/** * MojoSetup; a portable, flexible installation application. * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #include #include "universal.h" #include "platform.h" #include "gui.h" #include "lua_glue.h" #include "fileio.h" #define TEST_LAUNCH_BROWSER_CODE 0 int MojoSetup_testLaunchBrowserCode(int argc, char **argv); #define TEST_ARCHIVE_CODE 0 int MojoSetup_testArchiveCode(int argc, char **argv); #define TEST_NETWORK_CODE 0 int MojoSetup_testNetworkCode(int argc, char **argv); uint8 scratchbuf_128k[128 * 1024]; MojoSetupEntryPoints GEntryPoints = { xmalloc, xrealloc, xstrdup, xstrncpy, translate, logWarning, logError, logInfo, logDebug, format, numstr, MojoPlatform_ticks, utf8codepoint, utf8len, splitText, isValidProductKey, }; int GArgc = 0; const char **GArgv = NULL; static char *crashedmsg = NULL; static char *termedmsg = NULL; void MojoSetup_crashed(void) { if (crashedmsg == NULL) panic("BUG: crash at startup"); else fatal(crashedmsg); } // MojoSetup_crash void MojoSetup_terminated(void) { if (termedmsg == NULL) // no translation yet. panic("The installer has been stopped by the system."); else fatal(termedmsg); } // MojoSetup_crash #if !SUPPORT_MULTIARCH #define trySwitchBinaries() #else static void trySwitchBinary(MojoArchive *ar) { MojoInput *io = ar->openCurrentEntry(ar); if (io != NULL) { const uint32 imglen = (uint32) io->length(io); uint8 *img = (uint8 *) xmalloc(imglen); const uint32 br = io->read(io, img, imglen); io->close(io); if (br == imglen) { logInfo("Switching binary with '%0'...", ar->prevEnum.filename); MojoPlatform_switchBin(img, imglen); // no return on success. logError("...Switch binary failed."); } // if free(img); } // if } // trySwitchBinary static void trySwitchBinaries(void) { if (cmdlinestr("nobinswitch", "MOJOSETUP_NOBINSWITCH", NULL) != NULL) return; // we are already switched or the user is preventing it. setenv("MOJOSETUP_NOBINSWITCH", "1", 1); setenv("MOJOSETUP_BASE", GBaseArchivePath, 1); if (GBaseArchive->enumerate(GBaseArchive)) { const MojoArchiveEntry *entinfo; while ((entinfo = GBaseArchive->enumNext(GBaseArchive)) != NULL) { if (entinfo->type != MOJOARCHIVE_ENTRY_FILE) continue; if (strncmp(entinfo->filename, "arch/", 5) != 0) continue; trySwitchBinary(GBaseArchive); } // while } // if } // trySwitchBinaries #endif static boolean trySpawnTerminalGui(void) { if (cmdlinestr("notermspawn", "MOJOSETUP_NOTERMSPAWN", NULL) != NULL) return false; // we already spawned or the user is preventing it. if (MojoPlatform_istty()) // maybe we can spawn a terminal for stdio? return false; // We're a terminal already, no need to spawn one. logInfo("No usable GUI found. Trying to spawn a terminal..."); if (!MojoPlatform_spawnTerminal()) { logError("...Terminal spawning failed."); return false; } // if assert(MojoPlatform_istty()); return (MojoGui_initGuiPlugin() != NULL); } // trySpawnTerminalGui static boolean initEverything(void) { MojoLog_initLogging(); logInfo("MojoSetup starting up..."); // We have to panic on errors until the GUI is ready. Try to make things // "succeed" unless they are catastrophic, and report problems later. // Start with the base archive work, since it might have GUI plugins. // None of these panic() calls are localized, since localization isn't // functional until MojoLua_initLua() succeeds. if (!MojoArchive_initBaseArchive()) panic("Initial setup failed. Cannot continue."); trySwitchBinaries(); // may not return. if (!MojoGui_initGuiPlugin()) { // This could terminate the process (and relaunch). if (!trySpawnTerminalGui()) panic("Initial GUI setup failed. Cannot continue."); } // if else if (!MojoLua_initLua()) { panic("Initial Lua setup failed. Cannot continue."); } // else if crashedmsg = xstrdup(_("The installer has crashed due to a bug.")); termedmsg = xstrdup(_("The installer has been stopped by the system.")); return true; } // initEverything static void deinitEverything(void) { char *tmp = NULL; logInfo("MojoSetup shutting down..."); MojoLua_deinitLua(); MojoGui_deinitGuiPlugin(); MojoArchive_deinitBaseArchive(); MojoLog_deinitLogging(); tmp = crashedmsg; crashedmsg = NULL; free(tmp); tmp = termedmsg; termedmsg = NULL; free(tmp); } // deinitEverything void MojoChecksum_init(MojoChecksumContext *ctx) { memset(ctx, '\0', sizeof (MojoChecksumContext)); #if SUPPORT_CRC32 MojoCrc32_init(&ctx->crc32); #endif #if SUPPORT_MD5 MojoMd5_init(&ctx->md5); #endif #if SUPPORT_SHA1 MojoSha1_init(&ctx->sha1); #endif } // MojoChecksum_init void MojoChecksum_append(MojoChecksumContext *ctx, const uint8 *d, uint32 len) { #if SUPPORT_CRC32 MojoCrc32_append(&ctx->crc32, d, len); #endif #if SUPPORT_MD5 MojoMd5_append(&ctx->md5, d, len); #endif #if SUPPORT_SHA1 MojoSha1_append(&ctx->sha1, d, len); #endif } // MojoChecksum_append void MojoChecksum_finish(MojoChecksumContext *ctx, MojoChecksums *sums) { memset(sums, '\0', sizeof (MojoChecksums)); #if SUPPORT_CRC32 MojoCrc32_finish(&ctx->crc32, &sums->crc32); #endif #if SUPPORT_MD5 MojoMd5_finish(&ctx->md5, sums->md5); #endif #if SUPPORT_SHA1 MojoSha1_finish(&ctx->sha1, sums->sha1); #endif } // MojoChecksum_finish boolean cmdline(const char *arg) { int argc = GArgc; const char **argv = GArgv; int i; if ((arg == NULL) || (argv == NULL)) return false; while (*arg == '-') // Skip all '-' chars, so "--nosound" == "-nosound" arg++; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { const char *thisarg = argv[i]; if (*thisarg != '-') continue; // no dash in the string, skip it. while (*(++thisarg) == '-') { /* keep looping. */ } if (strcmp(arg, thisarg) == 0) return true; } // for return false; } // cmdline const char *cmdlinestr(const char *arg, const char *envr, const char *deflt) { uint32 len = 0; int argc = GArgc; const char **argv = GArgv; int i; if (envr != NULL) { const char *val = getenv(envr); if (val != NULL) return val; } // if if (arg == NULL) return deflt; while (*arg == '-') // Skip all '-' chars, so "--nosound" == "-nosound" arg++; len = strlen(arg); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { const char *thisarg = argv[i]; if (*thisarg != '-') continue; // no dash in the string, skip it. while (*(++thisarg) == '-') { /* keep looping. */ } if (strncmp(arg, thisarg, len) != 0) continue; // not us. thisarg += len; // skip ahead in string to end of match. if (*thisarg == '=') // --a=b format. return (thisarg + 1); else if (*thisarg == '\0') // --a b format. return ((argv[i+1] == NULL) ? deflt : argv[i+1]); } // for return deflt; } // cmdlinestr boolean wildcardMatch(const char *str, const char *pattern) { char sch = *(str++); while (true) { const char pch = *(pattern++); if (pch == '?') { if ((sch == '\0') || (sch == '/')) return false; sch = *(str++); } // else if else if (pch == '*') { char nextpch = *pattern; if ((nextpch != '?') && (nextpch != '*')) { while ((sch != '\0') && (sch != nextpch)) sch = *(str++); } // if } // else if else { if (pch != sch) return false; else if (pch == '\0') break; sch = *(str++); } // else } // while return true; } // wildcardMatch const char *numstr(int val) { static int pos = 0; char *ptr = ((char *) scratchbuf_128k) + (pos * 128); snprintf(ptr, 128, "%d", val); pos = (pos + 1) % 1000; return ptr; } // numstr static char *format_internal(const char *fmt, va_list ap) { // This is kinda nasty. String manipulation in C always is. char *retval = NULL; const char *strs[10]; // 0 through 9. const char *ptr = NULL; char *wptr = NULL; size_t len = 0; int maxfmtid = -2; int i; // figure out what this format string contains... for (ptr = fmt; *ptr; ptr++) { if (*ptr == '%') { const char ch = *(++ptr); if (ch == '%') // a literal '%' maxfmtid = (maxfmtid == -2) ? -1 : maxfmtid; else if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) maxfmtid = ((maxfmtid > (ch - '0')) ? maxfmtid : (ch - '0')); else fatal(_("BUG: Invalid format() string")); } // if } // while if (maxfmtid == -2) // no formatters present at all. return xstrdup(fmt); // just copy it, we're done. for (i = 0; i <= maxfmtid; i++) // referenced varargs --> linear array. { strs[i] = va_arg(ap, const char *); if (strs[i] == NULL) strs[i] = "(null)"; // just