- check for sse support when using gnu compilers

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Mark Vejvoda 2012-10-29 07:45:26 +00:00
parent 51be122b0c
commit c0f29ccad2

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@ -562,7 +562,29 @@ int mainSetup(int argc, char **argv) {
char szBuf[8096]="";
snprintf(szBuf,8096,"Error detected, your CPU does not seem to support SSE: [%d]\n",has_SSE);
throw megaglest_runtime_error(szBuf);
#elif defined (__GNUC__)
if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("In [%s::%s Line: %d] About to validate SSE support\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
#define CHECK_BIT(var,pos) ((var) & (1<<(pos)))
#define cpuid(func,ax,bx,cx,dx)\
__asm__ __volatile__ ("cpuid":\
"=a" (ax), "=b" (bx), "=c" (cx), "=d" (dx) : "a" (func));
int ax=0,bx=0,cx=0,dx=0;
if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("In [%s::%s Line: %d] sse check got [%d,%d,%d,%d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,ax,bx,cx,dx);
// Check SSE, SSE2 and SSE3 support (if all 3 fail throw exception)
if( !CHECK_BIT(dx,25) && !CHECK_BIT(dx,26) && !CHECK_BIT(cx,0) ) {
char szBuf[8096]="";
snprintf(szBuf,8096,"Error detected, your CPU does not seem to support SSE: [%d]\n",CHECK_BIT(dx,25));
throw megaglest_runtime_error(szBuf);