#!/bin/bash # This script is not robust for all platforms or situations. Use as a rough # example, but invest effort in what it's trying to do, and what it produces. # (make sure you don't build in features you don't need, etc). # below is the branch to build and installer from megaglest_release_folder="trunk" #megaglest_release_folder="release-" # below describe various folder paths relative to the installer root folder megaglest_project_root=../../../../../ megaglest_data_path=${megaglest_project_root}${megaglest_release_folder}/data/glest_game/ megaglest_linux_path=${megaglest_project_root}${megaglest_release_folder}/mk/linux/ # Below is the name of the archive to create and tack onto the installer. # *NOTE: The filename's extension is of critical importance as the installer # does a patch on extension to figure out how to decompress! # # static const MojoArchiveType archives[] = # { # { "zip", MojoArchive_createZIP, true }, # { "tar", MojoArchive_createTAR, true }, # { "tar.gz", MojoArchive_createTAR, true }, # { "tar.bz2", MojoArchive_createTAR, true }, # { "tgz", MojoArchive_createTAR, true }, # { "tbz2", MojoArchive_createTAR, true }, # { "tb2", MojoArchive_createTAR, true }, # { "tbz", MojoArchive_createTAR, true }, # { "uz2", MojoArchive_createUZ2, false }, # { "pck", MojoArchive_createPCK, true }, # }; # megaglest_archiver_app="zip -9r " megaglest_archivefilename="mgdata.zip" #megaglest_archiver_app="tar -c --bzip2 -f " #megaglest_archivefilename="mgdata.tar.bz2" # Grab the version # from autoconf # pushd "`pwd`/${megaglest_linux_path}" echo "Linux project root path [`pwd`/${megaglest_linux_path}]" VERSION=`autoconf -t AC_INIT | sed -e 's/[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:\([^:]*\):.*/\1/g'` echo "About to build Installer for $VERSION" popd # Stop if anything produces an error. set -e REPACKONLY=0 DEBUG=0 if [ "$1" = "--debug" ]; then echo "debug build!" DEBUG=1 elif [ "$1" = "--repackonly" ]; then echo "reacking installer only!" REPACKONLY=1 fi APPNAME="MegaGlest Installer" # I use a "cross compiler" to build binaries that are isolated from the # particulars of my Linux workstation's current distribution. This both # keeps me at a consistent ABI for generated binaries and prevent subtle # dependencies from leaking in. # You may not care about this at all. In which case, just use the # CC=gcc and CXX=g++ lines instead. CC=/usr/bin/gcc CXX=/usr/bin/g++ #CC=/opt/crosstool/gcc-3.3.6-glibc-2.3.5/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/gcc #CXX=/opt/crosstool/gcc-3.3.6-glibc-2.3.5/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/g++ OSTYPE=`uname -s` if [ "$OSTYPE" = "Linux" ]; then NCPU=`cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep vendor_id |wc -l` let NCPU=$NCPU+1 elif [ "$OSTYPE" = "Darwin" ]; then NCPU=`sysctl -n hw.ncpu` elif [ "$OSTYPE" = "SunOS" ]; then NCPU=`/usr/sbin/psrinfo |wc -l |sed -e 's/^ *//g;s/ *$//g'` else NCPU=1 fi if [ "x$NCPU" = "x" ]; then NCPU=1 fi if [ "x$NCPU" = "x0" ]; then NCPU=1 fi echo "Will use make -j$NCPU. If this is wrong, check NCPU at top of script." # Show everything that we do here on stdout. set -x if [ "$DEBUG" = "1" ]; then LUASTRIPOPT= BUILDTYPE=Debug TRUEIFDEBUG=TRUE FALSEIFDEBUG=FALSE else LUASTRIPOPT=-s BUILDTYPE=MinSizeRel TRUEIFDEBUG=FALSE FALSEIFDEBUG=TRUE fi # Clean up previous run, build fresh dirs for Base Archive. rm -rf image megaglest-installer ${megaglest_archivefilename} mkdir image mkdir image/guis mkdir image/scripts mkdir image/data mkdir image/meta # This next section copies live data from the mega-glest folders if [ $REPACKONLY -eq 0 ]; then rm -rf data mkdir data mkdir data/bin INSTALL_ROOTDIR="`pwd`/" INSTALLDATADIR="${INSTALL_ROOTDIR}data/" # Now