- headless server bugfix during debugging as well as an attempt to improve rendering

This commit is contained in:
Mark Vejvoda 2011-11-30 05:57:14 +00:00
parent 99f8c23422
commit b02c3123f6
2 changed files with 243 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -149,6 +149,8 @@ const int MIN_FPS_NORMAL_RENDERING_TOP_THRESHOLD = 25;
const int OBJECT_SELECT_OFFSET=100000000;
bool VisibleQuadContainerCache::enableFrustumCalcs = true;
// ==================== constructor and destructor ====================
Renderer::Renderer(bool masterserverMode) : BaseRenderer() {
@ -1016,6 +1018,160 @@ static Vec2i _unprojectMap(const Vec2i& pt,const GLdouble* model,const GLdouble*
// return ( translation * orientation );
void Renderer::ExtractFrustum(VisibleQuadContainerCache &quadCacheItem) {
//float proj[16];
//float modl[16];
vector<float> proj(16);
vector<float> modl(16);
float clip[16];
float t=0;
/* Get the current PROJECTION matrix from OpenGL */
glGetFloatv( GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, &proj[0] );
/* Get the current MODELVIEW matrix from OpenGL */
glGetFloatv( GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, &modl[0] );
if(quadCacheItem.proj == proj && quadCacheItem.modl == modl) {
vector<vector<float> > &frustum = quadCacheItem.frustumData;
/* Combine the two matrices (multiply projection by modelview) */
clip[ 0] = modl[ 0] * proj[ 0] + modl[ 1] * proj[ 4] + modl[ 2] * proj[ 8] + modl[ 3] * proj[12];
clip[ 1] = modl[ 0] * proj[ 1] + modl[ 1] * proj[ 5] + modl[ 2] * proj[ 9] + modl[ 3] * proj[13];
clip[ 2] = modl[ 0] * proj[ 2] + modl[ 1] * proj[ 6] + modl[ 2] * proj[10] + modl[ 3] * proj[14];
clip[ 3] = modl[ 0] * proj[ 3] + modl[ 1] * proj[ 7] + modl[ 2] * proj[11] + modl[ 3] * proj[15];
clip[ 4] = modl[ 4] * proj[ 0] + modl[ 5] * proj[ 4] + modl[ 6] * proj[ 8] + modl[ 7] * proj[12];
clip[ 5] = modl[ 4] * proj[ 1] + modl[ 5] * proj[ 5] + modl[ 6] * proj[ 9] + modl[ 7] * proj[13];
clip[ 6] = modl[ 4] * proj[ 2] + modl[ 5] * proj[ 6] + modl[ 6] * proj[10] + modl[ 7] * proj[14];
clip[ 7] = modl[ 4] * proj[ 3] + modl[ 5] * proj[ 7] + modl[ 6] * proj[11] + modl[ 7] * proj[15];
clip[ 8] = modl[ 8] * proj[ 0] + modl[ 9] * proj[ 4] + modl[10] * proj[ 8] + modl[11] * proj[12];
clip[ 9] = modl[ 8] * proj[ 1] + modl[ 9] * proj[ 5] + modl[10] * proj[ 9] + modl[11] * proj[13];
clip[10] = modl[ 8] * proj[ 2] + modl[ 9] * proj[ 6] + modl[10] * proj[10] + modl[11] * proj[14];
clip[11] = modl[ 8] * proj[ 3] + modl[ 9] * proj[ 7] + modl[10] * proj[11] + modl[11] * proj[15];
clip[12] = modl[12] * proj[ 0] + modl[13] * proj[ 4] + modl[14] * proj[ 8] + modl[15] * proj[12];
clip[13] = modl[12] * proj[ 1] + modl[13] * proj[ 5] + modl[14] * proj[ 9] + modl[15] * proj[13];
clip[14] = modl[12] * proj[ 2] + modl[13] * proj[ 6] + modl[14] * proj[10] + modl[15] * proj[14];
clip[15] = modl[12] * proj[ 3] + modl[13] * proj[ 7] + modl[14] * proj[11] + modl[15] * proj[15];
/* Extract the numbers for the RIGHT plane */
