title: Package Configuration and Releases Guide ## Introduction ContentDB will read configuration files in your package when doing a number of tasks, including package and release creation. This page details the ways in which you can use this to your advantage. ## .conf files Every type of content can have a `.conf` file that contains the metadata. The filename of the `.conf` file depends on the content type: * `mod.conf` for mods. * `modpack.conf` for mod packs. * `game.conf` for games. * `texture_pack.conf` for texture packs. The `.conf` uses a key-value format, separated using equals. Here's a simple example: name = mymod description = A short description to show in the client. ContentDB understands the following information: * `description` - A short description to show in the client. * `depends` - Comma-separated hard dependencies. * `optional_depends` - Comma-separated hard dependencies. * `min_minetest_version` - The minimum Minetest version this runs on. * `min_minetest_version` - The minimum Minetest version this runs on. and for mods only: * `name` - the mod technical name. ## Controlling Release Creation ### Automatic Release Creation The preferred way is to use [webhooks from GitLab or GitHub](/help/release_webhooks/). You can also use the [API](/help/api/) to create releases. ### Min and Max Minetest Versions When creating a release, the `.conf` file will be read to determine what Minetest versions the release supports. If the `.conf` doesn't specify, then it is assumed that is supports all versions. This happens when you create a release via the ContentDB web interface, the [API](/help/api/), or using a [GitLab/GitHub webhook](/help/release_webhooks/). ### Excluding files You can exclude files from a release by using [gitattributes](https://git-scm.com/docs/gitattributes): .* export-ignore sources export-ignore *.zip export-ignore This will prevent any files from being included if they: * Beginning with `.` * or are named `sources` or are inside any directory named `sources`. * or have an extension of "zip".