to match sprintf() behaviour... } // for // allocate the string we'll need in one shot, so we don't have to resize. for (ptr = fmt; *ptr; ptr++) { if (*ptr != '%') len++; else { const char ch = *(++ptr); if (ch == '%') // a literal '%' len++; // just want '%' char. else //if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) len += strlen(strs[ch - '0']); } // else } // while // Now write the formatted string... wptr = retval = (char *) xmalloc(len+1); for (ptr = fmt; *ptr; ptr++) { const char strch = *ptr; if (strch != '%') *(wptr++) = strch; else { const char ch = *(++ptr); if (ch == '%') // a literal '%' *(wptr++) = '%'; else //if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) { const char *str = strs[ch - '0']; strcpy(wptr, str); wptr += strlen(str); } // else } // else } // while *wptr = '\0'; return retval; } // format_internal char *format(const char *fmt, ...) { char *retval = NULL; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); retval = format_internal(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return retval; } // format #if ((defined _NDEBUG) || (defined NDEBUG)) #define DEFLOGLEV "info" #else #define DEFLOGLEV "everything" #endif MojoSetupLogLevel MojoLog_logLevel = MOJOSETUP_LOG_EVERYTHING; static void *logFile = NULL; void MojoLog_initLogging(void) { const char *level = cmdlinestr("loglevel","MOJOSETUP_LOGLEVEL", DEFLOGLEV); const char *fname = cmdlinestr("log", "MOJOSETUP_LOG", NULL); if (strcmp(level, "nothing") == 0) MojoLog_logLevel = MOJOSETUP_LOG_NOTHING; else if (strcmp(level, "errors") == 0) MojoLog_logLevel = MOJOSETUP_LOG_ERRORS; else if (strcmp(level, "warnings") == 0) MojoLog_logLevel = MOJOSETUP_LOG_WARNINGS; else if (strcmp(level, "info") == 0) MojoLog_logLevel = MOJOSETUP_LOG_INFO; else if (strcmp(level, "debug") == 0) MojoLog_logLevel = MOJOSETUP_LOG_DEBUG; else // Unknown string gets everything...that'll teach you. MojoLog_logLevel = MOJOSETUP_LOG_EVERYTHING; if ((fname != NULL) && (strcmp(fname, "-") == 0)) logFile = MojoPlatform_stdout(); else if (fname != NULL) { const uint32 flags = MOJOFILE_WRITE|MOJOFILE_CREATE|MOJOFILE_TRUNCATE; const uint16 mode = MojoPlatform_defaultFilePerms(); logFile = MojoPlatform_open(fname, flags, mode); } // if } // MojoLog_initLogging void MojoLog_deinitLogging(void) { if (logFile != NULL) { MojoPlatform_close(logFile); logFile = NULL; } // if } // MojoLog_deinitLogging static inline void addLog(MojoSetupLogLevel level, char levelchar, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { if (level <= MojoLog_logLevel) { char *str = format_internal(fmt, ap); //int len = vsnprintf(buf + 2, sizeof (buf) - 2, fmt, ap) + 2; //buf[0] = levelchar; //buf[1] = ' '; int len = strlen(str); while ( (--len >= 0) && ((str[len] == '\n') || (str[len] == '\r')) ) {} str[len+1] = '\0'; // delete trailing newline crap. MojoPlatform_log(str); if (logFile != NULL) { const char *endl = MOJOPLATFORM_ENDLINE; MojoPlatform_write(logFile, str, strlen(str)); MojoPlatform_write(logFile, endl, strlen(endl)); MojoPlatform_flush(logFile); } // if free(str); } // if } // addLog void logWarning(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); addLog(MOJOSETUP_LOG_WARNINGS, '-', fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } // logWarning void logError(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); addLog(MOJOSETUP_LOG_ERRORS, '!', fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } // logError void logInfo(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); addLog(MOJOSETUP_LOG_INFO, '*', fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } // logInfo void logDebug(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); addLog(MOJOSETUP_LOG_DEBUG, '#', fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } // logDebug uint32 profile(const char *what, uint32 start_time) { uint32 retval = MojoPlatform_ticks() - start_time; if (what != NULL) logDebug("%0 took %1 ms.", what, numstr((int) retval)); return retval; } // profile_start int fatal(const char *fmt, ...) { static