frustum[0][0] = clip[ 3] - clip[ 0];
frustum[0][1] = clip[ 7] - clip[ 4];
frustum[0][2] = clip[11] - clip[ 8];
frustum[0][3] = clip[15] - clip[12];
/* Normalize the result */
t = streflop::sqrt( frustum[0][0] * frustum[0][0] + frustum[0][1] * frustum[0][1] + frustum[0][2] * frustum[0][2] );
frustum[0][0] /= t;
frustum[0][1] /= t;
frustum[0][2] /= t;
frustum[0][3] /= t;
/* Extract the numbers for the LEFT plane */
frustum[1][0] = clip[ 3] + clip[ 0];
frustum[1][1] = clip[ 7] + clip[ 4];
frustum[1][2] = clip[11] + clip[ 8];
frustum[1][3] = clip[15] + clip[12];
/* Normalize the result */
t = streflop::sqrt( frustum[1][0] * frustum[1][0] + frustum[1][1] * frustum[1][1] + frustum[1][2] * frustum[1][2] );
frustum[1][0] /= t;
frustum[1][1] /= t;
frustum[1][2] /= t;
frustum[1][3] /= t;
/* Extract the BOTTOM plane */
frustum[2][0] = clip[ 3] + clip[ 1];
frustum[2][1] = clip[ 7] + clip[ 5];
frustum[2][2] = clip[11] + clip[ 9];
frustum[2][3] = clip[15] + clip[13];
/* Normalize the result */
t = streflop::sqrt( frustum[2][0] * frustum[2][0] + frustum[2][1] * frustum[2][1] + frustum[2][2] * frustum[2][2] );
frustum[2][0] /= t;
frustum[2][1] /= t;
frustum[2][2] /= t;
frustum[2][3] /= t;
/* Extract the TOP plane */
frustum[3][0] = clip[ 3] - clip[ 1];
frustum[3][1] = clip[ 7] - clip[ 5];
frustum[3][2] = clip[11] - clip[ 9];
frustum[3][3] = clip[15] - clip[13];
/* Normalize the result */
t = streflop::sqrt( frustum[3][0] * frustum[3][0] + frustum[3][1] * frustum[3][1] + frustum[3][2] * frustum[3][2] );
frustum[3][0] /= t;
frustum[3][1] /= t;
frustum[3][2] /= t;
frustum[3][3] /= t;
/* Extract the FAR plane */
frustum[4][0] = clip[ 3] - clip[ 2];
frustum[4][1] = clip[ 7] - clip[ 6];
frustum[4][2] = clip[11] - clip[10];
frustum[4][3] = clip[15] - clip[14];
/* Normalize the result */
t = streflop::sqrt( frustum[4][0] * frustum[4][0] + frustum[4][1] * frustum[4][1] + frustum[4][2] * frustum[4][2] );
frustum[4][0] /= t;
frustum[4][1] /= t;
frustum[4][2] /= t;
frustum[4][3] /= t;
/* Extract the NEAR plane */
frustum[5][0] = clip[ 3] + clip[ 2];
frustum[5][1] = clip[ 7] + clip[ 6];
frustum[5][2] = clip[11] + clip[10];
frustum[5][3] = clip[15] + clip[14];
/* Normalize the result */
t = streflop::sqrt( frustum[5][0] * frustum[5][0] + frustum[5][1] * frustum[5][1] + frustum[5][2] * frustum[5][2] );
frustum[5][0] /= t;
frustum[5][1] /= t;
frustum[5][2] /= t;
frustum[5][3] /= t;
bool Renderer::PointInFrustum(vector<vector<float> > &frustum, float x, float y, float z ) {
int p=0;
for( p = 0; p < 6; p++ )
if( frustum[p][0] * x + frustum[p][1] * y + frustum[p][2] * z + frustum[p][3] <= 0 )
return false;
return true;
bool Renderer::CubeInFrustum(vector<vector<float> > &frustum, float x, float y, float z, float size ) {
int p=0;
for( p = 0; p < 6; p++ ) {
if( frustum[p][0] * (x - size) + frustum[p][1] * (y - size) + frustum[p][2] * (z - size) + frustum[p][3] > 0 )
