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Executable File

### Deploy script for a game server running multiple open-source game servers
### This script is intended for Debian 11, but may work on other apt-based
### systems too
### Specify domain name:
### HOSTEDBYNAME=DeathByDenim ./
set -e
if [ -z $DOMAINNAME ]; then
echo "Domain name was not set. Please export DOMAINNAME first"
exit 1
if [ -z $HOSTEDBYNAME ]; then
echo "Hosted-by name was not set. Please export HOSTEDBYNAME first"
exit 1
export stk_version="latest"
export bzflag_version="2.4"
export mindustry_version="latest"
export openhv_version="latest"
export teeworlds_version="latest"
export teeworldsddrace_version="16.1"
export unvanquished_version="latest"
export xonotic_version="0.8.5"
export lix_version="latest"
export systemuser="onfoss"
export letsencryptemail=""
# Store the randomly generated password. This is used for the web interface
# as well as for admin access for the game servers
if [ -f /etc/gameserverpassword ]; then
export systempassword=$(cat /etc/gameserverpassword)
export systempassword="$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc a-z | head -c${1:-8};echo;)"
echo "$systempassword" > /etc/gameserverpassword
chmod go= /etc/gameserverpassword
# Install what we need
apt update -y && apt full-upgrade -y
apt install --assume-yes \
git tmux unzip curl vim openjdk-11-jdk xz-utils python3-venv python3-pip \
python3-dev apt virtualenv python3-virtualenv libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev \
fuse g++ gcc curl firewalld automake autoconf libtool \
libcurl3-dev libc-ares-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses-dev make python3-aiohttp \
nginx-core certbot python3-certbot-nginx sudo python3-psutil \
ldc dub libenet-dev python3-bcrypt jq
# Create the user for running the game servers
if ! getent passwd ${systemuser}; then
useradd ${systemuser} --system --create-home --shell=/bin/false
export systemuserhome="$( getent passwd "${systemuser}" | cut -d: -f6 )"
# Install the web interface for servers that require interactive shells
if [ -d console2web ]; then
cd console2web
git pull
cd -
git clone
cp console2web/ /usr/bin/console2web
# Deploy web interface stuff
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
# Deploy the game servers
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
"$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/
# Apply all pending firewall rules. NGINX shouldn't have to be restarted, but it seems to help.
firewall-cmd --reload
systemctl restart nginx
echo "Installation complete. Password is ${systempassword}"