- added support for translated techtrees. To produce a default techtree lng file in the proper techtree folder run:

megaglest --translate-techtrees=megapack

where megapack is the name of the techtree
This commit is contained in:
Mark Vejvoda 2013-06-12 22:49:47 +00:00
parent adce76d68f
commit 1eb17e3bb2
5 changed files with 302 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -2515,6 +2515,261 @@ void runTechValidationForPath(string techPath, string techName,
void runTechTranslationExtractionForPath(string techPath, string techName,
const std::vector<string> &filteredFactionList, World &world) {
//Config &config = Config::getInstance();
vector<string> factionsList;
findDirs(techPath + techName + "/factions/", factionsList, false, false);
if(factionsList.empty() == false) {
Checksum checksum;
set<string> factions;
for(int j = 0; j < factionsList.size(); ++j) {
if( filteredFactionList.empty() == true ||
std::find(filteredFactionList.begin(),filteredFactionList.end(),factionsList[j]) != filteredFactionList.end()) {
printf("\nChecking techPath [%s] techName [%s] total faction count = %d\n",techPath.c_str(), techName.c_str(),(int)factionsList.size());
for(int j = 0; j < factionsList.size(); ++j) {
if( filteredFactionList.empty() == true ||
std::find(filteredFactionList.begin(),filteredFactionList.end(),factionsList[j]) != filteredFactionList.end()) {
printf("Using faction [%s]\n",factionsList[j].c_str());
if(factions.empty() == false) {
bool techtree_errors = false;
std::map<string,vector<pair<string, string> > > loadedFileList;
//vector<string> pathList = config.getPathListForType(ptTechs,"");
vector<string> pathList;
Config &config = Config::getInstance();
vector<string> otherTechPaths = config.getPathListForType(ptTechs,"");
pathList.insert(pathList.end(), otherTechPaths.begin(), otherTechPaths.end());
world.loadTech(pathList, techName, factions, &checksum, loadedFileList);
const TechTree *techtree = world.getTechTree();
string translationFile = techtree->getPath();
translationFile += "lang/" + techName + "_default.lng";
if(fileExists(translationFile) == false) {
string txFilePath = extractDirectoryPathFromFile(translationFile);
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
FILE *fp = _wfopen(utf8_decode(translationFile).c_str(), L"w");
std::ofstream txFile(fp);
std::ofstream txFile;
txFile.open(translationFile.c_str(), ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc);
if(txFile.is_open() == true) {
txFile << "TechTreeName=" << techName << std::endl;
txFile << "; --------------" << std::endl;
txFile << "; Types of Armor" << std::endl;
for(unsigned int index = 0; index < techtree->getArmorTypeCount(); ++index) {
const ArmorType *at = techtree->getArmorTypeByIndex(index);
txFile << "ArmorTypeName_" << at->getName(false) << "=" << at->getName(false) << std::endl;
txFile << "; -------------- " << std::endl;
txFile << "; Types of Attack" << std::endl;
for(unsigned int index = 0; index < techtree->getAttackTypeCount(); ++index) {
const AttackType *at = techtree->getAttackTypeByIndex(index);
txFile << "AttackTypeName_" << at->getName(false) << "=" << at->getName(false) << std::endl;
txFile << "; ------------------" << std::endl;
txFile << "; Types of Resources" << std::endl;
for(unsigned int index = 0; index < techtree->getResourceTypeCount(); ++index) {
const ResourceType *rt = techtree->getResourceType(index);
txFile << "ResourceTypeName_" << rt->getName(false) << "=" << rt->getName(false) << std::endl;
txFile << "; -----------------" << std::endl;
txFile << "; Types of Factions" << std::endl;
for(unsigned int index = 0; index < techtree->getTypeCount(); ++index) {
const FactionType *ft = techtree->getType(index);
txFile << "FactionName_" << ft->getName(false) << "=" << ft->getName(false) << std::endl;
txFile << "; ----------------------------------" << std::endl;
txFile << "; Types of Upgrades for this Faction" << std::endl;