if( frustum[p][0] * (x + size) + frustum[p][1] * (y - size) + frustum[p][2] * (z - size) + frustum[p][3] > 0 )
if( frustum[p][0] * (x - size) + frustum[p][1] * (y + size) + frustum[p][2] * (z - size) + frustum[p][3] > 0 )
if( frustum[p][0] * (x + size) + frustum[p][1] * (y + size) + frustum[p][2] * (z - size) + frustum[p][3] > 0 )
if( frustum[p][0] * (x - size) + frustum[p][1] * (y - size) + frustum[p][2] * (z + size) + frustum[p][3] > 0 )
if( frustum[p][0] * (x + size) + frustum[p][1] * (y - size) + frustum[p][2] * (z + size) + frustum[p][3] > 0 )
if( frustum[p][0] * (x - size) + frustum[p][1] * (y + size) + frustum[p][2] * (z + size) + frustum[p][3] > 0 )
if( frustum[p][0] * (x + size) + frustum[p][1] * (y + size) + frustum[p][2] * (z + size) + frustum[p][3] > 0 )
return false;
return true;
void Renderer::computeVisibleQuad() {
const GameCamera *gameCamera = game->getGameCamera();
visibleQuad = gameCamera->computeVisibleQuad();
@ -1033,6 +1189,18 @@ void Renderer::computeVisibleQuad() {
//float Wfar = Hfar * metrics.getAspectRatio();
//printf("Hnear = %f, Wnear = %f, Hfar = %f, Wfar = %f\n",Hnear,Wnear,Hfar,Wfar);
if(VisibleQuadContainerCache::enableFrustumCalcs) {
// for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
// printf("\nFrustrum #%d: ",i);
// for(unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
// printf("[%f]",quadCache.frustumData[i][j]);
// }
// }
const bool newVisibleQuadCalc = false;
if(newVisibleQuadCalc) {
const bool debug = false;
@ -6714,19 +6882,38 @@ VisibleQuadContainerCache & Renderer::getQuadCache( bool updateOnDirtyFrame,
for(int j = 0; j < faction->getUnitCount(); ++j) {
Unit *unit= faction->getUnit(j);
bool insideQuad = visibleQuad.isInside(unit->getPos());
bool renderInMap = world->toRenderUnit(unit);
if(insideQuad == true && renderInMap == true) {
if(VisibleQuadContainerCache::enableFrustumCalcs == false) {
bool insideQuad = visibleQuad.isInside(unit->getPos());
bool renderInMap = world->toRenderUnit(unit);
if(insideQuad == true && renderInMap == true) {
else {
// Currently don't need this list
if(renderInMap == true) {
else {
// Currently don't need this list
//bool insideQuad = PointInFrustum(quadCache.frustumData, unit->getCurrVector().x, unit->getCurrVector().y, unit->getCurrVector().z );
bool insideQuad = CubeInFrustum(quadCache.frustumData, unit->getCurrVector().x, unit->getCurrVector().y, unit->getCurrVector().z, unit->getType()->getSize());
bool renderInMap = world->toRenderUnit(unit);
if(insideQuad == true && renderInMap == true) {
else {
// Currently don't need this list
if(renderInMap == true) {
if(renderInMap == true) {
@ -6754,6 +6941,16 @@ VisibleQuadContainerCache & Renderer::getQuadCache( bool updateOnDirtyFrame,
SurfaceCell *sc = map->getSurfaceCell(mapPos);
Object *o = sc->getObject();
if(VisibleQuadContainerCache::enableFrustumCalcs == true) {
if(o != NULL) {
//bool insideQuad = PointInFrustum(quadCache.frustumData, o->getPos().x, o->getPos().y, o->getPos().z );