copy all glest binaries echo Copying live Mega Glest binary files... pushd "`pwd`/$megaglest_linux_path" find glest -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find glest.bin -exec cp -p --parents "{}" ${INSTALLDATADIR}bin ';' find glest.ini -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find megaglest.bmp -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find glestkeys.ini -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find glest_configurator -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find glest_editor -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find glest_g3dviewer -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find servers.ini -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find makedeps_folder.sh -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALL_ROOTDIR ';' popd # Now copy all glest data echo Copying live Mega Glest data files... pushd "`pwd`/$megaglest_data_path" find configuration.xml -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find megaglest.ico -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find g3dviewer.ico -exec cp -p --parents "{}" ${INSTALLDATADIR} ';' find editor.ico -exec cp -p --parents "{}" ${INSTALLDATADIR} ';' find data/ \( -name "*" \) -not \( -name .svn -prune \) -not \( -name "*~" -prune \) -not \( -name "*.bak" -prune \) -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find docs/ \( -name "*" \) -not \( -name .svn -prune \) -not \( -name "*~" -prune \) -not \( -name "*.bak" -prune \) -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find maps/ \( -name "*" \) -not \( -name .svn -prune \) -not \( -name "*~" -prune \) -not \( -name "*.bak" -prune \) -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find scenarios/ \( -name "*" \) -not \( -name .svn -prune \) -not \( -name "*~" -prune \) -not \( -name "*.bak" -prune \) -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find screens/ \( -name "*" \) -not \( -name .svn -prune \) -not \( -name "*~" -prune \) -not \( -name "*.bak" -prune \) -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find techs/ \( -name "*" \) -not \( -name .svn -prune \) -not \( -name "*~" -prune \) -not \( -name "*.bak" -prune \) -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find tilesets/ \( -name "*" \) -not \( -name .svn -prune \) -not \( -name "*~" -prune \) -not \( -name "*.bak" -prune \) -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' find tutorials/ \( -name "*" \) -not \( -name .svn -prune \) -not \( -name "*~" -prune \) -not \( -name "*.bak" -prune \) -exec cp -p --parents "{}" $INSTALLDATADIR ';' popd # Now remove svn and temp files echo removing temp and svn files... find data/ -name "\.svn" -type d -depth -exec rm -rf {} \; find data/ -name "*~" -exec rm -rf {} \; find data/ -name "*.bak" -exec rm -rf {} \; # Copy shared lib dependencies for glest.bin cd data copyGlestDeptsCmd="${INSTALL_ROOTDIR}makedeps_folder.sh bin/glest.bin" $copyGlestDeptsCmd cd .. fi if [ ! -d data/docs ]; then echo "We don't see data/docs ..." echo " Either you're in the wrong directory, or you didn't copy the" echo " install data into here (it's unreasonably big to store it in" echo " revision control for no good reason)." exit 1 fi # Build MojoSetup binaries from scratch. # YOU ALWAYS NEED THE LUA PARSER IF YOU WANT UNINSTALL SUPPORT! cd ../ rm -rf cmake-build mkdir cmake-build cd cmake-build cmake \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$BUILDTYPE \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$CC \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$CXX \ -DMOJOSETUP_MULTIARCH=FALSE \ -DMOJOSETUP_ARCHIVE_ZIP=TRUE \ -DMOJOSETUP_ARCHIVE_TAR=TRUE \ -DMOJOSETUP_ARCHIVE_TAR_BZ2=TRUE \ -DMOJOSETUP_ARCHIVE_TAR_GZ=TRUE \ -DMOJOSETUP_GUI_GTKPLUS2=TRUE \ -DMOJOSETUP_GUI_GTKPLUS2_STATIC=TRUE \ -DMOJOSETUP_GUI_NCURSES=TRUE \ -DMOJOSETUP_GUI_NCURSES_STATIC=TRUE \ -DMOJOSETUP_GUI_STDIO=TRUE \ -DMOJOSETUP_GUI_STDIO_STATIC=TRUE \ -DMOJOSETUP_GUI_WWW=FALSE \ -DMOJOSETUP_GUI_WWW_STATIC=FALSE \ -DMOJOSETUP_LUALIB_DB=FALSE \ -DMOJOSETUP_LUALIB_IO=FALSE \ -DMOJOSETUP_LUALIB_MATH=FALSE \ -DMOJOSETUP_LUALIB_OS=FALSE \ -DMOJOSETUP_LUALIB_PACKAGE=FALSE \ -DMOJOSETUP_LUA_PARSER=TRUE \ -DMOJOSETUP_IMAGE_BMP=TRUE \ -DMOJOSETUP_IMAGE_JPG=FALSE \ -DMOJOSETUP_IMAGE_PNG=FALSE \ -DMOJOSETUP_INTERNAL_BZLIB=TRUE \ -DMOJOSETUP_INTERNAL_ZLIB=TRUE \ -DMOJOSETUP_URL_HTTP=FALSE \ -DMOJOSETUP_URL_FTP=FALSE \ .. # Perhaps needed to remove compiler / linker warnings considered as errors # sed -i 's/-Werror//' Makefile make -j$NCPU # Strip the binaries and GUI plugins, put them somewhere useful. if [ "$DEBUG" != "1" ]; then strip ./mojosetup fi mv ./mojosetup ../megaglest-installer/megaglest-installer for feh in *.so *.dll *.dylib ; do if [ -f $feh ]; then if [ "$DEBUG" != "1" ]; then strip $feh fi mv $feh ../megaglest-installer/image/guis fi done # Compile the Lua scripts, put them in the base archive. for feh in ../scripts/*.lua ; do ./mojoluac $LUASTRIPOPT -o ../megaglest-installer/image/scripts/${feh}c $feh done # Don't want the example config...use our's instead. rm -f ../megaglest-installer/image/scripts/config.luac ./mojoluac $LUASTRIPOPT -o ../megaglest-installer/image/scripts/config.luac ../megaglest-installer/scripts/config.lua # Don't want the example app_localization...use our's instead. rm -f ../megaglest-installer/image/scripts/app_localization.luac ./mojoluac $LUASTRIPOPT -o ../megaglest-installer/image/scripts/app_localization.luac ../megaglest-installer/scripts/app_localization.lua # Fill in the rest of the Base Archive... cd ../megaglest-installer cp -R data/* image/data/ # remove svn files echo removing temp and svn files find image/data/ -name "\.svn" -type d -depth -exec rm -rf {} \; find image/data/ -name "*~" -exec rm -rf {} \; cp meta/* image/meta/ # Need these scripts to do things like install menu items, etc, on Unix. if [ "$OSTYPE" = "Linux" ]; then USE_XDG_UTILS=1 fi if [ "$OSTYPE" = "SunOS" ]; then USE_XDG_UTILS=1 fi if [ "x$USE_XDG_UTILS" = "x1" ]; then mkdir image/meta/xdg-utils cp ../meta/xdg-utils/* image/meta/xdg-utils/ chmod a+rx image/meta/xdg-utils/* fi if [ "$OSTYPE" = "Darwin" ]; then # Build up the application bundle for Mac OS X... APPBUNDLE="$APPNAME.app" rm -rf "$APPBUNDLE" cp -Rv ../misc/MacAppBundleSkeleton "$APPBUNDLE" perl -w -pi -e 's/YOUR_APPLICATION_NAME_HERE/'"$APPNAME"'/g;' "${APPBUNDLE}/Contents/Info.plist" mv megaglest-installer "${APPBUNDLE}/Contents/MacOS/mojosetup" mv image/* "${APPBUNDLE}/Contents/MacOS/" rmdir image ibtool --compile "${APPBUNDLE}/Contents/Resources/MojoSetup.nib" ../misc/MojoSetup.xib else # Make an archive of the Base Archive dirs and nuke the originals... cd image # create the compressed image for the installer # zip -9r ../${megaglest_archivefilename} * ${megaglest_archiver_app} ../${megaglest_archivefilename} * cd .. rm -rf image # Append the archive to the mojosetup binary, so it's "self-extracting." cat ${megaglest_archivefilename} >> ./megaglest-installer rm -f ${megaglest_archivefilename} fi # ...and that's that. set +e set +x echo "Successfully built!" if [ "$DEBUG" = "1" ]; then echo echo echo echo 'ATTENTION: THIS IS A DEBUG BUILD!' echo " DON'T DISTRIBUTE TO THE PUBLIC." echo ' THIS IS PROBABLY BIGGER AND SLOWER THAN IT SHOULD BE.' echo ' YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!' echo echo echo fi exit 0