boolean in_fatal = false; if (in_fatal) return panic("BUG: fatal() called more than once!"); in_fatal = true; // may not want to show a message, since we displayed one elsewhere, etc. if (fmt != NULL) { char *buf = NULL; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); buf = format_internal(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); logError("FATAL: %0", buf); if (GGui != NULL) GGui->msgbox(_("Fatal error"), buf); free(buf); } // if // Shouldn't call fatal() before app is initialized! if ( (GGui == NULL) || (!MojoLua_initialized()) ) panic("fatal() called before app is initialized! Panicking..."); MojoLua_callProcedure("revertinstall"); deinitEverything(); exit(23); return 0; } // fatal int panic(const char *err) { static int panic_runs = 0; panic_runs++; if (panic_runs == 1) { logError("PANIC: %0", err); panic(err); } // if else if (panic_runs == 2) { boolean domsgbox = ((GGui != NULL) && (GGui->msgbox != NULL)); if (domsgbox) GGui->msgbox(_("PANIC"), err); if ((GGui != NULL) && (GGui->deinit != NULL)) GGui->deinit(); if (!domsgbox) panic(err); /* no GUI plugin...double-panic. */ } // if else if (panic_runs == 3) // no GUI or panic panicked...write to stderr... fprintf(stderr, "\n\n\n%s\n %s\n\n\n", _("PANIC"), err); else // panic is panicking in a loop, terminate without any cleanup... MojoPlatform_die(); exit(22); return 0; // shouldn't hit this. } // panic char *xstrncpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t len) { snprintf(dst, len, "%s", src); return dst; } // xstrncpy uint32 utf8codepoint(const char **_str) { const char *str = *_str; uint32 retval = 0; uint32 octet = (uint32) ((uint8) *str); uint32 octet2, octet3, octet4; if (octet == 0) // null terminator, end of string. return 0; else if (octet < 128) // one octet char: 0 to 127 { (*_str)++; // skip to next possible start of codepoint. return octet; } // else if else if ((octet > 127) && (octet < 192)) // bad (starts with 10xxxxxx). { // Apparently each of these is supposed to be flagged as a bogus // char, instead of just resyncing to the next valid codepoint. (*_str)++; // skip to next possible start of codepoint. return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; } // else if else if (octet < 224) // two octets { octet -= (128+64); octet2 = (uint32) ((uint8) *(++str)); if ((octet2 & (128+64)) != 128) // Format isn't 10xxxxxx? return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; *_str += 2; // skip to next possible start of codepoint. retval = ((octet << 6) | (octet2 - 128)); if ((retval >= 0x80) && (retval <= 0x7FF)) return retval; } // else if else if (octet < 240) // three octets { octet -= (128+64+32); octet2 = (uint32) ((uint8) *(++str)); if ((octet2 & (128+64)) != 128) // Format isn't 10xxxxxx? return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; octet3 = (uint32) ((uint8) *(++str)); if ((octet3 & (128+64)) != 128) // Format isn't 10xxxxxx? return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; *_str += 3; // skip to next possible start of codepoint. retval = ( ((octet << 12)) | ((octet2-128) << 6) | ((octet3-128)) ); // There are seven "UTF-16 surrogates" that are illegal in UTF-8. switch (retval) { case 0xD800: case 0xDB7F: case 0xDB80: case 0xDBFF: case 0xDC00: case 0xDF80: case 0xDFFF: return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; } // switch // 0xFFFE and 0xFFFF are illegal, too, so we check them at the edge. if ((retval >= 0x800) && (retval <= 0xFFFD)) return retval; } // else if else if (octet < 248) // four octets { octet -= (128+64+32+16); octet2 = (uint32) ((uint8) *(++str)); if ((octet2 & (128+64)) != 128) // Format isn't 10xxxxxx? return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; octet3 = (uint32) ((uint8) *(++str)); if ((octet3 & (128+64)) != 128) // Format isn't 10xxxxxx? return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; octet4 = (uint32) ((uint8) *(++str)); if ((octet4 & (128+64)) != 128) // Format isn't 10xxxxxx? return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; *_str += 4; // skip