- msvc 2015 build script works

This commit is contained in:
SoftCoder 2015-10-24 23:48:40 -07:00
parent 81346ba6b9
commit 719029358f

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@ -29,11 +29,16 @@ call .\7z.exe x -r -o..\..\source\ ..\..\source\%depfile%
goto processBuildStageA
ECHO Looking for windows dependency archive...
ECHO Looking for windows dependency archive, please wait... (testing existing archive)...
call .\7z.exe t ..\..\source\%depfile% >nul
set 7ztestdep=%ERRORLEVEL%
ECHO Result of windows dependency archive [%7ztestdep%]
if NOT "%7ztestdep%" == "0" goto getDepFile
rem call .\7z.exe t ..\..\source\%depfile%
set testdeperr=%ERRORLEVEL%
ECHO Result of windows dependency archive [%testdeperr%]
rem pause
if NOT "%testdeperr%" == "0" goto getDepFile
if NOT EXIST ..\..\source\%depfolder%\NUL echo Extracting archive [%depfile%]
if NOT EXIST ..\..\source\%depfolder%\NUL call .\7z.exe x -r -o..\..\source\ ..\..\source\%depfile%
goto processBuildStageA