{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %} Create Account from Forums User {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ self.title() }}

{{ _("Confirm Your Account") }}

You'll need to use prove that you have access to your forum account using one of the options below.
This is so ContentDB can link your account to your forum account.

Don't have a forums account? You can still sign up without one.

Option 1 Use GitHub field in forum profile

Enter your forum username here:

You'll need to have the GitHub field in your forum profile filled out. Log into the forum and do that here.

Option 2 Verification token

Enter your forum username here:

Go to User Control Panel > Profile > Edit signature

Paste this into your signature:

Click next so we can check it.

Don't worry, you can remove it after this is done.

#} {#
#} {#
#} {# Email/password sign up#} {#
#} {##} {#
#} {#

#} {# If you have a forum account, please use one of the other two#} {# options.#} {#

#} {##} {# Register#} {#
#} {#
#} {#
{% endblock %}