to next possible start of codepoint. retval = ( ((octet << 18)) | ((octet2 - 128) << 12) | ((octet3 - 128) << 6) | ((octet4 - 128)) ); if ((retval >= 0x10000) && (retval <= 0x10FFFF)) return retval; } // else if // Five and six octet sequences became illegal in rfc3629. // We throw the codepoint away, but parse them to make sure we move // ahead the right number of bytes and don't overflow the buffer. else if (octet < 252) // five octets { octet = (uint32) ((uint8) *(++str)); if ((octet & (128+64)) != 128) // Format isn't 10xxxxxx? return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; octet = (uint32) ((uint8) *(++str)); if ((octet & (128+64)) != 128) // Format isn't 10xxxxxx? return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; octet = (uint32) ((uint8) *(++str)); if ((octet & (128+64)) != 128) // Format isn't 10xxxxxx? return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; octet = (uint32) ((uint8) *(++str)); if ((octet & (128+64)) != 128) // Format isn't 10xxxxxx? return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; *_str += 5; // skip to next possible start of codepoint. return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; } // else if else // six octets { octet = (uint32) ((uint8) *(++str)); if ((octet & (128+64)) != 128) // Format isn't 10xxxxxx? return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; octet = (uint32) ((uint8) *(++str)); if ((octet & (128+64)) != 128) // Format isn't 10xxxxxx? return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; octet = (uint32) ((uint8) *(++str)); if ((octet & (128+64)) != 128) // Format isn't 10xxxxxx? return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; octet = (uint32) ((uint8) *(++str)); if ((octet & (128+64)) != 128) // Format isn't 10xxxxxx? return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; octet = (uint32) ((uint8) *(++str)); if ((octet & (128+64)) != 128) // Format isn't 10xxxxxx? return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; *_str += 6; // skip to next possible start of codepoint. return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; } // else if return UNICODE_BOGUS_CHAR_VALUE; } // utf8codepoint int utf8len(const char *str) { int retval = 0; while (utf8codepoint(&str)) retval++; return retval; } // utf8len static char *strfrombuf(const char *text, int len) { char *retval = xmalloc(len + 1); memcpy(retval, text, len); retval[len] = '\0'; return retval; } // strfrombuf char **splitText(const char *text, int scrw, int *_count, int *_w) { int i = 0; int j = 0; char **retval = NULL; int count = 0; int w = 0; *_count = *_w = 0; while (*text) { const char *utf8text = text; uint32 ch = 0; int pos = 0; int furthest = 0; for (i = 0; ((ch = utf8codepoint(&utf8text))) && (i < scrw); i++) { if ((ch == '\r') || (ch == '\n')) { const char nextbyte = *utf8text; count++; retval = (char **) xrealloc(retval, count * sizeof (char *)); retval[count-1] = strfrombuf(text, utf8text - text); if ((ch == '\r') && (nextbyte == '\n')) // DOS endlines! utf8text++; // skip it. text = (char *) utf8text; // update to start of new line. if (i > w) w = i; i = -1; // will be zero on next iteration... } // if else if ((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\t')) { if (i != 0) // trim spaces from start of line... furthest = i; else { text++; i = -1; // it'll be zero on next iteration. } // else } // else if } // for // line overflow or end of stream... pos = (ch) ? furthest : i; if ((ch) && (furthest == 0)) // uhoh, no split at all...hack it. { pos = utf8len(text); if (pos > scrw) // too big, have to chop a string in the middle. pos = scrw; } // if if (pos > 0) { utf8text = text; // adjust pointer by redecoding from start... for (j = 0; j < pos; j++) utf8codepoint(&utf8text); count++; retval = (char **) xrealloc(retval, count * sizeof (char*)); retval[count-1] = strfrombuf(text, utf8text - text); text = (char *) utf8text; if (pos > w) w = pos; } // if } // while *_count = count; *_w = w; return retval; } // splitText static void outOfMemory(void) { // Try