for(unsigned int upgradeIndex = 0; upgradeIndex < ft->getUpgradeTypeCount(); ++upgradeIndex) {
const UpgradeType *upt = ft->getUpgradeType(upgradeIndex);
txFile << "UpgradeTypeName_" << upt->getName(false) << "=" << upt->getName(false) << std::endl;
txFile << "; -------------------------------" << std::endl;
txFile << "; Types of Units for this Faction" << std::endl;
for(unsigned int unitIndex = 0; unitIndex < ft->getUnitTypeCount(); ++unitIndex) {
const UnitType *ut = ft->getUnitType(unitIndex);
txFile << "UnitTypeName_" << ut->getName(false) << "=" << ut->getName(false) << std::endl;
txFile << "; --------------------" << std::endl;
txFile << "; Levels for this Unit" << std::endl;
for(unsigned int levelIndex = 0; levelIndex < ut->getLevelCount(); ++levelIndex) {
const Level *level = ut->getLevel(levelIndex);
txFile << "LevelName_" << level->getName(false) << "=" << level->getName(false) << std::endl;
txFile << "; -------------------------------" << std::endl;
txFile << "; Types of Commands for this Unit" << std::endl;
for(unsigned int commandIndex = 0; commandIndex < ut->getCommandTypeCount(); ++commandIndex) {
const CommandType *ct = ut->getCommandType(commandIndex);
txFile << "CommandName_" << ct->getName(false) << "=" << ct->getName(false) << std::endl;
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
if(fp) {
else {
printf("\n** Cannot product techtree translation file [%s] for techPath [%s] techName [%s] because the file already exists!\n",translationFile.c_str(),techPath.c_str(), techName.c_str());
void runTechTranslationExtraction(int argc, char** argv) {
printf("====== Started Translation Extraction ======\n");
bool purgeDuplicateFiles = false;
bool showDuplicateFiles = true;
bool purgeUnusedFiles = false;
bool svnPurgeFiles = false;
double purgedMegaBytes=0;
Config &config = Config::getInstance();
// Did the user pass a specific list of factions to validate?
std::vector<string> filteredFactionList;
vector<string> results;
findDirs(config.getPathListForType(ptTechs), results);
vector<string> techTreeFiles = results;
// Did the user pass a specific list of techtrees to validate?
std::vector<string> filteredTechTreeList;
if(hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,string(GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_TRANSLATE_TECHTREES]) + string("=")) == true) {
int foundParamIndIndex = -1;
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,string(GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_TRANSLATE_TECHTREES]) + string("="),&foundParamIndIndex);
string filterList = argv[foundParamIndIndex];
vector<string> paramPartTokens;
if(paramPartTokens.size() >= 2) {
string techtreeList = paramPartTokens[1];
if(filteredTechTreeList.empty() == false) {
printf("Filtering techtrees and only looking for the following:\n");
for(int idx = 0; idx < filteredTechTreeList.size(); ++idx) {
filteredTechTreeList[idx] = trim(filteredTechTreeList[idx]);
// if(paramPartTokens.size() >= 3) {
// if(paramPartTokens[2] == "purgeunused") {
// purgeUnusedFiles = true;
// printf("*NOTE All unused techtree files will be deleted!\n");
// }
// else if(paramPartTokens[2] == "purgeduplicates") {
// purgeDuplicateFiles = true;
// printf("*NOTE All duplicate techtree files will be merged!\n");
// }
// else if(paramPartTokens[2] == "svndelete") {
// svnPurgeFiles = true;
// printf("*NOTE All unused / duplicate techtree files will be removed from svn!\n");
// }
// else if(paramPartTokens[2] == "hideduplicates") {
// showDuplicateFiles = false;
// printf("*NOTE All duplicate techtree files will NOT be shown!\n");
// }
// }
// if(paramPartTokens.size() >= 4) {
// if(paramPartTokens[3] == "purgeunused") {
// purgeUnusedFiles = true;
// printf("*NOTE All unused techtree files will be deleted!\n");
// }
// else if(paramPartTokens[3] == "purgeduplicates") {
// purgeDuplicateFiles = true;
// printf("*NOTE All duplicate techtree files will be merged!\n");
// }
// else if(paramPartTokens[3] == "svndelete") {
// svnPurgeFiles = true;
