "$SER_PID" = "$SER_PID_S" ]; then FIND_SER="$(curl -s -L "$CLEAR_M_SERVER" | grep '^\([^|]*|\)\{4\}'"$SERVER_GREP_IP"'|' \ | grep '^\([^|]*|\)\{11\}'"$PORT"'|')" if [ "$FIND_SER" = "" ]; then check_nr="$(($check_nr + 1))" if [ "$OLD_FIND_SER_STATUS" = "" ]; then echo "WARNING: The master server doesn't see this server." >&2 OLD_FIND_SER_STATUS="yes" elif [ "$check_nr" -eq "120" ]; then echo "ERROR: The master server doesn't see this server for over 4 hours." >&2; force_restart=1 fi else OLD_FIND_SER_STATUS="" SER_STATUS="$(echo "$FIND_SER" | awk -F '|' '{print $14}')" if [ "$SER_STATUS" = "" ] || [ "$(echo "$SER_STATUS" | grep '^[0-9]\+$')" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: Server status cannot be determined." >&2 fi fi if [ "$SER_STATUS" != "2" ] && [ "$DiffTime" -gt "$MAX_IDLE_TIME" ]; then echo "Notice: The server is working continuously for over $IDLE_TIME_MOD hour(s)." >&2; force_restart=1 elif [ "$SER_STATUS" != "" ] && [ "$SER_STATUS" -eq "2" ]; then if [ "$OLD_PROG_STATUS" = "" ]; then echo "Status: Game in progress..." >&2 OLD_PROG_STATUS="yes"; BeginTime2="$(date +"%s")" fi DiffTime2="$(($CheckTime-$BeginTime2))" if [ "$DiffTime2" -gt "14400" ]; then echo "WARNING: The game is in progress for over 4 hours." >&2; force_restart=1 else sleep 8m fi elif [ "$SER_STATUS" != "" ] && [ "$SER_STATUS" -eq "1" ]; then if [ "$OLD_READY_STATUS" = "" ]; then OLD_READY_STATUS="yes"; BeginTime3="$(date +"%s")" fi DiffTime3="$(($CheckTime-$BeginTime3))" if [ "$DiffTime3" -gt "3600" ]; then echo "WARNING: The game seems to waiting for start for over an hour." >&2; force_restart=1 fi else OLD_READY_STATUS="" fi if [ "$SER_STATUS" != "" ] && [ "$SER_STATUS" -ne "2" ]; then OLD_PROG_STATUS=""; fi if [ "$force_restart" -eq "1" ]; then if [ "$check_nr" -lt "120" ]; then check_nr=120; fi if [ "$LOG_DIR" != "" ]; then echo "#" > "$LOG_DIR/$RestartMarker"; sleep 2s; fi if [ "$check_nr" -ge "123" ]; then kill -9 "$SER_PID" else kill "$SER_PID"; fi elif [ "$FIND_SER" != "" ]; then check_nr=0 fi sleep 2m else break fi done ) & fi if [ "$SERVERTITLE" != "" ]; then "$SERVER_EXEC" ${USED_PORTS}"$SER_PARAMETERS" --server-title="Headless (${SERVERTITLE})" >> "$LOG_SERVER" 2>&1 else "$SERVER_EXEC" ${USED_PORTS}"$SER_PARAMETERS" >> "$LOG_SERVER" 2>&1 fi if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then if [ ! -f "$LOG_DIR/$RestartMarker" ]; then echo 'ERROR: Server has quit unexpectedly.' >> "$LOG_SERVER" echo 'ERROR: Server has quit unexpectedly.' >&2 if [ "$SERVERCOUNT" -eq "0" ]; then echo ' Please inspect '"$LOG_SERVER"'.' >&2 exit 1 fi sleep 5s if [ "$SERVERCOUNT" -eq "1" ] && [ -e "$GAMEDIR/${SHORT_GAME_NAME}-mini-update.sh" ] && \ [ "$SERVER_GREP_IP" != "" ] && [ "$MINI_UPDATE_USED" = "" ]; then echo "... attempt to perform mini update, which may solve tiny problems:" >&2 "$GAMEDIR/${SHORT_GAME_NAME}-mini-update.sh"; sleep 1s MINI_UPDATE_USED="yes" fi else echo 'Notice: Server was restarted by script.' >> "$LOG_SERVER" if [ "$LOG_DIR" != "" ]; then rm -f "$LOG_DIR/$RestartMarker"; fi fi sleep 2s else echo 'Server has quit.' | tee -a "$LOG_SERVER" fi done