/** * MojoSetup; a portable, flexible installation application. * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #if !SUPPORT_GUI_WWW #error Something is wrong in the build system. #endif #define BUILDING_EXTERNAL_PLUGIN 1 #include "gui.h" MOJOGUI_PLUGIN(www) #if !GUI_STATIC_LINK_WWW CREATE_MOJOGUI_ENTRY_POINT(www) #endif #include #define FREE_AND_NULL(x) { free(x); x = NULL; } // tapdance between things WinSock and BSD Sockets define differently... #if PLATFORM_WINDOWS #include typedef int socklen_t; #define setprotoent(x) assert(x == 0) #define sockErrno() WSAGetLastError() #define wouldBlockError(err) (err == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) #define intrError(err) (err == WSAEINTR) static inline void setBlocking(SOCKET s, boolean blocking) { u_long val = (blocking) ? 0 : 1; ioctlsocket(s, FIONBIO, &val); } // setBlocking static const char *sockStrErrVal(int val) { STUBBED("Windows strerror"); return "sockStrErrVal() is unimplemented."; } // sockStrErrVal static boolean initSocketSupport(void) { WSADATA data; int rc = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &data); if (rc != 0) { logError("www: WSAStartup() failed: %0", sockStrErrVal(rc)); return false; } // if logInfo("www: WinSock initialized (want %0.%1, got %2.%3).", numstr((int) (LOBYTE(data.wVersion))), numstr((int) (HIBYTE(data.wVersion))), numstr((int) (LOBYTE(data.wHighVersion))), numstr((int) (HIBYTE(data.wHighVersion)))); logInfo("www: WinSock description: %0", data.szDescription); logInfo("www: WinSock system status: %0", data.szSystemStatus); logInfo("www: WinSock max sockets: %0", numstr((int) data.iMaxSockets)); return true; } // initSocketSupport #define deinitSocketSupport() WSACleanup() #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef int SOCKET; #define SOCKET_ERROR (-1) #define INVALID_SOCKET (-1) #define closesocket(x) close(x) #define sockErrno() (errno) #define sockStrErrVal(val) strerror(val) #define intrError(err) (err == EINTR) #define initSocketSupport() (true) #define deinitSocketSupport() static inline boolean wouldBlockError(int err) { return ((err == EWOULDBLOCK) || (err == EAGAIN)); } // wouldBlockError static void setBlocking(SOCKET s, boolean blocking) { int flags = fcntl(s, F_GETFL, 0); if (blocking) flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK; else flags |= O_NONBLOCK; fcntl(s, F_SETFL, flags); } // setBlocking #endif #define sockStrError() (sockStrErrVal(sockErrno())) typedef struct _S_WebRequest { char *key; char *value; struct _S_WebRequest *next; } WebRequest; static char *output = NULL; static char *lastProgressType = NULL; static char *lastComponent = NULL; static char *baseUrl = NULL; static WebRequest *webRequest = NULL; static uint32 percentTicks = 0; static SOCKET listenSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; static SOCKET clientSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; static uint8 MojoGui_www_priority(boolean istty) { return MOJOGUI_PRIORITY_TRY_LAST; } // MojoGui_www_priority static void freeWebRequest(void) { while (webRequest) { WebRequest *next = webRequest->next; free(webRequest->key); free(webRequest->value); free(webRequest); webRequest = next; } // while } // freeWebRequest static void addWebRequest(const char *key, const char *val) { if ((key != NULL) && (*key != '\0')) { WebRequest *req = (WebRequest *) xmalloc(sizeof (WebRequest)); req->key = xstrdup(key); req->value = xstrdup(val); req->next = webRequest; webRequest = req; logDebug("www: request element '%0' = '%1'", key, val); } // if } // addWebRequest static int hexVal(char ch) { if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'f')) return (ch - 'a') + 10; else if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'F')) return (ch - 'A') + 10; else