here already, but then you don't filter non-visible bytes here) //$text=strtolower($text); //$code_entities_match = array('!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')','_','+','{','}','|','"','<','>','?','[',']','\\',';',"'",',','/','*','+','~','`','='); //$code_entities_replace = array('','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''); $code_entities_match = array('$','%','^','&','_','+','{','}','|','"','<','>','?','[',']','\\',';',"'",'/','+','~','`','='); $code_entities_replace = array('','','','','','','','','','','','',''); $text = str_replace( $code_entities_match, $code_entities_replace, $text ); return $text; } function db_connect() { // If we may use persistent MYSQL database server links... if ( defined( 'MYSQL_LINK_PERSIST' ) && MYSQL_LINK_PERSIST === true ) { // ...then reuse an existing link or create a new one, ... $linkid = mysql_pconnect( MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD ); } else { // ...otherwise create a standard link $linkid = mysql_connect( MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD ); } return $linkid; } function db_disconnect( $linkid ) { // note that mysql_close() only closes non-persistent connections return mysql_close( $linkid ); } function get_localsubnet_ip_prefix() { // If this is supposed to match any RFC1918 or even any unroutable IP address space then this is far from complete. // Consider using something like the 'IANA Private list' provided at instead. // The data in this list is a subset of what IANA makes available at // Note that you may want/need to add in the IPv6 equivalent, too: return "192."; } function get_external_ip() { return $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; //return ""; } function cleanupServerList( $mysql_database ) { // on a busy server, this function should be invoked by cron in regular intervals instead (one SQL query less for the script) return mysql_db_query( $mysql_database, 'DELETE FROM glestserver WHERE lasttime