to translate "out of memory", but not if it causes recursion. static boolean already_panicked = false; const char *errstr = "out of memory"; if (!already_panicked) { already_panicked = true; errstr = translate(errstr); } // if panic(errstr); } // outOfMemory #undef calloc void *xmalloc(size_t bytes) { void *retval = calloc(1, bytes); if (retval == NULL) outOfMemory(); return retval; } // xmalloc #define calloc(x,y) DO_NOT_CALL_CALLOC__USE_XMALLOC_INSTEAD #undef realloc void *xrealloc(void *ptr, size_t bytes) { void *retval = realloc(ptr, bytes); if (retval == NULL) outOfMemory(); return retval; } // xrealloc #define realloc(x,y) DO_NOT_CALL_REALLOC__USE_XREALLOC_INSTEAD char *xstrdup(const char *str) { char *retval = (char *) xmalloc(strlen(str) + 1); strcpy(retval, str); return retval; } // xstrdup // We have to supply this function under certain build types. #if MOJOSETUP_INTERNAL_BZLIB && BZ_NO_STDIO void bz_internal_error(int errcode) { fatal(_("bzlib triggered an internal error: %0"), numstr(errcode)); } // bz_internal_error #endif #if SUPPORT_STBIMAGE unsigned char *stbi_load_from_memory(unsigned char *buffer, int len, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int req_comp); #endif uint8 *decodeImage(const uint8 *data, uint32 size, uint32 *w, uint32 *h) { uint8 *retval = MojoPlatform_decodeImage(data, size, w, h); #if SUPPORT_STBIMAGE if (retval == NULL) // try our built-in routines. { const int siz = (int) size; unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *) data; int x = 0, y = 0, comp = 0; retval = (uint8 *) stbi_load_from_memory(buf, siz, &x, &y, &comp, 4); *w = (uint32) x; *h = (uint32) y; } // if #endif if (retval == NULL) *w = *h = 0; return retval; } // decodeImage boolean isValidProductKey(const char *fmt, const char *key) { if (fmt == NULL) return true; else if (key == NULL) return false; while (*fmt) { const char fmtch = *(fmt++); const char keych = *(key++); switch (fmtch) { case '-': case ' ': if ((keych == ' ') || (keych == '-')) break; key--; // user didn't type this, roll back. break; case '#': if ((keych >= '0') && (keych <= '9')) break; return false; case 'X': if ( ((keych >= 'A') && (keych <= 'Z')) || ((keych >= 'a') && (keych <= 'z')) ) break; return false; case '?': if ( ((keych >= 'A') && (keych <= 'Z')) || ((keych >= 'a') && (keych <= 'z')) || ((keych >= '0') && (keych <= '9')) ) break; return false; case '*': break; default: // this should have been caught by schema sanitize. assert(false && "Invalid product key format."); return false; } // switch } // while return (*key == '\0'); } // isValidProductKey // This is called from main()/WinMain()/whatever. int MojoSetup_main(int argc, char **argv) { GArgc = argc; GArgv = (const char **) argv; if (cmdline("buildver")) { printf("%s\n", GBuildVer); return 0; } // if #if TEST_LAUNCH_BROWSER_CODE return MojoSetup_testLaunchBrowserCode(argc, argv); #endif #if TEST_ARCHIVE_CODE return MojoSetup_testArchiveCode(argc, argv); #endif #if TEST_NETWORK_CODE return MojoSetup_testNetworkCode(argc, argv); #endif if (!initEverything()) return 1; // Jump into Lua for the heavy lifting. MojoLua_runFile("mojosetup_mainline"); deinitEverything(); return 0; } // MojoSetup_main #if TEST_LAUNCH_BROWSER_CODE int MojoSetup_testLaunchBrowserCode(int argc, char **argv) { int i; if (!MojoArchive_initBaseArchive()) // Maybe need for xdg-open script. panic("Initial setup failed. Cannot continue."); printf("Testing browser launching code...\n\n"); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { const boolean rc = MojoPlatform_launchBrowser(argv[i]); printf("Launch '%s': %s\n", argv[i], rc ? "success" : "failure"); } // for MojoArchive_deinitBaseArchive(); return 0; } // MojoSetup_testLaunchBrowserCode #endif #if TEST_ARCHIVE_CODE int MojoSetup_testArchiveCode(int argc, char **argv) { int i; printf("Testing archiver code...\n\n"); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { MojoArchive *archive = MojoArchive_newFromDirectory(argv[i]); if (archive != NULL) printf("directory '%s'...