#!/usr/bin/env BQN # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Rampoina # # Arc # The level is a 2d matrix of lists (tiles) # Each list contains the objects of the game represented as ints ⟨ansi⟩←•Import "ansi.bqn" moves←⟨0‿0⟩ # list of moves, each move is a direction, we start without moving chars←" λ$⊕⭍#/\-|+<>^v" # legal characters ⟨floor,player,box,machine,pmachine,wall,lmirror,rmirror,hbeam,vbeam,xbeam,llaser,rlaser,ulaser,dlaser⟩←↕≠chars beams←hbeam‿vbeam‿xbeam mirrors←lmirror‿rmirror lasers←llaser‿rlaser‿ulaser‿dlaser movables←player‿box∾mirrors # player, box and mirrors opaque←player‿box‿machine‿wall∾lasers # non laser reflecting empties←floor∾beams # floor and laser beams colors←(≠chars)⥊ Empty tile # the second tile can't be a movable object because we moved it previously # if it is it means that the object was unmovable (next to a wall) so we do nothing Move←{a‿b:⟨1↓a,(⊑a)∾b⟩}⍟{∨´(⥊movables≍⌜empties)≡⌜<⊑¨𝕩} # Push 𝕩 | 𝕩: ⟨⟨1,0⟩,⟨2,0⟩,⟨0,0)⟩ (3 tiles) | result: ⟨⟨0⟩,⟨1,0⟩,⟨2,0)⟩ # Given 3 tiles try to [P]ush the second tile (possible box) # and afterwards try to move the first one (player) if possible Push←Move⌾(2↑⊢)Move⌾(1↓⊢) FindIdx←/○⥊⟜(↕≢)∘⍷ # w‿d Bounce x | x: map | w‿d: w: current position, d: direction of the laser # Calculates the bounces of a laser beam recursively Bounce←{(w‿d)S x:{ ⊑opaque∊˜⊑w⊑x?(machine=⊑w⊑x)◶⟨x,⟨pmachine⟩˙⌾(w⊸⊑)x⟩@; # laser hits a non-mirror ⊑empties∊˜⊑w⊑x ? # Empty space ⟨w+d,d⟩S{((×⊑d)⊑⟨hbeam‿hbeam‿xbeam‿xbeam,vbeam‿xbeam‿vbeam‿xbeam⟩)⊏˜floor‿hbeam‿vbeam‿xbeam⊐𝕩}⌾(w⊸⊑)x; # Draw laser and recurse # laser hits a mirror d←⌽d×-⊸¬lmirror=⊑w⊑x # calculate the mirror bounce direction ⟨w+d,d⟩S x } # recurse to the next position } # Shoot 𝕩 | 𝕩: map | calculates the bounces for each laser Shoot←{𝕩 {𝕨Bounce´⌽𝕩} ∾⟨<0‿¯1,<0‿1,<¯1‿0,<1‿0⟩(⊣⋈˜¨+)¨ FindIdx⟜(⊑¨𝕩)¨ lasers} Step←{Push⌾((𝕨 Tiles ⊑player FindIdx ⊑¨𝕩)⊸⊑)𝕩} # 𝕨 S 𝕩 | 𝕨: direction | 𝕩:level | Step the game Draw←{∾´¨<˘Colorize¨chars⊏˜+´¨Shoot 𝕨 Step´ ⌽𝕩} # 𝕨 Draw 𝕩 | 𝕨: levels | 𝕩: moves | Draw the game in ASCII Win←{¬∨´∨˝3=⊑¨Shoot 𝕩}# W 𝕩 | 𝕩: level | [W]in condition, no unpowered goals after shooting laser Next←{moves↩moves∾<𝕩} Undo←{𝕊:moves↩(-1<≠)⊸↓moves} # Main loop SplitOnEmpty←{𝕩⊔˜(⊢-˜+`׬)0=≠¨𝕩} levels←Ascii2Matrix¨>¨SplitOnEmpty•FLines "levels" # Load file containing levels currentLevel←0 e←ansi.e •term.RawMode 1 # set terminal to raw mode •Out e∾"[?25l"∾e∾"[2J"∾e∾"[H" # Cursor to origin, hide it and clear screen clear←"" {𝕤 # Loop until the user wins •Out e∾"[H" # Cursor to origin •Out "Level: "∾•Repr 1+currentLevel •Out e∾"7" # Save cursor position •Out ansi.yellow∾"⭍"∾ansi.defaultB∾" Power the machines (⊕) by moving the mirrors ("∾ansi.cyan∾"\/"∾ansi.defaultB∾") " •Out "Controls: (hjkl or wasd) to move, u to undo, r to reset level, q to quit" •Out¨ (currentLevel⊑levels) Draw moves key←•term.CharB @ {𝕤⋄Next ⊑("hjkl"=key)/⟨0‿¯1,1‿0,¯1‿0,0‿1⟩}⍟(⊑key∊"hjkl")@ {𝕤⋄Next ⊑("aswd"=key)/⟨0‿¯1,1‿0,¯1‿0,0‿1⟩}⍟(⊑key∊"aswd")@ {𝕤⋄Undo @}⍟(key='u')@ {𝕤⋄•Out e∾"[?12l"∾e∾"[?25h"⋄•Exit 0}⍟(key='q')@ {𝕤⋄moves↩⟨0‿0⟩}⍟(key='r')@ {𝕤⋄clear↩e∾"[2J"}⍟(((1⊸+>○(⌊1+10⋆⁼1⌈⊢)⊢)¯1+≠moves)∧key='u')@ •Out e∾"8" # Restore cursor position {𝕤⋄•Out clear∾ansi.yellow∾"⭍"∾ansi.defaultB∾" Power the machines (⊕) by moving the mirrors ("∾ansi.cyan∾"\/"∾ansi.defaultB∾")"∾(@+10)∾"Controls: (hjkl or wasd) to move, u to undo, r to reset level, q to quit"}⍟(⊑key∊"wasdhjkluqr")@ {𝕤⋄•Out "Invalid key: (hjkl or wasd) to move, u to undo, r to reset level"}⍟(¬⊑key∊"wasdhjkluqr")@ •Out¨ (currentLevel⊑levels) Draw moves •Out "Moves: "∾•Repr ¯1+≠moves {𝕤 •Out "Good job!, press any key to continue to the next level" •term.CharB @ •Out e∾"[H"∾e∾"[0J" currentLevel↩currentLevel+1⋄moves↩⟨0‿0⟩ }⍟(Win (currentLevel⊑levels) Step´⌽moves)@ }•_While_{𝕤⋄currentLevel<≠levels}@ •Out "Well played, you win!" •Out e∾"[?12l"∾e∾"[?25h"