# onFOSS-LAN-Organization-Document This is a document about hosting a own onFOSS-LAN-event. Co-written by [DeathByDenim](http://jarno.ca/) and [hribhrib](https://hribhrib.at/). You can read it [here](https://git.hribhrib.at/c/onFOSS-LAN-Organization-Document/src/branch/master/HowToOrganize.md). ## What is onFOSS-LAN It is a collective, online, "Free (as Freedom) and Open Source" LAN-Party. Everybody is invited to host their own event and this document tells you how. [Here](https://onfoss.libregaming.org/) you can find the official onFOSS-LAN-Homepage where all hosters and usefull links are listed. ## How to contribute If you dissagree or want to add on something just create an Issue or Pull Request.