\n", argv[i]); else { MojoInput *io = MojoInput_newFromFile(argv[i]); if (io != NULL) { archive = MojoArchive_newFromInput(io, argv[i]); if (archive != NULL) printf("archive '%s'...\n", argv[i]); } // if } // else if (archive == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't handle '%s'\n", argv[i]); else { if (!archive->enumerate(archive)) fprintf(stderr, "enumerate() failed.\n"); else { const MojoArchiveEntry *ent; while ((ent = archive->enumNext(archive)) != NULL) { printf("%s ", ent->filename); if (ent->type == MOJOARCHIVE_ENTRY_FILE) { printf("(file, %d bytes, %o)\n", (int) ent->filesize, ent->perms); MojoInput *input = archive->openCurrentEntry(archive); if(&archive->prevEnum != ent) { fprintf(stderr, "Address of MojoArchiveEntry pointer differs\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // if if(!input) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open current entry\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // if if(!input->ready(input)) { input->close(input); continue; } // if uint64 pos = input->tell(input); if(0 != pos) { fprintf(stderr, "position has to be 0 on start, is: %d\n", (int) pos); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // if int64 filesize = input->length(input); if(filesize != ent->filesize) { fprintf(stderr, "file size mismatch %d != %d\n", (int) filesize, (int) ent->filesize); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // if boolean ret = input->seek(input, filesize - 1); if(!ret) { fprintf(stderr, "seek() has to return 'true'.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // if ret = input->seek(input, filesize); if(ret) { fprintf(stderr, "seek() has to return 'false'.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // if pos = input->tell(input); if(filesize -1 != pos) { fprintf(stderr, "position should be %d after seek(), is: %d\n", (int) filesize - 1, (int) pos); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // if input->close(input); } // if else if (ent->type == MOJOARCHIVE_ENTRY_DIR) printf("(dir, %o)\n", ent->perms); else if (ent->type == MOJOARCHIVE_ENTRY_SYMLINK) printf("(symlink -> '%s')\n", ent->linkdest); else { printf("(UNKNOWN?!, %d bytes, -> '%s', %o)\n", (int) ent->filesize, ent->linkdest, ent->perms); } // else } // while } // else archive->close(archive); printf("\n\n"); } // else } // for return 0; } // MojoSetup_testArchiveCode #endif #if TEST_NETWORK_CODE int MojoSetup_testNetworkCode(int argc, char **argv) { int i; fprintf(stderr, "Testing networking code...\n\n"); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { static char buf[64 * 1024]; uint32 start = 0; const char *url = argv[i]; int64 length = -1; int64 total_br = 0; int64 br = 0; printf("\n\nFetching '%s' ...\n", url); MojoInput *io = MojoInput_newFromURL(url); if (io == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "failed!\n"); continue; } // if start = MojoPlatform_ticks(); while (!io->ready(io)) MojoPlatform_sleep(10); fprintf(stderr, "took about %d ticks to get started\n", (int) (MojoPlatform_ticks() - start)); length = io->length(io); fprintf(stderr, "Ready to read (%lld) bytes.\n", (long long) length); do { start = MojoPlatform_ticks(); if (!io->ready(io)) { fprintf(stderr, "Not ready!\n"); while (!io->ready(io)) MojoPlatform_sleep(10); fprintf(stderr, "took about %d ticks to get ready\n", (int) (MojoPlatform_ticks() - start)); } // if start = MojoPlatform_ticks(); br = io->read(io, buf, sizeof (buf)); fprintf(stderr, "read blocked for about %d ticks\n", (int) (MojoPlatform_ticks() - start)); if (br > 0) { total_br += br; fprintf(stderr, "read %lld bytes\n", (long long) br); fwrite(buf, br, 1, stdout); } // if } while (br > 0); if (br < 0) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR IN TRANSMISSION.\n\n"); else { fprintf(stderr, "TRANSMISSION COMPLETE!\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "(Read %lld bytes, expected %lld.)\n", (long long) total_br, length); } // else io->close(io); } // for return 0; } // MojoSetup_testNetworkCode #endif // end of mojosetup.c ...