// printf("*NOTE All unused / duplicate techtree files will be removed from svn!\n");
// }
// else if(paramPartTokens[3] == "hideduplicates") {
// showDuplicateFiles = false;
// printf("*NOTE All duplicate techtree files will NOT be shown!\n");
// }
// }
// if(paramPartTokens.size() >= 5) {
// if(paramPartTokens[4] == "purgeunused") {
// purgeUnusedFiles = true;
// printf("*NOTE All unused techtree files will be deleted!\n");
// }
// else if(paramPartTokens[4] == "purgeduplicates") {
// purgeDuplicateFiles = true;
// printf("*NOTE All duplicate techtree files will be merged!\n");
// }
// else if(paramPartTokens[4] == "svndelete") {
// svnPurgeFiles = true;
// printf("*NOTE All unused / duplicate techtree files will be removed from svn!\n");
// }
// else if(paramPartTokens[4] == "hideduplicates") {
// showDuplicateFiles = false;
// printf("*NOTE All duplicate techtree files will NOT be shown!\n");
// }
// }
printf("\n---------------- Loading factions inside world ----------------");
World world;
vector<string> techPaths = config.getPathListForType(ptTechs);
for(int idx = 0; idx < techPaths.size(); idx++) {
string &techPath = techPaths[idx];
//printf("techPath [%s]\n",techPath.c_str());
for(int idx2 = 0; idx2 < techTreeFiles.size(); idx2++) {
string &techName = techTreeFiles[idx2];
if( filteredTechTreeList.empty() == true ||
std::find(filteredTechTreeList.begin(),filteredTechTreeList.end(),techName) != filteredTechTreeList.end()) {
runTechTranslationExtractionForPath(techPath, techName,
printf("\n====== Finished Translation ======\n");
void runTechValidationReport(int argc, char** argv) {
printf("====== Started Validation ======\n");
@ -3290,6 +3545,7 @@ int glestMain(int argc, char** argv) {
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_VALIDATE_FACTIONS]) == true ||
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_VALIDATE_SCENARIO]) == true ||
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_VALIDATE_TILESET]) == true ||
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_TRANSLATE_TECHTREES]) == true ||
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_LIST_MAPS]) == true ||
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_LIST_TECHTRESS]) == true ||
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_LIST_SCENARIOS]) == true ||
@ -3414,6 +3670,7 @@ int glestMain(int argc, char** argv) {
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_VALIDATE_FACTIONS]) == true ||
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_VALIDATE_SCENARIO]) == true ||
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_VALIDATE_TILESET]) == true ||
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_TRANSLATE_TECHTREES]) == true ||
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_LIST_MAPS]) == true ||
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_LIST_TECHTRESS]) == true ||
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_LIST_SCENARIOS]) == true ||
@ -3471,6 +3728,7 @@ int glestMain(int argc, char** argv) {
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_VALIDATE_FACTIONS]) == false &&
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_VALIDATE_SCENARIO]) == false &&
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_VALIDATE_TILESET]) == false &&
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_TRANSLATE_TECHTREES]) == false &&
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_LIST_MAPS]) == false &&
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_LIST_TECHTRESS]) == false &&
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_LIST_SCENARIOS]) == false &&
@ -4935,6 +5193,13 @@ int glestMain(int argc, char** argv) {
return 0;
if( hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_TRANSLATE_TECHTREES]) == true) {
runTechTranslationExtraction(argc, argv);
delete mainWindow;
return 0;
if( hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_VALIDATE_TILESET]) == true) {
runTilesetValidationReport(argc, argv);