if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) return (ch - '0'); return -1; } // hexVal static void unescapeUri(char *uri) { char *ptr = uri; while ((ptr = strchr(ptr, '%')) != NULL) { int a, b; if ((a = hexVal(ptr[1])) != -1) { if ((b = hexVal(ptr[2])) != -1) { *(ptr++) = (char) ((a * 16) + b); memmove(ptr, ptr+2, strlen(ptr+1)); } // if else { *(ptr++) = '?'; memmove(ptr, ptr+1, strlen(ptr)); } // else } // if else { *(ptr++) = '?'; } // else } // while } // unescapeUri static int strAdd(char **ptr, size_t *len, size_t *alloc, const char *fmt, ...) { size_t bw = 0; size_t avail = *alloc - *len; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); bw = vsnprintf(*ptr + *len, avail, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (bw >= avail) { const size_t add = (*alloc + (bw + 1)); // double plus the new len. *alloc += add; avail += add; *ptr = xrealloc(*ptr, *alloc); va_start(ap, fmt); bw = vsnprintf(*ptr + *len, avail, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } // if *len += bw; return bw; } // strAdd static char *htmlescape(const char *str) { size_t len = 0, alloc = 0; char *retval = NULL; char ch; while ((ch = *(str++)) != '\0') { switch (ch) { case '&': strAdd(&retval, &len, &alloc, "&"); break; case '<': strAdd(&retval, &len, &alloc, "<"); break; case '>': strAdd(&retval, &len, &alloc, ">"); break; case '"': strAdd(&retval, &len, &alloc, """); break; case '\'': strAdd(&retval, &len, &alloc, "'"); break; default: strAdd(&retval, &len, &alloc, "%c", ch); break; } // switch } // while return retval; } // htmlescape static const char *standardResponseHeaders = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n" "Accept-Ranges: none\n" "Cache-Control: no-cache\n" "Connection: close\n\n"; static void setHtmlString(char **str, int responseCode, const char *responseString, const char *title, const char *html) { size_t len = 0, alloc = 0; FREE_AND_NULL(*str); strAdd(str, &len, &alloc, "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\n" // responseCode, responseString "%s" // standardResponseHeaders "" "" "%s" // title "" "%s" // html "\n", responseCode, responseString, standardResponseHeaders, title, html); } // setHtmlString static void setHtml(const char *title, const char *html) { setHtmlString(&output, 200, "OK", title, html); } // setHtml static void sendStringAndDrop(SOCKET *_s, const char *str) { SOCKET s = *_s; int outlen = 0; if (str == NULL) str = ""; else outlen = strlen(str); setBlocking(s, true); while (outlen > 0) { int rc = send(s, str, outlen, 0); if (rc != SOCKET_ERROR) { str += rc; outlen -= rc; } // if else { const int err = sockErrno(); if (!intrError(err)) { logError("www: send() failed: %0", sockStrErrVal(err)); break; } // if } // else } // while closesocket(s); *_s = INVALID_SOCKET; } // sendStringAndDrop static void respond404(SOCKET *s) { char *text = htmlescape(_("Not Found")); char *str = NULL; size_t len = 0, alloc = 0; char *html = NULL; strAdd(&html, &len, &alloc, "


", text); setHtmlString(&str, 404, text, text, html); free(html); free(text); sendStringAndDrop(s, str); free(str); } // respond404 static boolean parseGet(char *get) { char *uri = NULL; char *ver = NULL; uri = strchr(get, ' '); if (uri == NULL) return false; *(uri++) = '\0'; ver = strchr(uri, ' '); if (ver == NULL) return false; *(ver++) = '\0'; if (strcmp(get, "GET") != 0) return false; if (uri[0] != '/') return false; uri++; // skip dirsep. // !!! FIXME: we may want to feed stock files ( tags, etc) // !!! FIXME: at some point in the future. if ((uri[0] != '?') && (uri[0] != '\0')) return false; if (strncmp(ver, "HTTP/", 5) != 0) return false; if (*uri == '?') uri++; // skip initial argsep. do { char *next = strchr(uri, '&'); char *val = NULL; if (next != NULL) *(next++) = '\0'; val = strchr(uri, '='); if (val == NULL) val = ""; else *(val++) = '\0'; unescapeUri(uri); unescapeUri(val); addWebRequest(uri, val); uri = next; } while (uri != NULL); return true; } // parseGet static boolean parseRequest(char *reqstr) { do { char *next = strchr(reqstr, '\n'); char *val = NULL; if (next != NULL) *(next++) = '\0'; val = strchr(reqstr, ':'); if (val == NULL) val = ""; else { *(val++) = '\0'; while (*val == ' ') val++; } // else if (*reqstr != '\0') { size_t len = 0, alloc = 0; char *buf = NULL; strAdd(&buf, &len, &alloc, "HTTP-%s", reqstr); addWebRequest(buf, val); free(buf); } // if reqstr = next; } while (reqstr != NULL); return true; } // parseRequest static WebRequest *servePage(boolean blocking) { int newline = 0; char ch = 0; struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t addrlen = 0; int s = 0; char *reqstr = NULL; size_t len = 0, alloc = 0; int err = 0; freeWebRequest(); if (listenSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) return NULL; if (clientSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) // response to feed to client. sendStringAndDrop(&clientSocket, output); if (blocking) setBlocking(listenSocket, true); do { s = accept(listenSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &addrlen); err = sockErrno(); } while ( (s == INVALID_SOCKET) && (intrError(err)) ); if (blocking) setBlocking(listenSocket, false); // reset what we toggled up there. if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) { if (wouldBlockError(err)) assert(!blocking); else { logError("www: accept() failed: %0", sockStrErrVal(err)); closesocket(listenSocket); // make all future i/o fail too. listenSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } // else return NULL; } // if setBlocking(s, true); // Doing this one char at a time isn't efficient, but it's easy. while (1) { if (recv(s, &ch, 1, 0) == SOCKET_ERROR) { const int err = sockErrno(); if (!intrError(err)) // just try again on interrupt. { logError("www: recv() failed: %0", sockStrErrVal(err)); FREE_AND_NULL(reqstr); closesocket(s); s = INVALID_SOCKET; break; } // if } // if else if (ch == '\n') // newline { if (++newline == 2) break; // end of request. strAdd(&reqstr, &len, &alloc, "\n"); } // if else if (ch != '\r') { newline = 0; strAdd(&reqstr, &len, &alloc, "%c", ch); } // else if } // while if (reqstr != NULL) { char *get = NULL; char *ptr = strchr(reqstr, '\n'); if (ptr != NULL) { *ptr = '\0'; ptr++; } // if // reqstr is the GET (or whatever) request, ptr is the rest. get = xstrdup(reqstr); if (ptr == NULL) { *ptr = '\0'; len = 0; } // if else { len = strlen(ptr); memmove(reqstr, ptr, len+1); } // else logDebug("www: request '%0'", get); // okay, now (get) and (reqptr) are separate strings. // These parse*() functions update (webRequest). if ( (parseGet(get)) && (parseRequest(reqstr)) ) logDebug("www: accepted request"); else { logError("www: rejected bogus request"); freeWebRequest(); respond404(&s); } // else free(reqstr); free(get); } // if clientSocket = s; return webRequest; } // servePage static SOCKET create_listen_socket(short portnum) { SOCKET s = INVALID_SOCKET; int protocol = 0; // pray this is right. struct protoent *prot; setprotoent(0); prot = getprotobyname("tcp"); if (prot != NULL) protocol = prot->p_proto; s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, protocol); if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) logInfo("www: socket() failed ('%0')", sockStrError()); else { boolean success = false; struct sockaddr_in addr; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(portnum); addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; // !!! FIXME: bind to localhost. // So we can bind this socket over and over in debug runs... #if ((!defined _NDEBUG) && (!defined NDEBUG)) { int on = 1; setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*) &on, sizeof (on)); } #endif if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof (addr)) == SOCKET_ERROR) logError("www: bind() failed ('%0')", sockStrError()); else if (listen(s, 5) == SOCKET_ERROR) logError("www: listen() failed ('%0')", sockStrError()); else { logInfo("www: socket created on port %0", numstr(portnum)); success = true; } // else if (!success) { closesocket(s); s = INVALID_SOCKET; } // if } // if return s; } // create_listen_socket static boolean MojoGui_www_init(void) { size_t len = 0, alloc = 0; short portnum = 7341; // !!! FIXME: try some random ports. percentTicks = 0; if (!initSocketSupport()) { logInfo("www: socket subsystem init failed, use another UI."); return false; } // if listenSocket = create_listen_socket(portnum); if (listenSocket < 0) { logInfo("www: no listen socket, use another UI."); return false; } // if setBlocking(listenSocket, false); strAdd(&baseUrl, &len, &alloc, "http://localhost:%d/", (int) portnum); return true; } // MojoGui_www_init static void MojoGui_www_deinit(void) { // Catch any waiting browser connections...and tell them to buzz off! :) char *donetitle = htmlescape(_("Shutting down...")); char *donetext = htmlescape(_("You can close this browser now.")); size_t len = 0, alloc = 0; char *html = NULL; strAdd(&html, &len, &alloc, "

", donetext); setHtml(donetitle, html); free(html); free(donetitle); free(donetext); while (servePage(false) != NULL) { /* no-op. */ } freeWebRequest(); FREE_AND_NULL(output); FREE_AND_NULL(lastProgressType); FREE_AND_NULL(lastComponent); FREE_AND_NULL(baseUrl); if (clientSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(clientSocket); clientSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } // if if (listenSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(listenSocket); listenSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } // if deinitSocketSupport(); } // MojoGui_www_deinit static int doPromptPage(const char *title, const char *text, boolean centertxt, const char *pagename, const char **buttons, const char **locButtons, int bcount) { char *htmltitle = htmlescape(title); boolean sawPage = false; int answer = -1; int i = 0; char *html = NULL; size_t len = 0, alloc = 0; const char *align = ((centertxt) ? " align='center'" : ""); strAdd(&html, &len, &alloc, "
" "
" // pagename "" // pagename "" "%s" // align, text "" "" "" "
", pagename, pagename, align, text); for (i = 0; i < bcount; i++) { const char *button = buttons[i]; const char *loc = locButtons[i]; strAdd(&html, &len, &alloc, "", button, loc); } // for strAdd(&html, &len, &alloc, "
" "
" "
"); setHtml(htmltitle, html); free(htmltitle); free(html); while ((!sawPage) || (answer == -1)) { WebRequest *req = servePage(true); sawPage = false; answer = -1; while (req != NULL) { const char *k = req->key; const char *v = req->value; if ( (strcmp(k, "page") == 0) && (strcmp(v, pagename) == 0) ) sawPage = true; else { for (i = 0; i < bcount; i++) { if (strcmp(k, buttons[i]) == 0) { answer = i; break; } // if } // for } // else req = req->next; } // while } // while return answer; } // doPromptPage static void MojoGui_www_msgbox(const char *title, const char *text) { const char *buttons[] = { "ok" }; const char *locButtons[] = { htmlescape(_("OK")) }; char *htmltext = htmlescape(text); doPromptPage(title, htmltext, true, "msgbox", buttons, locButtons, 1); free(htmltext); free((void *) locButtons[0]); } // MojoGui_www_msgbox static boolean MojoGui_www_promptyn(const char *title, const char *text, boolean defval) { // !!! FIXME: // We currently ignore defval int i, rc; char *htmltext = htmlescape(text); const char *buttons[] = { "no", "yes" }; const char *locButtons[] = { htmlescape(_("No")), htmlescape(_("Yes")) }; assert(STATICARRAYLEN(buttons) == STATICARRAYLEN(locButtons)); rc = doPromptPage(title, htmltext, true, "promptyn", buttons, locButtons, STATICARRAYLEN(buttons)); free(htmltext); for (i = 0; i < STATICARRAYLEN(locButtons); i++) free((void *) locButtons[i]); return (rc == 1); } // MojoGui_www_promptyn static MojoGuiYNAN MojoGui_www_promptynan(const char *title, const char *text, boolean defval) { // !!! FIXME: // We currently ignore defval int i, rc; char *htmltext = htmlescape(text); const char *buttons[] = { "no", "yes", "always", "never" }; const char *locButtons[] = { htmlescape(_("No")), htmlescape(_("Yes")), htmlescape(_("Always")), htmlescape(_("Never")), }; assert(STATICARRAYLEN(buttons) == STATICARRAYLEN(locButtons)); rc = doPromptPage(title, htmltext, true, "promptynan", buttons, locButtons, STATICARRAYLEN(buttons)); free(htmltext); for (i = 0; i < STATICARRAYLEN(locButtons); i++) free((void *) locButtons[i]); return (MojoGuiYNAN) rc; } // MojoGui_www_promptynan static boolean MojoGui_www_start(const char *title, const MojoGuiSplash *splash) { return true; } // MojoGui_www_start static void MojoGui_www_stop(void) { // no-op. } // MojoGui_www_stop static int MojoGui_www_readme(const char *name, const uint8 *data, size_t datalen, boolean can_back, boolean can_fwd) { char *text = NULL; size_t len = 0, alloc = 0; char *htmldata = htmlescape((const char *) data); int i, rc; int cancelbutton = -1; int backbutton = -1; int fwdbutton = -1; int bcount = 0; const char *buttons[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; const char *locButtons[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; assert(STATICARRAYLEN(buttons) == STATICARRAYLEN(locButtons)); cancelbutton = bcount++; buttons[cancelbutton] = "cancel"; locButtons[cancelbutton] = xstrdup(_("Cancel")); if (can_back) { backbutton = bcount++; buttons[backbutton] = "back"; locButtons[backbutton] = xstrdup(_("Back")); } // if if (can_fwd) { fwdbutton = bcount++; buttons[fwdbutton] = "next"; locButtons[fwdbutton] = xstrdup(_("Next")); } // if strAdd(&text, &len, &alloc, "
", htmldata); free(htmldata); rc = doPromptPage(name, text, false, "readme", buttons, locButtons, bcount); free(text); for (i = 0; i < STATICARRAYLEN(locButtons); i++) free((void *) locButtons[i]); if (rc == backbutton) return -1; else if (rc == cancelbutton) return 0; return 1; } // MojoGui_www_readme static int MojoGui_www_options(MojoGuiSetupOptions *opts, boolean can_back, boolean can_fwd) { // !!! FIXME: write me. STUBBED("www options"); return 1; } // MojoGui_www_options static char *MojoGui_www_destination(const char **recommends, int recnum, int *command, boolean can_back, boolean can_fwd) { char *retval = NULL; char *title = xstrdup(_("Destination")); char *html = NULL; size_t len = 0, alloc = 0; boolean checked = true; int cancelbutton = -1; int backbutton = -1; int fwdbutton = -1; int bcount = 0; int rc = 0; int i = 0; const char *buttons[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; const char *locButtons[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; assert(STATICARRAYLEN(buttons) == STATICARRAYLEN(locButtons)); cancelbutton = bcount++; buttons[cancelbutton] = "cancel"; locButtons[cancelbutton] = xstrdup(_("Cancel")); if (can_back) { backbutton = bcount++; buttons[backbutton] = "back"; locButtons[backbutton] = xstrdup(_("Back")); } // if if (can_fwd) { fwdbutton = bcount++; buttons[fwdbutton] = "next"; locButtons[fwdbutton] = xstrdup(_("Next")); } // if strAdd(&html, &len, &alloc, "
" ""); for (i = 0; i < recnum; i++) { strAdd(&html, &len, &alloc, "" "" "", ((checked) ? "checked='true'" : ""), recommends[i], recommends[i]); checked = false; } // for strAdd(&html, &len, &alloc, "" "" "" "
" "%s" "
" "" "" "
" "
