MegaGlest by Titus Tscharntke and Mark Vejvoda original Glest code by MartiƱo Figueroa 1. System requirements Developed on Windows with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express (free version), little endian CPU. Compiling using the mingw32 toolset is now possible, which also allows for cross compiling. The game does not currently work on big endian CPUs like PPC. There are, however, community contributed builds available for MacIntel. The app has been reported to run fine on a 900Mhz Athlon box with Nvidia GeForce 3 graphics card. It seems that the game also runs on GeForce 2 and GeForce Mx class hardware when you disable 3D textures and shadow maps in the options menu. The windows version runs on 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows and has been reported to run successfully on Windows 2000 - Windows 7. 2. Building and Installation 2.1 Prerequesites The game depends on some tools and libraries to be present, before you can start compiling it. Here's a list of them: * Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2008 OR * mingw32 * Glest Windows 32 bit Dependencies to build with VC++ or, to build with mingw: which include: * Xerces-C * wxWidgets http:/ 2.2 Building To build and install the game use the following steps: 1. Download the dependencies archive mentioned above and decompress its contents into the 'source' folder (where you see glest_game, g3d_viewer, etc). This should create a folder called "win32_deps" with many sub files/folders in it. 2. Open the VC++ 2008 Solution file in trunk\mk\windoze called Glest.sln within the Visual C++ IDE. 3. Right Click on the top level Glest node in Solution Explorer and select Rebuild All. If you had no errors all binaries will be created in trunk\data\glest_game. Before running MegaGlest you must run the batchfile CopyWindowsRuntimeDlls.bat You should now be able to just run glest_game.exe. 2.3 Installation We provide NSIS based installation packages. By default, these will create a system-wide installation below Program Files and setup Desktop icons for simplified access. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Contact The main MegaGlest website is Development information is available at Forums are at Titus Tscharntke ( Mark Vejvoda ( -