title: Top Packages Algorithm ## Score A package's score is currently equal to a pseudo rolling average of downloads. In the future, a package will also gain score through reviews. ## Pseudo rolling average of downloads Every package loses 5% of its score every day. An open source package will gain 1 score for each unique download, whereas a non-free package will only gain 0.1 score. This metric aims to be roughly equivalent to the average downloads. ## Seeded using a legacy heuristic The scoring system was seeded (ie: the scores were initially set to) 20% of an arbitrary legacy heuristic that was previously used to rank packages. This legacy heuristic is as follows: forum_score = views / max(years_since_creation, 2 weeks) + 80*clamp(months, 0.5, 6) forum_bonus = views + posts multiplier = 1 if no screenshot: multiplier *= 0.8 if not foss: multiplier *= 0.1 score = multiplier * (max(downloads, forum_score * 0.6) + forum_bonus) As said, this legacy score is no longer used when ranking mods. It was only used to provide an initial score for the rolling average, which was 20% of the above value. ## Manual adjustments The admin occasionally reduces all packages by a set percentage to speed up convergence. Convergence is when ## Transparency and Feedback You can see all scores using the [scores REST API](/api/scores/), or by using the [Prometheus metrics](/help/metrics/) endpoint. Consider [suggesting improvements](https://github.com/minetest/contentdb/issues/new?assignees=&labels=Policy&template=policy.md&title=).