extends CharacterBody2D const ROTATION = 0.05 # Get the gravity from the project settings to be synced with RigidBody nodes. var Bullet = preload("res://World/bullet.tscn") var thrust = 6.0 var gravity := Vector2.ZERO # Set by the authority, synchronized on spawn. @export var player := 1 : set(id): player = id # Give authority over the player input to the appropriate peer. $PlayerInput.set_multiplayer_authority(id) # Player synchronized input. @onready var input = $PlayerInput func _ready(): # Set the camera as current if we are this player. if player == multiplayer.get_unique_id(): $Camera2D.make_current() # Only process on server. # EDIT: Left the client simulate player movement too to compesate network latency. # set_physics_process(multiplayer.is_server()) gravity = 1000*$"../../Map/Options".gravity * Vector2.LEFT.rotated(deg_to_rad($"../../Map/Options".gravityangle)) func shoot(): # "Muzzle" is a Marker2D placed at the barrel of the gun. var b = Bullet.instantiate() b.start($"Muzzle main".global_position, rotation) get_tree().root.add_child(b) func _physics_process(delta): rotation += input.rotate # Add the gravity. velocity += gravity * delta if input.thrust: velocity += Vector2(thrust, 0).rotated(rotation) var collision = move_and_collide(velocity * delta) if collision: velocity = (1 - $"../../Map/Options".playerwallbouncebrakefactor) * velocity.bounce(collision.get_normal())