", ((checked) ? "checked='true'" : "")); rc = doPromptPage(title, html, true, "destination", buttons, locButtons, bcount); free(title); free(html); for (i = 0; i < STATICARRAYLEN(locButtons); i++) free((void *) locButtons[i]); if (rc == backbutton) *command = -1; else if (rc == cancelbutton) *command = 0; else { const char *dest = NULL; const char *customdest = NULL; WebRequest *req = webRequest; while (req != NULL) { const char *k = req->key; const char *v = req->value; if (strcmp(k, "dest") == 0) dest = v; else if (strcmp(k, "customdest") == 0) customdest = v; req = req->next; } // while if (dest != NULL) { if (strcmp(dest, "*") == 0) dest = customdest; } // if if (dest == NULL) *command = 0; // !!! FIXME: maybe loop with doPromptPage again. else { retval = xstrdup(dest); *command = 1; } // else } // else return retval; } // MojoGui_www_destination static int MojoGui_www_productkey(const char *desc, const char *fmt, char *buf, const int buflen, boolean can_back, boolean can_fwd) { char *prompt = xstrdup(_("Please enter your product key")); int retval = -1; char *html = NULL; size_t len = 0, alloc = 0; int cancelbutton = -1; int backbutton = -1; int fwdbutton = -1; int bcount = 0; int rc = 0; int i = 0; const char *buttons[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; const char *locButtons[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; assert(STATICARRAYLEN(buttons) == STATICARRAYLEN(locButtons)); cancelbutton = bcount++; buttons[cancelbutton] = "cancel"; locButtons[cancelbutton] = xstrdup(_("Cancel")); if (can_back) { backbutton = bcount++; buttons[backbutton] = "back"; locButtons[backbutton] = xstrdup(_("Back")); } // if if (can_fwd) { fwdbutton = bcount++; buttons[fwdbutton] = "next"; locButtons[fwdbutton] = xstrdup(_("Next")); } // if strAdd(&html, &len, &alloc, "
" "%s
" "" "
", prompt, ((*buf) ? buf : "")); free(prompt); rc = doPromptPage(desc, html, true, "productkey", buttons, locButtons, bcount); free(html); for (i = 0; i < STATICARRAYLEN(locButtons); i++) free((void *) locButtons[i]); if (rc == backbutton) retval = -1; else if (rc == cancelbutton) retval = 0; else { WebRequest *req = webRequest; const char *keyval = NULL; while (req != NULL) { const char *k = req->key; const char *v = req->value; if (strcmp(k, "productkey") == 0) keyval = v; req = req->next; } // while if (keyval == NULL) retval = 0; // !!! FIXME: maybe loop with doPromptPage again. else { snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", keyval); if (isValidProductKey(fmt, buf)) retval = 1; // !!! FIXME: must try again if invalid key. } // else } // else return retval; } // MojoGui_www_productkey static boolean MojoGui_www_insertmedia(const char *medianame) { char *htmltext = NULL; char *text = NULL; size_t len = 0, alloc = 0; int i, rc; const char *buttons[] = { "cancel", "ok" }; const char *locButtons[] = { htmlescape(_("Cancel")), htmlescape(_("OK")) }; char *title = xstrdup(_("Media change")); char *fmt = xstrdup(_("Please insert '%0'")); char *msg = format(fmt, medianame); strAdd(&text, &len, &alloc, msg); free(msg); free(fmt); htmltext = htmlescape(text); free(text); assert(STATICARRAYLEN(buttons) == STATICARRAYLEN(locButtons)); rc = doPromptPage(title, htmltext, true, "insertmedia", buttons, locButtons, STATICARRAYLEN(buttons)); free(title); free(htmltext); for (i = 0; i < STATICARRAYLEN(locButtons); i++) free((void *) locButtons[i]); return (rc == 1); } // MojoGui_www_insertmedia static void MojoGui_www_progressitem(void) { // no-op in this UI target. } // MojoGui_www_progressitem static boolean MojoGui_www_progress(const char *type, const char *component, int percent, const char *item, boolean can_cancel) { return true; } // MojoGui_www_progress static void MojoGui_www_final(const char *msg) { MojoGui_www_msgbox(_("Finish"), msg); } // MojoGui_www_final // end of gui_www.c ...