--- layout: help game: ufoai ---

The download page only has binaries for Linux and Windows. We compiled the macOS version ourselves. Download: ufoai-macos.tar.bz2

Then open the Terminal and type the following:

tar xf ufoai-macos.tar.bz2
cd dist

To get rid of the graphical glitches disable "GLSL Shaders" under Options → Video → Advanced → OpenGL Setting



Click on Multiplayer. You'll need to create a team before you can do anything, so click on Team and then Generate New Team and choose the type you want.

Generating a new team

Click no the done button at the very bottom right if you are happy with it. You'll return to the multiplayer menu

Click on Join and type {{ site.content.domain_name }} in the field for Connect to IP and click Connect.

Joining the UFO:AI server

You'll see a summary of the server. Click on Connect to connect.