Static HTML page with the libregaming matrix spaces The HTML is generated with using the spaces json # Update libregamingspaces.json Get server baseurl and Access Token from your client e.g. Element -> All settings -> Help & About -> Advanced ``` SERVER= TOKEN= SPACE='!' URL="$SERVER/_matrix/client/v1/rooms/$SPACE/hierarchy?access_token=$TOKEN" # first call can take about 30s FROM=$(curl "$URL" | tee -a hierarchy.json | jq -r .next_batch); echo $FROM # repeat pagination until "null" FROM=$(curl "$URL&from=$FROM" | tee -a hierarchy.json | jq -r .next_batch); echo $FROM jq -s 'map(.rooms) | add' hierarchy.json > libregamingspaces.json ./ > space.html ``` # License Everything on this repository is licensed as CC0