/*! * Tag Selector plugin for jQuery: Facilitates selecting multiple tags by extending jQuery UI Autocomplete. * You may use Tag Selector under the terms of either the MIT License or the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2. * https://petprojects.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/MIT-LICENSE.txt * https://petprojects.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/GPL-LICENSE.txt */ (function($) { $.fn.tagSelector = function(source, name, select) { return this.each(function() { var selector = $(this), input = $('input[type=text]', this); selector.click(function() { input.focus(); }) .delegate('.tag a', 'click', function() { var id = $(this).parent().data("id"); for (var i = 0; i < source.length; i++) { if (source[i].id == id) { source[i].selected = null; } } select.find("option[value=" + id + "]").attr("selected", null) recreate(); }); function addTag(item) { var tag = $('') .text(item.toString() + ' ') .data("id", item.id) .append('x') .insertBefore(input); input.attr("placeholder", null); select.find("option[value=" + item.id + "]").attr("selected", "selected") } function recreate() { selector.find("span").remove(); for (var i = 0; i < source.length; i++) { if (source[i].selected) { addTag(source[i]); } } } recreate(); input.keydown(function(e) { if (e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB && $(this).data('ui-autocomplete').menu.active) e.preventDefault(); }) .autocomplete({ minLength: 0, source: source, select: function(event, ui) { addTag(ui.item); input.val(""); return false; } }); input.data('ui-autocomplete')._renderItem = function(ul, item) { return $('
  • ') .data('item.autocomplete', item) .append($('').text(item.toString())) .appendTo(ul); }; input.data('ui-autocomplete')._resizeMenu = function(ul, item) { var ul = this.menu.element; ul.outerWidth(Math.max( ul.width('').outerWidth(), selector.outerWidth() )); }; }); } $(function() { $(".multichoice_selector").each(function() { var ele = $(this); var sel = ele.parent().find("select"); console.log(sel.attr("name")); sel.css("display", "none"); var options = []; sel.find("option").each(function() { var text = $(this).text(); options.push({ id: $(this).attr("value"), value: text, selected: $(this).attr("selected") ? true : false, toString: function() { return text; }, }); }); console.log(options); ele.tagSelector(options, sel.attr("name"), sel); }) }); })(jQuery);