View File

@ -51,6 +51,13 @@ ResourceType::~ResourceType() {
string ResourceType::getName(bool translatedValue) const {
if(translatedValue == false) return name;
Lang &lang = Lang::getInstance();
return lang.getTechTreeString("ResourceTypeName_" + name,name.c_str());
void ResourceType::load(const string &dir, Checksum* checksum, Checksum *techtreeChecksum,
std::map<string,vector<pair<string, string> > > &loadedFileList, string techtreePath) {
@ -64,7 +71,7 @@ void ResourceType::load(const string &dir, Checksum* checksum, Checksum *techtre
name= lastDir(dir);
char szBuf[8096]="";
Logger::getInstance().add(szBuf, true);
string currentPath = dir;
@ -188,13 +195,6 @@ void ResourceType::load(const string &dir, Checksum* checksum, Checksum *techtre
string ResourceType::getName(bool translatedValue) const {
if(translatedValue == false) return name;
Lang &lang = Lang::getInstance();
return lang.getTechTreeString("ResourceTypeName_" + name,name.c_str());
// ==================== misc ====================
ResourceClass ResourceType::strToRc(const string &s){

View File

@ -45,6 +45,13 @@ TechTree::TechTree(const vector<string> pathList) {
string TechTree::getName(bool translatedValue) const {
if(translatedValue == false) return name;
Lang &lang = Lang::getInstance();
return lang.getTechTreeString("TechTreeName",name.c_str());
Checksum TechTree::loadTech(const string &techName,
set<string> &factions, Checksum* checksum, std::map<string,vector<pair<string, string> > > &loadedFileList) {
name = "";
@ -90,8 +97,11 @@ void TechTree::load(const string &dir, set<string> &factions, Checksum* checksum
treePath = currentPath;
name= lastDir(currentPath);
Lang &lang = Lang::getInstance();
char szBuf[8096]="";
Logger::getInstance().add(szBuf, true);
vector<string> filenames;
@ -237,9 +247,6 @@ void TechTree::load(const string &dir, set<string> &factions, Checksum* checksum
*techtreeChecksum = checksumValue;
Lang &lang = Lang::getInstance();
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",extractFileFromDirectoryPath(__FILE__).c_str(),__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);

View File

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public:
int getTypeCount() const {return factionTypes.size();}
const FactionType *getType(int i) const {return &factionTypes[i];}
const ResourceType *getResourceType(int i) const {return &resourceTypes[i];}
const string getName() const {return name;}
string getName(bool translatedValue=false) const;
vector<string> getPathList() const {return pathList;}
//const string &getDesc() const {return desc;}
@ -81,8 +81,15 @@ public:
const ResourceType *getResourceType(const string &name) const;
const ResourceType *getTechResourceType(int i) const;
const ResourceType *getFirstTechResourceType() const;
const ArmorType *getArmorType(const string &name) const;
const AttackType *getAttackType(const string &name) const;
int getArmorTypeCount() const { return armorTypes.size(); }
const ArmorType * getArmorTypeByIndex(int index) const { return &armorTypes[index]; }
int getAttackTypeCount() const { return attackTypes.size(); }
const AttackType * getAttackTypeByIndex(int index) const { return &attackTypes[index]; }
float getDamageMultiplier(const AttackType *att, const ArmorType *art) const;
std::vector<std::string> validateFactionTypes();
std::vector<std::string> validateResourceTypes();

View File

@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ const char *GAME_ARGS[] = {
@ -123,6 +125,8 @@ enum GAME_ARG_TYPE {
@ -308,6 +312,11 @@ void printParameterHelp(const char *argv0, bool foundInvalidArgs) {
printf("\n \t\texample:");
printf("\n %s %s=desert2",extractFileFromDirectoryPath(argv0).c_str(),GAME_ARGS[GAME_ARG_VALIDATE_TILESET]);
printf("\n \t\tProduces a deafult lng file for the specified techtree");
printf("\n \t\tto prepare for translation into other languages.");
printf("\n \t\tWhere x is a techtree name");
printf("\n \t\tdisplay a list of game content: maps");
printf("\n \t\twhere x is an optional name filter.");