// Collection of scripts to deploy a server hosting several open-source games // Copyright (C) 2022 Jarno van der Kolk // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . function createConsole(root, game_name, game_title, text_colour_function, initial_command, help_url, tooltip) { const div_card = document.createElement('div'); const div_card_header = document.createElement('div'); const h5 = document.createElement('h5'); const card_button = document.createElement('button'); const div_collapse = document.createElement('div'); const div_card_body = document.createElement('div'); const header = document.createElement('h4'); const output = document.createElement('div'); const output_text = document.createElement('p'); const input = document.createElement('form'); const input_text = document.createElement('input'); const input_submit = document.createElement('button'); const input_help = document.createElement('button'); div_card.className = "card"; div_card_header.className = "card-header"; h5.className = "mb-0"; card_button.className = "btn btn-link"; card_button.innerText = game_title; div_collapse.className = "collapse"; div_card_body.className = "card-body"; output.id = game_name + "_output"; output.className = "console_output"; output_text.innerText = game_name + " console"; input.id = game_name + "_form"; input.className = "console_form"; input_text.id = game_name + "_command"; input_text.className = "console_command"; input_text.size = 80; input_text.autocomplete = "off"; if(tooltip) { input_text.title = tooltip; } input_submit.id = game_name + "_submit"; input_submit.className = "console_submit"; input_submit.innerText = "Enter"; input_help.id = game_name + "_submit"; input_help.className = "console_help"; input_help.innerText = "?"; root.appendChild(div_card); div_card.appendChild(div_card_header); div_card_header.appendChild(h5); h5.appendChild(card_button); div_card.appendChild(div_collapse); div_collapse.appendChild(div_card_body); output.appendChild(output_text); div_card_body.appendChild(output); input.appendChild(input_text); input.appendChild(input_submit); input.appendChild(input_help); div_card_body.appendChild(input); input_help.addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); window.open(help_url, '_blank'); }); input.addEventListener('submit', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); let line = document.createElement('p') line.innerText = input_text.value; line.className = "user_input"; output.prepend(line); socket.send(input_text.value); input_text.value = ""; }); // Create WebSocket connection. const socket = new WebSocket("ws://" + game_name) // Connection opened socket.addEventListener('open', function (event) { socket.send(initial_command); }); socket.addEventListener('error', function (event) { console.error(event); }); // Listen for messages socket.addEventListener('message', function (event) { const output = document.getElementById(game_name + '_output'); let line = document.createElement('p') line.innerHTML = text_colour_function(event.data); output.prepend(line); }); } function consoles_init() { document.cookie = 'token=MD5GAMEPASSWORD; SameSite=Strict'; const root = document.getElementById('console-div'); createConsole( root, 'armagetron', 'Armagetron Advanced', convertTerminalCodeToHtml, 'players', 'http://wiki.armagetronad.org/index.php?title=Console_Commands', "Helpful commands:\n• players\tShow current players\n• kick \tKick the player\n• num_ais \tSet the number of AIs for games with more than one player\n• limit_rounds\tEnd the match after this number of rounds\n" ); createConsole( root, 'bzflag', 'Bzflag', convertTerminalCodeToHtml, '/playerlist', 'https://wiki.bzflag.org/Slash_Commands', "Helpful commands:\n• /playerlist\tDisplay list of players\n• /kick \tKick the player\n• /gameover\tend the current game\n" ); createConsole( root, 'mindustry', 'Mindustry', convertTerminalCodeToHtml, 'status', 'https://mindustrygame.github.io/wiki/servers/#dedicated-server-commands', "Helpful commands:\n• status\tDisplay server status\n• runwave\tTrigger the next wave\n• kick \tKick a person by name\n" ); createConsole( root, 'teeworlds', 'Teeworlds', convertTerminalCodeToHtml, 'status', 'https://www.teeworlds.com/?page=docs&wiki=server_commands', "Helpful commands:\n• status\tDisplay server status\n• change_map \tSwitch to \n• kick \tKick a person by id\n" ); createConsole( root, 'unvanquished', 'Unvanquished', convertDaemonedCodeToHtml, '/status', 'https://wiki.unvanquished.net/wiki/Server/Running#Commands', "Helpful commands:\n• /listplayers\tList current players in-game\n• /kick \tKick the player\n• /nextmap\tGo to the next map in the rotation\n" ); createConsole( root, 'xonotic', 'Xonotic', convertDaemonedCodeToHtml, 'who', 'https://gitlab.com/xonotic/xonotic/-/wikis/Basic-server-configuration', "Helpful commands:\n• who\tList current players in-game\n• kick \tKick the player\n• gotomap \tGo to the specified map\n" ); collapse_init(); } function collapse_init() { const bars = document.getElementsByClassName('card-header'); for(let bar of bars) { bar.addEventListener('click', function(e) { const bartexts = document.getElementsByClassName('collapse'); for(let bartext of bartexts) { bartext.classList.remove("show"); } this.parentElement.children[1].classList.add("show"); }) } document.getElementsByClassName('collapse')[0].classList.add("show"); } if (document.readyState === 'loading') { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', consoles_init); } else { consoles_init(); }