{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %} Create Account from Forums User {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ self.title() }}

{{ _("Confirm Your Account") }}

{{ _("You'll need to use prove that you have access to your forum account using one of the options below.") }}
{{ _("This is so ContentDB can link your account to your forum account.") }}

{{ _("Don't have a forums account?") }} {{ _("You can still sign up without one.", url=url_for('users.register')) }}

{{ _("Option 1") }} {{ _("Use GitHub field in forum profile") }}

{{ _("Enter your forum username here:") }}

{{ _("You'll need to have the GitHub field in your forum profile filled out.") }} {{ _("Log into the forum and do that here.") }}

{{ _("Option 2") }} {{ _("Verification token") }}

{{ _("Enter your forum username here:") }}

{{ _("Go to User Control Panel > Profile > Edit signature") }}

{{ _("Paste this into your signature:") }}

{{ _("Click next so we can check it.") }}

{{ _("Don't worry, you can remove it after this is done.") }}

{% endblock %}