title: Ranks and Permissions ## Overview * **New Members** - mostly untrusted, cannot change package meta data or publish releases without approval. * **Members** - Trusted to change the meta data of their own packages', but cannot approve their own packages. * **Trusted Members** - Same as above, but can approve their own releases. * **Editors** - Trusted to edit any package or release, and also responsible for approving new packages. * **Moderators** - Same as above, but can manage users. * **Admins** - Full access. ## Breakdown
Rank New Member Member Trusted Editor Moderator Admin
Owner of thing Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N
Create Package
Approve Package
Delete Package
Edit Package
Edit Maintainers
Add/Delete Screenshot
Approve Screenshot
Make Release
Approve Release
Change Release URL
See Private Thread
Edit Comments
Set Email 2
Create Token 2
Set Rank 3 23
2. Target user cannot be an admin. 3. Cannot set user to a higher rank than themselves.