bool insideQuad = CubeInFrustum(quadCache.frustumData, o->getPos().x, o->getPos().y, o->getPos().z, 1);
if(insideQuad == false) {
bool cellExplored = world->showWorldForPlayer(world->getThisFactionIndex());
if(cellExplored == false) {
cellExplored = sc->isExplored(world->getThisTeamIndex());
@ -6773,6 +6970,7 @@ VisibleQuadContainerCache & Renderer::getQuadCache( bool updateOnDirtyFrame,
//printf("Frame # = %d loops1 = %d\n",world->getFrameCount(),loops1);
//int loops2=0;
const Rect2i mapBounds(0, 0, map->getSurfaceW()-1, map->getSurfaceH()-1);
Quad2i scaledQuad = visibleQuad / Map::cellScale;
PosQuadIterator pqis(map,scaledQuad);
@ -6780,7 +6978,17 @@ VisibleQuadContainerCache & Renderer::getQuadCache( bool updateOnDirtyFrame,
const Vec2i &pos= pqis.getPos();
if(mapBounds.isInside(pos)) {
if(VisibleQuadContainerCache::enableFrustumCalcs == false) {
else {
SurfaceCell *sc = map->getSurfaceCell(pos);
bool insideQuad = CubeInFrustum(quadCache.frustumData, sc->getVertex().x, sc->getVertex().y, sc->getVertex().z, 1);
//bool insideQuad = PointInFrustum(quadCache.frustumData, sc->getVertex().x, sc->getVertex().y, sc->getVertex().z);
if(insideQuad == true) {
//printf("Frame # = %d loops2 = %d\n",world->getFrameCount(),loops2);
@ -7194,13 +7402,15 @@ void Renderer::setLastRenderFps(int value) {
uint64 Renderer::getCurrentPixelByteCount(ResourceScope rs) const {
uint64 result = 0;
for(int i = (rs == rsCount ? 0 : rs); i < rsCount; ++i) {
const Shared::Graphics::TextureContainer &textures = textureManager[i]->getTextures();
for(int j = 0; j < textures.size(); ++j) {
const Texture *texture = textures[j];
result += texture->getPixelByteCount();
if(rs != rsCount) {
if(textureManager[i] != NULL) {
const Shared::Graphics::TextureContainer &textures = textureManager[i]->getTextures();
for(int j = 0; j < textures.size(); ++j) {
const Texture *texture = textures[j];
result += texture->getPixelByteCount();
if(rs != rsCount) {

View File

@ -94,11 +94,14 @@ protected:
visibleQuadUnitList = obj.visibleQuadUnitList;
visibleScaledCellList = obj.visibleScaledCellList;
lastVisibleQuad = obj.lastVisibleQuad;
frustumData = obj.frustumData;
proj = obj.proj;
modl = obj.modl;
VisibleQuadContainerCache() {
VisibleQuadContainerCache() : frustumData(6,vector<float>(4,0)), proj(16,0), modl(16,0) {
cacheFrame = 0;
@ -136,6 +139,12 @@ public:
std::vector<Unit *> visibleQuadUnitList;
std::vector<Unit *> visibleUnitList;
std::vector<Vec2i> visibleScaledCellList;
static bool enableFrustumCalcs;
vector<vector<float> > frustumData;
vector<float> proj;
vector<float> modl;
class VisibleQuadContainerVBOCache {
@ -345,6 +354,11 @@ private:
Layers layers;
Quad2i lastVisibleQuad;
} mapRenderer;
void ExtractFrustum(VisibleQuadContainerCache &quadCacheItem);
bool PointInFrustum(vector<vector<float> > &frustum, float x, float y, float z );
bool CubeInFrustum(vector<vector<float> > &frustum, float x, float y, float z, float size );
Renderer(bool masterserverMode=false);